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Thread: FA on YWC losing only 137r

  1. #1
    Keen Commentor t00tie's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2015

    Cool FA on YWC losing only 137r

    FA on YWC losing only 137r

    I just discovered that I can do the final attack on Young Woodcutter losing only 137 recruits and no elite units thanks to some skills on my major general.

    MG with the skills
    3/3 Overrun
    3/3 Garrison Annex
    1/1 Master Planner

    This mg with 285mm has guaranteed 28,500 AD first strike.
    3/3 on Overrun reduces the Bandit Lords hp from 30k to 22,500. This means this mg 285mm will kill Bandit Lord plus up to 60 Stone Cannon with zero losses.

    To achieve this you just need enough attacks on the final leader camp to reduce it to Bandit Lord plus up to 60 Stone Cannon. I can safely (with a wide margin) do this as part of the block in coronas guide

    My setup is
    UPDATE See my reply further down for an even better setup

    2 normal blocking gens (see corona)
    nus 1r
    3x mma 1r
    2x drac 1r
    vargus 1r
    anslem 130r
    mg 285mm

    Anslem needs to be the last gen before mg because he isn't first strike. The other suicide gens can be sent/arrive in any order as long as anslem and mg follow them. You can place the gens almost anywhere behind where the first attack gens coronas guide start. This is where I put mine:

    (note, G1 and G2 are switched in the pic, those are just names, ignore them)

    You probably have different gens from me, you could do this with any choice of gens as long at you know that there are no more than 60 stone cannon helping the Bandit Lord when your mg gets there.

    You can also do this without having 285 units on mg and without Master Planner but you must have some books on Overrun. Solutions for your setup are left as an exercise for the students

    This block is very safe and you have plenty of time, you can probably sneak way more gens past if you feel the need or have 8 mmas. As a bonus you can brag about that 11 gen block you like using
    Last edited by t00tie; 31.05.17 at 14:45.
    t00t t00t
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  2. #2
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Sep 2016
    Nice work just out of curiosity. What are your total loss on woodcutter?

  3. #3
    Keen Commentor t00tie's Avatar
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    Aug 2015
    The one I just did (I keep forgetting to count) I lost 198ms 131r (after first aid revived some of them). I got 143kxp, about 4k more than without skills. Wiki does have a version with lower losses but it needs more gens than I have and looks like a lot of work. The version I do is mostly corona with some inspiration from evilj so thanks to both of them.
    t00t t00t
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  4. #4
    Skilled Student
    Join Date
    Nov 2015
    What is your setup for the first sector? I've followed Evil for a long time but now I switched to use this
    When I assign to Anselm 25MS, 140MM then my total losses on 1st sector are 21 MS

  5. #5
    Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Milky Way
    Using this set up of yours (I replaced the dracs with MMAs) My max possible losses are 138r 185MS, Tested losses were 138r 171MS. 5r and 11MS recovered by First aid leaving me to replace just 133r 160MS.
    When it comes to Gene pools and shallow ends they can be found at the bar drinking pina colada's

  6. #6
    Community Manager
    Ruler of the Land BB_Saqui's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    Thanks t00tie - this was very useful!

  7. #7
    Erudite Pioneer
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    Apr 2017
    if i understand this right will skills give more adv xp ?

  8. #8
    Battle Hardened Contributor
    Join Date
    Aug 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Qaw-Paw View Post
    if i understand this right will skills give more adv xp ?
    There is a skill that gives you more XP from adv yes.

  9. #9
    Erudite Pioneer
    Join Date
    Apr 2017
    sounds great indeed.

  10. #10
    Keen Commentor t00tie's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2015
    Based on recent discoveries here the 1r suicide generals that have at least one book in first aid should be changed from 1r to 1 mounted marksmen because the first aid skill makes the one unit sent with the general immortal. My updated setup therefore looks like this (remember to send enough mm to the adventure for this)

    nus 1mm
    3x mma 1mm
    2x drac 1r
    vargus 1mm
    anslem 83r
    mg 285mm

    I still don't have first aid on my dracs so no update there. This saves additional 47r on anslems attack plus 5r from the 1r gens upgraded to mm!

    Combat sim with this setup pre-loaded so you can tweak it to suit your needs, mma instead of dracs if you have them is an easy improvement.
    t00t t00t
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