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Thread: [Feedback] Crisis Quest - The Bandit's Counterattack

  1. #101
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Stockholm, Sweden
    Very nice and fun event. I was lucky with last quests, but I am however very saddened by all my guild mates who failed due to pure bad luck. It would have been much better with a final quest that you actually could affect with buffs, resources and/or trades.

  2. #102
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    we all worked so very hard good crisis event but the last part prolonged serch,s was so diaappointing for those who never got what was needed, our hearts go out to them it is so sad

  3. #103
    Glorious Graduate
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Very good, correct difficulty so that you had to work hard for it without using gems.
    Also that you had to work if you wanted the unique building.
    I think it was well thought out, even the shot blaster was a good touch for those with no building room left and the added bonus of the recycler.

    lvl 51 btw

  4. #104
    Skilled Student
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    OK. Here is my feedback.

    I will start from phase #4, stage #4.
    Getting platinum ore from a prolonged search was always a piece of cake. I have 21 explorers. NONE of them found the ore after the first round. After I paid gems, about 120-150 gems I received exactly what I needed, That led me to the conclusion that you are cheating us.
    And another remark about stage 4 that I would like to make – "killing" bandits with buffs is not a good idea. I appreciate killing enemies in the regular way by sending troops to their camps. Otherwise, it is a different game. It is "Farmville".

    Stage #3. Training too many advanced units that I might not be able to use was a total waste of my resources and time. I suggest you either to trash this idea or to reconsider it for the future occasions. You made me unhappy owner of 250 cannoneers,325 elite soldiers, 575 crossbowmen. At level 57, I am playing different kind of adventures. Most of them do NOT require hordes of crossbowmen and elite soldiers.

    Also about Stage #3, about killing the enemy camp.
    First, I want to say something before I can go ahead and really comment on it. Loot of 50 bronze swords was not funny at all. I found it disrespectful. After killing more than a thousand enemy units I deserved a better one.

    In the camp, I had 500 Scavengers, 250 Thug, 300 Guard Dogs, 150 Roughneck, 250 Stone thrower and 150 rangers

    It was obvious to kill dogs first.
    MMA: 210C (500 Scavengers, 250 Thug, 150 Roughneck, 250 Stone thrower and 150 rangers)
    Actually left: 500 Scavengers, 250 Thug, 150 Roughneck, 239 Stone thrower and 150 rangers

    For the second wave, some other players did not mind to switch to Major and attack with regular troops. I sent militia and I've done a little bit better.
    Major: 270M (297 Scavengers, 250 Thug, 150 Roughneck, 250 Stone thrower and 150 rangers)
    Actually left: 269 Scavengers, 250 Thug, 150 Roughneck, 250 Stone thrower and 150 rangers

    Then, I noticed that elite units can save me time. I sent two waves with MMAs.
    MMA 220 MSw (30 Scavengers, 250 Thug, 150 Roughneck, 160 Stone thrower and 150 rangers)
    Actually left: 239 Thug, 150 Roughneck, 71 Stone thrower and 150 rangers

    MMA 220 MSw (68 Thug, 150 Roughneck, 25 Stone thrower and 150 rangers) – 7 rounds
    Actually left: 89 Roughneck
    The second attack was a game changer and I finished with Major.

    Major 99S + 1E +111C + 59K [69-81S]
    Actual losses: 23S

    Stages ##1 & 2 do not deserve detailed comments.
    I went to a store and bought 10 licenses, built ten breweries and in few hours I've got my 7,500 beers. Then, I kept destroying breweries gradually getting extra buildings that I needed the most. Guides were very helpful. However, I relied on a strong economy, which was a key to completion stages ##1 &2, rather than them. For instance, 3 lvl 3 mahogany sawmills produced 500 planks for few hours.

    All the best!
    Last edited by mesentsev; 25.09.17 at 12:54. Reason: minor correction

  5. #105
    Erudite Pioneer
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    North wales
    An enjoyable event and one that took some thought and planning... spoilt by the randomness of stage 4. Luck is a part of this game, I once went almost 50 VLT without an SLT dropping hey ho... I've just had 7 ToW from 3rd Thief in a row. Random... but there is no time limit if I plug away I expect I'll get an An Arabian Palace one day. To have a time restricted quest reliant on the luck of a drop seems so wrong, we've been there at Easter and thought BB had learned. At the start we just had to carry out x searches... didn't matter if they failed, sensible idea, all about timing and planning who to send where.

