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Thread: VLT losing 74 recruits slowly

  1. #1
    Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Feb 2013

    VLT losing 74 recruits slowly

    My son, thehopefulone, cannot validate his email so asked me to pop this on the forum for him. Following a discussion on Northilse g1 chat he took up the challenge of doing VLT using lots of 1r suicdes. He used 1 manuscript using first aid on all of his suicide generals so that, other than on the bosses, he effectively lost zero troops and on every leader saved 3% of what he sent. While doing this exercise he was still doing lootspots which is why sometimes an mma is missing. What is left in a camp on his figures is what he got in practise and may differ slightly if you have a go but, obviously, the final attacks will stay the same. The losses per sector are based on the one first aid manuscript on the attacking general.

    Do check using a combat simulator if you decide to give it a go as it has only been done once and typos do happen.


    Camp 1: 100 boar/30 fox (Once down to 22 boar MG with 270c loses zero)
    6mma + 3coa then 2mma + nus left 18 boar so MG + 270C

    Camp 2: 120 wolf (Once down to 58 wolf Nus + 165C loses zero)
    2 drac/4mma left 52 wolf so Nus/165c or mg/270c loses zero

    Camp 3: 130 boar/30 wolf (Down to 22 boar MG + 270C loses zero)
    Ans + varg left 123 boar/5 wolf then 6mma/2 drac/3coa left 57 boar then 4mma/nus/varg left <22 boar so
    mg + 270c lost zero

    Camp 4: 90 wolf/90 fox (Once down to 58 wolf, Nus + 165c loses zero
    2mma/2drac/ans then 6mma/2drac then nus 165c

    Camp 5: 120boar/30fox (Once down to 22 boar MG + 270C loses zero
    3 coa (92 boar)then 6mma/3 coa (21 boar) so MG + 270C for zero

    Camp 6 (Leader 1): 80 boar/60 fox/2 giants (Down to 2 giants+ 4 boar = Ans 52r/1e/97k
    2 drac + 6mma + 3coa//2 drac + 3mma left 4 boar/2giants Ans 52r/1e/97k lose 37r


    Camp 1: 170 boar (Down to 22 boar = MG + 270C for zero)
    3mma/2drac/3 coa (114boar) then 6mma/2drac/3coa (37 boar) then Nus (22 boar) then MG + 270C for zero

    Camp 2: 90 boar/60 wolf (Again 22 boar target)
    6mma/2 drac/ans/varg (55 boar) then 4mma/nus (21 boar) then MG + 270C for zero)

    Camp 3: 180 boar (Again 22 boar target)
    2mma/ans/varg/2drac (137 boar) then 6mma/2drac/3 coa (67 boar) then 6mma/2 drac/nus (22 boar) then MG+270C for zero

    Camp 4: 100boar/60 fox (Another 22 boar one)
    mma/2drac/varg then 6mma/2drac/3coa then mma/drac left 22 boar then MG+270C for zero

    Camp 5 (Leader 2): 50 boar/80 wolf/60 fox/1unicorn (Once down to unicorn MG/20r/1e/179xb/70k)
    1 drac/4mma/3 coa then mma/nus/ans/varg leaves unicorn then MG/20r/1e/179xb/70k

    SECTOR 3: LOSE 14R

    Camp 1: 60wolf/140fox (Down to 58 wolf: Nus + 165 C for zero)
    5mma/2drac then 4mma left 48 wolf, then nus + 165c for zero)

    Camp 2: 40 bear/60 wolf (Down to 17 bear: Nus + 165C for zero)
    2mma/2drac/3coa left 15 bear then Nus + 165C for zero

    Camp 3: 50 bear/80 wolf (Again 17bear target)
    Nus/Ans/6mma/Varg/2 drac then 1 mma left 17 bear then Nus + 165C for zero

    Camp 4: 160 fox (Down to 11 fox Ans + 150 ELITE for zero)
    6mma/2drac/Nus then Ans + 150E

    Camp 5: 190 wolf (Down to 58 wolf target)
    3coa then ans left 45 wolf then MG + 270C for zero and saves nus for next camp

    Camp 6 (Leader 3): 50 bear/69wolf/80fox/1 furious boar
    6mma/2drac/3coa then Nus/5 mma/2 drac/ans/varg left Furious then MG + 20r/1e/197xb/70k


    Camp 1: 80 royal rec/60 royal bow
    1mma (rest dead) then nus/6mma/2drac/ans/varg then nus/varg left 16 royal rec then MG + 270C for zero

    Camp 2: 50 royal militia/60 royal longbows (Down to 16militia Nus/165C or MG/270c for zero)
    6mma/2drac/ans then 3 coa/mma/drac left 14militia then MG + 270C for zero

    Camp 3: 60 royal militia/30 royal cannons (Down to 7m/30k Nus 100E/65xb for zero)
    5mma/2drac then 5 mma/2drac/ans/varg then Nus 100e/65xb for zero

    Camp 4: 120 royal longbow (39longbow nus + 1r/1e/163 lose max 1r as per suicide anyway)
    1mma/nus then 4 mma/ans left 38longbow then 1r/1e/163c lost zero

    Camp 5: 170 royal recruits (20recs nus + 1r/164c for max 1r as per suicide)
    Ans/nus/2 drac/1 mma then 5 mma/2drac/3 coa then 1 mma/1 drac left 20 recruits then Nus + 1r/164c lost zero)

    Camp 6: 150 royal bows/30 royal cavalry (15c = ans/1r/149e max 1r; 11c ans/150E for zero
    5mma/1 drac/nus/varg then 3 mma left 9 cavalry so then Ans + 150E for zero

    Camp 7: 30 Royal militia/80 royal longbow/40 royal cavalry
    3mma/2drac/3 coa then 6mma/and left 15 royal militia then Nusala 165C for zero

    Camp 8 (Leader 4): 60 royal militia/80 royal longbow/40 royal cavalry/1 king
    2 drac/varg/nus then 6mma/2 drac/3coa then 5mma/3coa left king then nus+15r/1e/149K …job done

    Last edited by lordloocan; 21.07.17 at 19:49.

  2. #2
    Erudite Pioneer
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    It's better to use 1c on camps with first strike units in them and 1xb on camps without. Takes out an extra troop once in a while.

  3. #3
    Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by MorellaCarter View Post
    It's better to use 1c on camps with first strike units in them and 1xb on camps without. Takes out an extra troop once in a while.
    I'll let him know. He is working on the other FT's now so might be a help.

  4. #4
    Forum Explorer
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    1 cannoneer instead of 1R on camps without first attack may also help a little

  5. #5
    Erudite Pioneer
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by halv12 View Post
    1 cannoneer instead of 1R on camps without first attack may also help a little
    But only if there are only last strike units in the camp seeing as cannoneers are last strike.

  6. #6
    Guide of the Month Ruler of the Land Nogbad's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Darkest Dorset
    OK, thought I'd revisit this with so many suicide gens available.
    (7 MMAs, 3 Champs, 3 Dracs, 3 MoDs and Mary, with an MG, Vet and 2 Taverns along for the ride).

    Took 7 days and 1 hour to complete, most days were 2 visits.

    Total losses, 63 Recruits and in a sad accident, 36 horses.
    All the above by OP were fine except Camp 4.2
    There I left 16 Royal Militia and attacked with MG + 270 Cavalry.
    The "accident" was that 2 Militia survived and murdered 36 horsies.
    So that camp, get it down to 14 Royal Militia before going for the first strike kill.
    We love our new CM.

    Newfoundland: 20th November 2011 to 25th November 2014. RIP
    It was good while it lasted.

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