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Thread: [Feedback] Black Knights Event

  1. #231
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by TheVictorious View Post
    From my side, BB don't owe us any apology, actually some players owe apology being rude to BB, BB tried and did some work, mistakes happens, more work you do, more mistakes you make, do nothing, means no mistakes, the event supposed to be fun, but it was just not really fun because of level range and color scheme, otherwise was mostly OK.

    We owe a thanks to BB because they listen to us.
    I think you have no idea what you are talking about. We will just end up quiting the game. After all BB is running a business and we are their customers.....unsatisfied customers

  2. #232
    Raving Rabbid Mortallicus's Avatar
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    Feb 2012
    I think the following:-

    1. It should have been a complete surprise. The hype has now made me feel disappointed and annoyed because in turn I duped my guild.
    2. It should have been for 2.5 days to allow a few extra hours for players to understand the joke and that it was one.
    3. MoDs/BB should have been at the ready to explain the benefits of the Event in Global 1 and Help as soon as moans began. Calming and saying give it time at least.
    4. The colour scheme should have remained unchanged Just the Mayor's House predominately black as if it had been taken over. Perhaps a large Black and White Garrison adjoined to the Archy.
    5. The Black Knights roaming were great
    6. The extra building drops on BK were also a great idea.

    In my guild we would have had a BK fest making it a guild game with prizes. We would also have ensured lootspots were given to all that could not actually do the adventure or found it expensive. In fact we started the latter just prior to the notice that it was going to be pulled.

    I do not think BB owe an apology we all make mistakes but a joke will always have those that laugh and those that take umbrage and they should have planned for that.

    Personally i have not seen any players rude but i have seen them angry and that is purely because many of us love the events and they are the things that keep us within the game , we plan for them and help others to do so. Some will have taken a day off yesterday, or re-planned their day. Spent gems. Bought BKs

    One of the funniest moments yesterday was in trade when a player offered two BK lootspots at a lower price than usual because of the unpopular colour

  3. #233
    Ruler of the Land TheVictorious's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KOHo View Post
    Yes, they do.Cuz they don`t do it for free and alot of people here pays to play their game...
    They choose to pay, if you mean because of premium time? it is already not passed 5 hours, is it really worth? and if yes, they got compensation like what I'm pointing here. if you mean black box, it is a gamble that people choose to do, they were trying to get WT , BC and DC and they got, who has gems to pay got a lot of WT and those special building, if you not paid anything, where is the money you lost?

    Quote Originally Posted by Drisie View Post
    I think you have no idea what you are talking about. We will just end up quiting the game. After all BB is running a business and we are their customers.....unsatisfied customers
    It is people over-reaction against BB, if you look to positive points, event was getting a lot of expensive WT, and HBC! the event issues was level range, people bored from BK and the most worst point the monochrome theme, if you look to another things, it was really good, even the joke was good if was without those balck and white things.

    I know what I'm talking about, it is not really worth of quitting game because of this, I can't see any reason for it, the event not last more than 5 hours (11:00 - 15:30) and BB listened to us, the event was so short, and yes I got upset and so frustrated, but really was not thinking about quit because of this, who is deciding it, he was think about this before event, he just want to find reason, people quit because of another things like long time with no event and they forget game more than people quit because an event!

    Even new content and features like level 75 make people quit more than this.

    If you think about people who was offline, then why they mad? if you talking about online people, they got compensation already, the chance about getting WT, HBC and DC, a lot of people already got them.

    It is just bad event, and BB got their action before it is really become worst.

    If you are talking about apologize, I think if BB did, are you ready to give apology to BB as well? I really got sick from the rude language of some players did.
    Personally I was really upset, I gave my feedback, but still appreciate what BB trying to do, they tried, they made mistake, so what!?
    Hello People

  4. #234
    Ruler of the Land TheVictorious's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mortallicus View Post

    Personally i have not seen any players rude but i have seen them angry and that is purely because many of us love the events and they are the things that keep us within the game , we plan for them and help others to do so. Some will have taken a day off yesterday, or re-planned their day. Spent gems. Bought BKs
    Sadly I saw a lot of these kind, specially on global channel, they waned to watch their language many times.
    Hello People

