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Thread: Game freezes constant (Diagnostics)

  1. #1

    Game freezes constant (Diagnostics)

    EDIT: This has been closed due to a new game version having been deployed. Please redirect anymore reports to the new thread here.

    Since the last 2 updates on Chrome-the game freezes instant when Opening other tabs like guides or other pages like forum etc. Only solution to play again is to refresh all the time It doesn´t matter if I´m on home island or on adventures-instant freeze in less than seconds. Game have had a problem a long time with Chrome/flash,but since the last 2 updates Its been even worse.

    I´m using Win7 Home Premium 64 bit

    Chrome:Version 59.0.3071.115 (Officiel version) (64-bit)

    add ons: adblock and Net security (Norton 360 premier)

    I know I´m not the only one with game freeze problems,So please other players who struggle,join this thread and lets hope BB will make some fixes so we can play normal again Thanks for reading and supporting this problem

    Can players please list their System details as above so that Support have some information that may help to sort out what or where the issues are

    Thank you

    Last edited by BB_Saqui; 18.07.17 at 11:21.

  2. #2
    windows 10 64 bit
    chrome version Version 59.0.3071.115 (Official Build) (64-bit)
    addons - NONE, well maybe flash but the chrome://plugins has been disabled in the latest version of chrome

    game freezes if you even look in the wrong direction... I used to be able to play settlers and browse webpages such as the news/twitter etc... now this is impossible and so far today ive had to refresh 20+ times

    edit:changed to Firefox - imported all bookmarks etc... so I can access guides, works 100% fine, if this changes will edit this post again, but I have browsed numerous other sites in the same active browser and no issues as I see in chrome... Hope you fix this though as I am a chrome baby
    Last edited by mud4brains; 30.06.17 at 15:49. Reason: adding info

  3. #3
    Ruler of the Land Thejollyone's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    in absentia

    I've had issues with game since before this update, but I've reduced my gameplay to mostly half hour a day for the past week or so partly due to this... Just switching to a new tab for a few seconds can cause the freeze, it's just a waste of time trying to play longer.

    I'll probably have another bash this weekend, but if it continues, well... meh

    EDIT: The German Server is experiencing the same problem, so it's a game-wide problem

    WIN 10 64Bit
    Chrome Version 59.0.3071.115 (Official Build) (64-bit)

    But this issue was happening to me BEFORE this week's update as mentioned in the link above!
    Last edited by Thejollyone; 30.06.17 at 15:15.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    I am Facing same Problem from last maintenance. So, I agree with you minoreva. Hope BB fix this problem as soon as possible.

    My system is: Windows 7 Ultimate, 32 bit
    Chrome Version: Version 59.0.3071.115 (Official Build) (32-bit)
    No Adds-on or Plugin, only flash.. I used chrome only for TSO playing
    Last edited by Ani1991; 30.06.17 at 15:00.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2017

    Game freezing - only since last game update

    So before the last update (Tues??), I could play the game fine.
    However, since then, my game keeps freezing and becomes completely unresponsive - need to refresh the page to carry on playing.
    It's a bit of a strange one, so I wonder if anyone can throw any light on this please??
    The problem is only when I use Chrome.
    I log in using Chrome and can play fine .... until I open another tab. When I open another tab ( for example) and have a quick look around - when I go back, the game has just stopped. I don't encounter any error message, the game just freezes, nothing registers and I need to refresh the page if I want to continue.
    I tried logging in using Firefox and doing the same thing - no problem .... it doesn't crash.
    Now here's a strange one, I just tried opening Chrome in a separate window (not a tab) and the game doesn't freeze, I can navigate between the windows as I please; but as soon as I open up another tab in the same window as settlers, the game freezes .... what gives??
    I've tried deleting all my cookies, cached files, etc - nothing makes any difference.
    I've just been chatting in-game and apparently, I'm not the only one with this problem
    Anyone any ideas please??

    EDIT - I'm sure this thread wasn't here when I started typing - thanks for moving it here, to keep everything in one place
    Last edited by Dutyman; 30.06.17 at 15:34. Reason: Merged

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2017
    I must have been typing whilst this was posted - I'm sure this thread wasn't here when I posted mine lol.
    Anyway, same problem for me.

    Windows 10 64 bit
    Chrome Version 59.0.3071.115 (Official Build) (64-bit)

    One thing I have noticed, try opening the game with Chrome, then open up a separate Chrome window (not tab).
    Keep the game in its own window and open up other tabs in the other window. I've found that I can leave the game and view the other tabs in the other window and come back to the game and it doesn't freeze. I know it doesn't fix things, but it helps me keep playing whilst hopefully things are sorted out

    EDIT - I spoke to soon - just went back to the game and it's crashed lol. It doesn't seem to crash as often though .....
    Last edited by Dutyman; 30.06.17 at 15:15.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    I am running Win 7 Ultimate, 64 bit, so running on Waterfox
    Chrome:Version 59.0.3071.115 (Officiel version) (64-bit)
    Plugin is flash, latest version.
    I also have Malwarebytes (free version)
    My issues are game and typing in chat freezes.
    If game freezes I need to reload (refresh) Then, when my curser is flashing in global, help, trade or guild, and I try and type, nothing appears. So again, I have to reload (refresh the game)
    This appears to be since the last maintenance, and I'm glad that it's not only me.
    Last edited by JohnyEng_03; 30.06.17 at 15:14. Reason: added a word.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    When I switch tabs in chrome the game will re-fresh, tho sometimes it freezes instead.
    Version 59.0.3071.115 (Official Build) (64-bit) w/Adblock plus
    Windows 10 OS ( erm I got the free download, no idea what versions are...)
    my antivirus is AVG, tho I want to switch to avast asap !

    EDIT: yep, tabbing out to type this reply has caused another freeze...
    Last edited by garbled; 30.06.17 at 15:28.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Same problem here. It is driving me crazy. rebooted my pc and reinstalled chrome and so on

    Windows 10 64 bit
    Chrome Version 59.0.3071.115 (Official Build) (64-bit)

  10. #10
    Glorious Graduate
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    same problem as above when I switch tabs in chrome the game will re-fresh, tho sometimes it freezes instead.

    windows 10 64 bit
    chrome Version 59.0.3071.115 (Official Build) (64-bit)

    I too have checked everything but can find nothing wrong
    Last edited by amazola; 30.06.17 at 16:23.

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