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Thread: Guild store

  1. #81
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  2. #82
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    Skilled Student Micwei's Avatar
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  6. #86
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    Post A Guild Vault

    A guild vault would be handy for all materials, Adventures etc. The guild leader then can allocate which guild members have access rights, Players donate automatically by paying a small percentage of the total produced or earned straight into the guild bank. And the contents of the guild bank are used to help lower levelled players.[/SIZE][/SIZE][/FONT]

  7. #87
      Dedicated Scribe
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    Last edited by MOD_Daz; 29.03.18 at 08:18.

  8. #88
    Skilled Student
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  9. #89
    Original Serf
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    Just so you dont forget BB!!! this is a MOST NEED for the game so get it fixed ASAP PLEASE !!

  10. #90
    Glorious Graduate
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    Aug 2015
    The day I hoped would never come when I first made a post about this in January has finally come. Our guild banker is moving on and I now need a new home for millions of resources, large quantities of buildings etc... a guild bank feature would have made this soooo much easier to manage.

    Fortunately I am lucky (hence the name) and the outgoing guild banker is leaving on good terms and not gone off in a huff taking all the stuff with them - but its still going to take days to transfer all the items across.

    Working on our own ideas for how to make this issue more manageable but its still a logistical nightmare nor is it a case of us hoarding stuff .. massive amounts of resources, buildings etc are given away each month through competitions, helping lower levels, simple give aways etc

    So ... BB ... pretty please .. a guild bank feature if you please!

    I wanted to try to attempt to revive this suggestion as in the past when I have looked at it I thought .. nah .. don't see the point. All that changed over the last couple of weeks though and I now feel that not only would a guild bank be desirable to the game .. but infact its essential.

    My guild has 100 members. We have a lot of high levels. Many of us are resource and buildings rich. Members regularly donate resources/buildings etc to the guild store to use as the officer team sees fit. Over the last year the guild has amassed a sizable collection of buildings to be used for competitions, lotteries etc .. at the latest count we have close to 400 buildings and millions of resources - and that doesnt count all that have already been given away. Currently all is logged by one officer and they look after it. It works fine. There isn't a problem. YET.

    If something were to happen with that one officer that prevented them being able to either access the game .. or they were to have a hissy fit and leave the guild all those resources would be lost. Thats too much responsibility for one member. Equally to spread it across different officers - would make administering it a logisitcal nightmare - who had what - etc.

    Take some examples ...

    1) If they died (sorry to be morbid) - noone else would be able to access their account - as we can't share that information with others (for understandable reasons) - anyone who did .. and logged in to it would flag up as having more than one account on the same ISP and as a result both accounts would be banned.

    2) If they left the guild - they could steal from all the rest of the members - not cool.

    3) If they got banned for something - that's BB punishing the whole guild membership - also not fair.

    If as has been suggested earlier in this thread the guild set up an extra account for officers to access to store stuff .. thats breaching the rules and all of them could be banned. Equally having one account in the guild as a guild mule even if it was allowed .. would have to remain inactive .. affecting GQ completion.

    This would mean the only method that could work would be to have a guild bank feature added to the game as there is in many other community based games. I have already spoken to other guild leaders on Northisle and on other servers and there seems to be strong support for this facility amongst large guilds in particular.

    It could be:-

    It has to be a special building such as the guild house, and could be upgraded to increase its storage capacity.
    All members to have the ability to deposit items in it.
    Guild leader could have amongst admin tasks the ability to set who can change guild bank settings - either just the guild leader to decide who can withdraw from it .. or officers too or even whole guild.
    Some resources could be set as free for all - anyone can take any amount (stone/planks) Some resources could be limited and locked unless a member has been allocated an amount to take. It might seem like a lot of work .. but compared to the admin already involved with one person having it all .. its not more effort at all. And with the admin tools and succession list already within guild tools the beginnings of a way to solve this issue already appear to be in game.

    So please BB reconsider this and how to attempt to incorporate some sort of solution to this potential problem.

    Stonewaller added

    As someone who holds a pile of buildings as well as several million resources on behalf of a guild I for one would be glad of some sort of system that made things 'safer' for everyone, and reduced the 'paperwork' keeping track of everything so I can differentiate between my own piles and the mountains belonging to the guild. A conservative estimate of the value of the buildings I hold for the guild is a little short of 9 million gold coins, this seems wrong on so many levels and cannot be sensible. It might be a self created problem but please note it was around 10 million at the end of the christmas event, so its not as if we hang onto things needlessly forever, we have a large turnover.

    If you are in a large successful guild running many guild events it is completely necessary to store stuff somewhere. You have to accumulate in advance, you cannot for example run a lottery with many prizes for many members if you do not have the prizes in advance. You cannot have bits and pieces held by x y and z. or suddenly go out and buy 10 advanced deerstalkers on trade.

    If you are in a guild with a large number of members covering many time zones and lots of high level players who like to help but prefer that help to be given out centrally so its fair on everyone you cannot really have bits and pieces stored here and there.

    Okay so perhaps this is a 'first world' problem it is possible to manage without, we manage, it isnt necessary, but sorry sparkz but it IS needed. Guilds are a big part of the game, trading is a big part of the game, building an economy is a big part of the game. Guilds are encouraged and some sort of structuring to help them function would be good ... It is about FAR FAR more than just protecting resources, and its not all about trust, I recently lost internet, a friend got suspended,real life jumps in when unexpected.

    Far too many eggs in one basket- maybe a problem of our own making, but BB Please help me before I am crushed by them all metaphorically if not physically.
    Last edited by luckydiddy; 25.06.18 at 23:58.

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