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Thread: 2mio XP a day? and Fast 3T/Tikki guides

  1. #1
    Glorious Graduate
    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    2mio XP a day? and Fast 3T/Tikki guides

    Achieving 2mio XP per day is not unrealistic if you are prepared to grind high XP advs that can be completed fairly quickly, over and again.

    To give an insight, I like to churn 1T, 3T, SLT, and ofc, Tikkis.

    I can easily grind:
    3T, tikki - approx 1.5 - 2hours for both.
    SLT, tikki - approx 2hours for both.

    Given that 3T+Pandas is worth ~420k xp, SLT+weddings is worth ~205k xp (I know you can't guarantee follow ups with SLT), and tikkis are ~120k xp, in a day of gameplay you can easily be approaching 2mio. Now add on all the LS pandas, and weddings, and 2mio is easily achievable.

    Of course - keep L6 Barracks AND Elite Barracks skunk'ed 24/7, and recruit guides come in handy from time to time

    Whilst doing this I buy every SLT or BLT LS I can get at normal price.

    The faster you can grind an adv, the faster you can gain the xp and loot and start another - time is my most crucial resource.

    With Tikkis - I ONLY do them them between advs, whilst waiting for TVGs to arrive home from the last adv. This means having 6 fast gens at home specifically for Tikkis.

    I use 3 MoDs, 2 BHGs and a LD, but if you have only 2 MoDs, you can use a BHG for the penultimate attack.

    Tikki settings I use:

    Of course - being able to grind something like a 3T is crucial to fast XP, so I have set out below how I do it. This is NOT intended as a guide to blindly follow, but more an idea of how using every gen you have, sometimes at the cost of slightly higher losses, with the minimum amount of wasted time on movement, you can complete advs in record times. You can adapt this methodology to other advs, like WoodCutter, and to an extent SLT, with minimal movement (this is a 1h15m adv, LSers dependant).

    * 1R Block is sent to L8 for interception by C24.

    There is also the option to use more gens to complete all attacks without buffs, but of course, we need more gens - it can be done, but I prefer the easy option of buff killing L9.

    Hopefully you will have an insight of how 14mio a week is not unrealistic, IF you have (most importantly) the time, the resources, the gens, and the pop required to keep high numbers of troops available. This method is not for everyone, and grinding the same adv over and again CAN get dull, but I do other advs too ;o)

    Oh, and don't forget your crystals for long-letter quests! And also at L70 you get to make approx 120k - 150k xp a week on Pathfinder and also get 5k Starcoins - perfect for all those buffs you need to buy from merchant.

    ... and before anyone points out you can't buy more than 1 ROA a day and only 1 Assassin every 2 days - they are 'giftable' if you are wiling to pay for them with gc

    Happy XP hunting... and please don't berate me for any mistakes in the above guide. I haven't had it proofed and you use at your own risk hehe
    Last edited by djnelson99; 06.02.17 at 08:03.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    intresting guide curious to see how much quicker the 2 new gens make it if any

  3. #3
    Committed Clicker
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    My island
    The new gens help reduce losses quite a bit, doesn't make things go quicker yet. Maybe after the science update it will.
    Thanks djnelson99 for the amazing guide, i've been using it for a while now - camps 1-22 and last few camps with evil-j guide to save troops.

  4. #4
    Thanks for the post! I worked out that you must be hitting 1-2 Mil xp per day to get to where you are now, looks like you'll actually get to lvl 75 soon. I guess you must be putting some serious hours in though, but I like the way you have planned it all out to make the most of your time.

  5. #5
    Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    Well - and what then when you get there ? What then will you do ?

    I can remember hitting 50 and not having anything more to do or look forward to. So must say - I am not in a hurry - would rater enjoy the ride than hit the fast road.
    If for some reason support feels the need to edit what I wrote, please delete entire post instead, dont put words into my mouth that I never said.

  6. #6
    Dedicated Scribe sparkz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Urd123 View Post
    Well - and what then when you get there ? What then will you do ?
    will expect new content to be added, same as every normal player in every normal game would.

  7. #7
    They'll increase the level cap to 100 and you'll need a Graham's Number of Xp points to get there lol!

  8. #8
    Glorious Graduate
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    It's the challenge. I just can't resist. I should be L75 August, all going well.

    CoA have changed things slightly - more in the running order than anything else, and troops saving, but very little on time, as still have the same number of camps to take down ;o)

    Good that someone found the guide useful - just adapt it to include the new gens, and make it a fluid document. Evil_J has some good setups to incorporate if you haven't already simmed for the new gens.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    some of the images of the guide are not loading?

  10. #10
    Community Manager
    Ruler of the Land BB_Saqui's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HFoC View Post
    some of the images of the guide are not loading?
    Nothing is amiss with the links, just that the host has deleted them I believe.

    Quote Originally Posted by djnelson99 View Post
    Good that someone found the guide useful
    Maybe djnelson99 can reupload them?

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