  5. #235
    Join Date
    May 2016
    In A House
    It was 48 hour event and something different, this isn't a "play for a week game", get over it and move on, events don't have to please everyone peeps Complain if something changes and complain when things don't. .... Now likely have to wait 3 months until Halloween before anything different happens. Personally i think its more likely people will leave the game because of lack of events and anything happening... true could have been better managed/explained (and timed april fools only a few months late) but something is better than nothing. home island was solved with winter paint I do sympathise with people that have vision issues so maybe a cancel option for B&W could have been used.but event was great opportunity to get some good buildings and open up stuff on the to...... bb tried something an got smashed... now we risk monotony of nothing new.......
    Last edited by Pumpoi; 25.07.17 at 15:42.

  6. #236
    Nifty OleGit's Avatar
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    Great opportunity to get new buildings?

    Can't say I noticed, but if that is the case BB are guilty of double idiocy. Having hyped-up for several weeks a totally garbage event, they then told us it was an April Fool (go figure). At which point I presume most sane people, many of whom might have taken a day off work especially, went off to play tennis or do the shopping. Why on Earth would anyone do BK after BK long enough to discover an increased drop-rate of buildings if they had already been told they were fools for doing the first one?

    I'm also equally annoyed that they appear to have offered everyone a non-existent event reward which has not been forthcoming. I now presume they meant, 'finish your BK by 3.30 if you want to qualify for the increased drop-rate'.

    BB need to learn to understand what makes a joke and learn to speak English properly.

  7. #237
    Original Serf
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    Jun 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by OleGit View Post

    Great opportunity to get new buildings?

    Can't say I noticed, but if that is the case BB are guilty of double idiocy. Having hyped-up for several weeks a totally garbage event, they then told us it was an April Fool (go figure). At which point I presume most sane people, many of whom might have taken a day off work especially, went off to play tennis or do the shopping. Why on Earth would anyone do BK after BK long enough to discover an increased drop-rate of buildings if they had already been told they were fools for doing the first one?

    I'm also equally annoyed that they appear to have offered everyone a non-existent event reward which has not been forthcoming. I now presume they meant, 'finish your BK by 3.30 if you want to qualify for the increased drop-rate'.

    BB need to learn to understand what makes a joke and learn to speak English properly.
    i love to hear the voice of Harold Steptoe - you dirty 'ol man

    I for one loved the event as I was one of the lucky ones to win a Bone Church
    Let's hope BB bring this mini event back re-worked

  8. #238
    Join Date
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    Copenhagen, Denmark
    Quote Originally Posted by OleGit View Post
    I'm also equally annoyed that they appear to have offered everyone a non-existent event reward which has not been forthcoming. I now presume they meant, 'finish your BK by 3.30 if you want to qualify for the increased drop-rate'.
    Well, we were quite a bunch of ppl in my guild playing the bk's for the few hours before "event" ended. One player got a building, the rest of us didnt. We are still waiting for the "bonus". A few guilders has written to support, and got the answer that they were supposed to complete a bk before event ended to get the bonus (Which they actually did). We all completed a lot of bk's before event ended, apparently BB have no clue who completed or they just dont want to give out the "bonus".
    I'm usually a happy customer and dont mind putting a lot of money into a Free to Play game, which ive done here too. I'm not gonna complain over the event, games are a lot of code and code can break or do stuff its not supposed to do, but when im promised something, in this case on the front page, i expect to recieve it and not just get the middle finger.

  9. #239
    Quote Originally Posted by FjolleM View Post
    Well, we were quite a bunch of ppl in my guild playing the bk's for the few hours before "event" ended. One player got a building, the rest of us didnt. We are still waiting for the "bonus". A few guilders has written to support, and got the answer that they were supposed to complete a bk before event ended to get the bonus (Which they actually did). We all completed a lot of bk's before event ended, apparently BB have no clue who completed or they just dont want to give out the "bonus".
    The bonus (as was hinted at in the event discription) was an increased chance for additional buildings.

  10. #240
    Committed Clicker LordBosse's Avatar
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    Dec 2011
    I was actually prepared to do a few BK's to see if there were some special loots in it, but the black and white colour scheme made me insta cancel it. So pretty please with a cherry on top refrain from using extreme colour schemes when improving the BK mini event or other mini events/real events you plan on doing in the future.

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