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Thread: Building numbers for a good balance in early stages.

  1. #11
    Original Serf
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    South Africa
    Thanks for the comments and suggestions.
    I have edited the list as per Snowblizz's suggestions.
    I do wonder at the 4 gold smelters. I myself only use 2, and then rarely.
    Having 8 Iron smelters seems a tad overkill for me.

    As said before, your input is most helpful.
    Last edited by DreySA; 14.06.17 at 15:02.

  2. #12
    Community Manager
    Ruler of the Land BB_Saqui's Avatar
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    It's nice to see how a little bit of feedback - which is humbly accepted by the original poster of course - can improve an already good guide. Great work community!

  3. #13
    Battle Hardened Contributor
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    Quote Originally Posted by DreySA View Post
    Thanks for the comments and suggestions.
    I have edited the list as per Snowblizz's suggestions.
    I do wonder at the 4 gold smelters. I myself only use 2, and then rarely.
    Having 8 Iron smelters seems a tad overkill for me.

    As said before, your input is most helpful.
    Ah yes! I knew I was forgetting something. Yes 4 goldsmelters are overkill IMO. It's hard work having a profitable goldchain so I would (and did) only have 1 each and only run the buildings as needed for quests.
    Ofc my island and buildings were extremely lean and geared towards adventuring. Speaking of which I realise I'm propping up my chains with x2 buffs, so I'm slightly "underpowered" in the iron and steel chains (I was wondering why I had so few iron/steel smelters compared to your list).

    A lot depends on how intensly one plays adventures. I survived for quite a long time with only 1 each of the weapon buiödings except bronze swords as I rarely killed other troops thna recruits.
    Last edited by SnowBlizz; 14.06.17 at 17:47.

  4. #14
    Keen Commentor t00tie's Avatar
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    Nice list, here are the few things I disagree with or would just do differently:

    You have WAY too many foresters. With all at same level I have exactly twice as many cutters as foresters, that's 2:1 where you have 2:3. You only need more foresters if you consistently see red "!" over your cutters. This is because of how the game works, econ view is wrong here.

    For gold chain I only ever had one each of gold smelter and coinage. Depending on how you play there are other way better ways of getting gc, for me the easiest way is to sell ls. Gold mines are expensive and you often get more gc selling the buffs than you get from using them on gold chain, especially at lower lvl buildings. My gold chain is lvl 6 now and I only ever run it for quests. I run gold towers but only with 2x buffs or unbuffed. Gold mines are expensive.

    Mines: I always build all iron, copper and coal mines. I take all to lvl 3 and put a feast on. At lower lvl taking to lvl 2 and getting a friend to feast them is an alternative. Both options the mine runs out before the feast. Iron in all forms sells well if you need gc.

    Once you start doing Tailors you will need a LOT more bowmakers, worth thinking of when you get your first vlt quest (lvl 46?).

    No point in having many masons of any type if you can't send out geos often enough.

    Whether you buff everything or not should also potentially double/halve the number of feeder buildings (mines, smelters etc.).

    Upgrading: I never upgraded bottom up. Need more steel swords? Upgrade a steel weaponsmith or build another and upgrade it. Then panic and chase red arrows in econ view until it's sorted

    Building placement against a store is important too, I prefer high value stuff nearest a store but buildings with long cycle time don't need it as much.

    All that being said it all depends on your playing style, I typically adventure as much as possible and have crazy high weapon production compared to players who, um, collect decos or whatever it is they do here
    t00t t00t
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  5. #15
    Keen Commentor t00tie's Avatar
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    Other things relevant but unmentioned:

    There is a level 50 quest that needs you to have 200,000 storage, worth planning for.

    To do VLT, which you should as soon as you get cannons at lvl 48 (or earlier) about 4000 population is a decent goal. It can be done with less but losses on your first vlt, especially if you don't have lots of fancy generals, are easily 5-7k. You will want more and much more later.

    The best way to free up building licenses is to replace nobles with star nobles you buy (either for gems or in TO). Expensive but worth it.
    t00t t00t
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  6. #16
    Community Manager
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    Quote Originally Posted by t00tie View Post
    There is a level 50 quest that needs you to have 200,000 storage, worth planning for.
    Yep, this caught me out big time - good heads up!

  7. #17
    Very nice Post Drey. This will surely help guys getting a good working setup island to go into the bigger levels with. As you grow each can add or specialize as they wish.

    Thanx for taking the time to post this. will direct all newer guildies here...

  8. #18
    Skilled Student
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    nice work indeed - but missing one cruxial point entirely: its talking about buildings ... but what it should talk about is the sum of building-levels (and preferably aquired in as few actual buildings as possible!!!) - 1 building level 3 produces the same amount as 3 building level 1 ... but obviously using only a single building license to do it, and also only a single buff at a time to double production, and less space around your storehouses ... all in all: build tall, not wide!

  9. #19
    3 friaries or 6 breweries ratio is wrong. 1 friary has production equivalent of 4 breweries.

  10. #20
    Community Manager
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    Quote Originally Posted by Satyr1448 View Post
    all in all: build tall, not wide!
    This is certainly a good mantra to live by!

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