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Thread: [Feedback] Black Knights Event

  1. #171
    Ruler of the Land Thejollyone's Avatar
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    in absentia
    Make sure to finish “The Black Knights” adventure before 9:30 am EDT to get the event bonus. I presumed this to be a nice little extra for those who actually bothered with the event; I was expecting a purple duck or something to plant in my lake

  2. #172
    Skilled Student
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    Aarhus, Denmark
    But now that it's over and done with, let's give BB some suggestions and ideas for celebrating other awesome content in TSO:

    I feel strongly that we are lacking an event for celebrating these 2 absolutely essential and hard-to-miss items:

    The Cheesesandwich

    The Horseman Statue

    It is long overdue, that we get the opportunity to celebrate and show our love for these rare and essential items in TSO

  3. #173
    Ruler of the Land TheVictorious's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lulu10093 View Post
    OK my thoughts on the short event

    Hated the black as white soon as i was told how to get it off using winter paint on my island did that
    When i heard the adventures were all black and white as well i didnt do one on purpose.

    loved the idea of the extra loot possible in BK could have got if i did want to do them with chance of the bone church or witch tower, it reminded me of the 3x loot in HB at easter type thing so think thats a good thing maybe if do things like that in adventures but please dont mess with the colours as it can make it harder and put some people off.

    dont quite get the whole ducks thing and fake things in merchant (why do that it just confuses people) but loved the boxes i got some and from that got a few bk addys lol a few of the 2 types buffs lol but alos got 1 bone church 1 dc and 2 wt so was happy with that.

    if maybe there had been a buff can get say to make addy maps normal like winter paint worked on my island i may have been more inclined to do bks to try get teh loots that way, i dunno say maybe the fairy star things if they had worked type thing or someting we coudl made in PH cheaply to get them for spamming BK addys
    although in normal events im one of those that will purposly try do any other addy over bk in events as know they normaly get hammered

    BUT to start a BK you have to be lv40 ish which is unfair on lower levels unless they can get ls in it off someone if want to do it for all levels it would have to be a realy easy adventure ike i dunno HB again maybe like easter or wots or i dunno sftr or something also would have to be easly accessable in chest for MF for lower levels

    as my feeling if you lower level odds are you not gonna have many spare gems/gc to buy ls or the gem stuff in chest to try get it that way so would be relying on other players geneorisity which again yes there are alot players that will do that but even when i was looking to see if i could buy in some winter paint things to give to my guildies if they wanted to use it people were asking stupid amount gc for them in TO ranging from 4.5-7,5k gc each. but i had forgot about sandman powder and anice person sent me 10 so i had them to hand out if i needed to guildies

    so main negatives didnt last long and hate the black/white colour scheme also could leave out lower levels
    positives loved the fact could win buildings dont normaly in bk loots if i could been bothered to do a addy but the black/white put me off from doing that. loved the boxes even thogh now i have some buffs to make things black and white i wont be using like the little men in armour running around my island lol but now have some nice pop buildings as well at resonable cost i thought
    Hello People

  4. #174
    Forum Explorer
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    Thanks BB for listening to your players.

    Those who think , the people here had something to do with the quick end of this event, should have a look at german forum, they where close to 80 pages of complaints when they decided to stop the event. And all though these pages here might have helped to get the message thru...we all know its the germans who decide...

    Lessons to be learned from this:

    1) Always give an opt in/opt out possibility. (as you usual have on normal events where accepting the quest to reach a certain level will start the eventquests)
    2) Never ever mess with the colorsscheme's or the lightning on homeisland!
    3) Stop trying to suprise never works out.....
    4) Dont make things bigger then they are.... ( Today the most wonderful, excellent and best event of all times started....really? How do you guys now think about this openingsentence for this event?)
    5) Those that do like an event should let their opinion be heared too. Today we had 15 pages of complaints with just 1 person who said he liked the event, all other's simply disliked (or even hated) it.

  5. #175
    Quartermaster FishSmell's Avatar
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    LOL so an event started after I went to work and ended before I got home to actually play with it.

    I think the idea of giving an adventure extra loot for a short time, like a day or two is a good one. Especially with adventures no one does because the loot/XP isn't worth the losses. Would be nice to have this as a semi-regular thing, especially between events. Just maybe don't call it an "event"? People might expect more and get disappointed.

  6. #176
      Treasure Hunter
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    Jan 2016
    "The “Black Knights” mini event was supposed to be a fun event for all players"

    Firstly, only players level 42 and over could take part. Secondly, all of a sudden they are calling it a mini event.

    The extra loot was not explained well enough to have anyone interested. There was nothing really to do in this "event" other than spend gems and do the BK adventure. Even though it has been said lots of times, the black and white islands were a major fail.

    I like the idea that they are trying to come up with extra content outside of the seasonal events, but having said that I think there should of been a full summer event this year and a lot of people were under the impression that this BK event was just that. So you can imagine the disappointment when this 2 day waste of time and effort was put on. (Yes folks it defo needs re-working). If they were to do this over the Christmas period they would have a riot and a mass exodus on their hands.

    Personally I was ready to spend some money on this event and was geared up to get involved. Luckly, I waited for it to go live before I did. Saved myself some cash, not the best way to run a business IMO.
    I do feel like that they owe me an event, sounds petty I know but thats how I feel about it. Other than having football as a theme they could work on a summer holiday concept, i.e collecting beach balls from adventures and such like and build up with summer and sunshine.

    I hope they do keep working on these mini events as they could be really fun if worked out right, just please don't replace them for the seasonal month long events and then call it a good job

    Just my 2 pence worth.
    Last edited by PELIAS; 24.07.17 at 15:32.

  7. #177
    Glorious Graduate
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    May 2017
    Personally, I'm sorry the event was cancelled so soon. Living in Canada, I had barely gotten up this morning when it was cancelled. I had time to do just one very fast BK. I didn't mind the black and white on the home island, but it did make it hard to see generals on an adventure. Other than that, I like the idea of a mini-event where a particular adventure may drop special loot. Unfortunately some people had built up this event in their minds to where they were expecting a full-fledged event like the Halloween, Christmas or Easter events, and there was disappointment when they learned otherwise. I hope something similar to this event might be tried again, but without the monochrome adventures please.

  8. #178
    Join Date
    Apr 2016
    I bought mysterious Black Box. 4 Accolade was in it. Now what can be done. Can I get the gems?

  9. #179
    Master of Strategy Kit_'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joskabirodalom View Post
    I bought mysterious Black Box. 4 Accolade was in it. Now what can be done. Can I get the gems?
    the items you could win were listed, you took the gamble, you don't get the gems back

  10. #180
    Ruler of the Land Thejollyone's Avatar
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    Accolade still works, but the buff is not tradeable. Ive just used one on my island and I have knights walking around instead of animals

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