    Okay so if you have loads of resources and buildings and experts some part are easier for you than for others... I accept its not supposed to be easy. Its a crisis, I dont want to just click a button and receive all the goods at the end tyvm. These things should be challenging and with planning thought and friends all things are possible... except the result of random drops. Someone will have a bad run, someone could speed searches with gems and have a worse run. Why should players in an 'event' of this nature just miss out because of luck? Of course they could (and should) as a last resort just gem the last stage, but should they really miss out compared to others just because they are unlucky. It is great that BB give so much stuff away at these events, but it needs to be more equitable.

    On a personal note....It is frustrating to sit by and watch friends working hard but failing, I would suggest it is even worse when you are level 66+. Essentially up there in the clouds you should manage to get everything done anyway because you have a big developed economy gazillions of resources and experts, and then all you have to do is one very long adventure search at the end, whilst those clawing their way up the ladder behind you have been sending out endless treasure searches for 2 days. I for one am having a slight guilt complex as in the end it was all too easy despite the early struggles.

    On a sillier note....The rich get richer... maybe I deserve it because I've worked hard to get here, or is it just unfair on those yet to reach these heady heights? As I say this I dread what will happen to even things out at at the next crisis... following all these comments will BB scrap the search and find aspect... or will they make things fairer by asking higher levels to find 20 YWC from adventure searches so that everyone is equally fed up...aaaaaaaaargh... (and told they cant discuss it in global chat because it is 'moaning' and not constructive...)

    Phew glad to get that off my chest.
    Last edited by stonewaller; 25.09.17 at 12:38.

  6. #106
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Well done Stone especially the last bit about the Global issue.

  7. #107
    Community Manager
    Ruler of the Land BB_Saqui's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    Thanks for all the feedback so far guys - been really extensive!

  8. #108
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Mar 2016
    BB I have a problem, help pls ?! ... :/

    "Searching" tasks should be at the beginning or at the middle part of the Event... look now, my final stage and I missing 20 platinum ore, incredible ... I spent Gems to buy Building licences :/

    Will get my chance in 3h or maybe 9,5h from now (18h left) :

    Last edited by Davor11; 25.09.17 at 14:52.

  9. #109
    Quartermaster Fanfas's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Adding to future crisis events... i'de like to say that if the quests are a bit different depending on levels, why is that at level 65 you are making me train cannonners, elites soldiers and Xbowmen that i have plenty already and 2 times nonetheless, i now have to kill them somewhere... next time why not make level 60+ make Elite Troops instead?

    The prolonged search part was a bit of a curve ball to be the last stage. The quest was long, even with many buffs it was tight to complete and the random nature of drops might be a bad thing for some players. why not just make us do the search like the adventure one, or at least make it a earllier stage thing.

    But overall like many said this one seem to have had some thought involved and i LIKED it a LOT. I was VERY happy with the bomb crew for mountains reward... Almost as happy as with the pop building... almost

  10. #110
    Wordsmith Larili's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Well the crisis has been averted, did it with hours to spare, so have to say a big thank you to the devs for a `worthy' crisis. Whilst I agree with some of the complaints especially on the stage four and that `random' issue again. I can't help but come to the defence of the devs thinking, at least in practice rather than principle of the setting of this quest. The amount of platinum ore many get from the prolonged searches isn't exactly rare, yes it still random, but come on it has been mentioned more than once on the forum as being a little too generous in the drop rate. Squeezing it in at the end is more of a concern, as if it wasn't for those passing information on through the player base and forum. You could well end up with the situation of not having enough time for the multiple searches required to negate the randomness and luck element of this request. The whole point of the crisis quest is, as players we don't know what's coming ( No test server ), and this is great, but this type of quest part needs to be considered in that context.
    As for the building of excess expensive troops, its a crisis quest ! The whole principle has always been to make players do things they would not normally do, be it seen as a resource sink or pointless exercise to test the economy beyond normal `efficiency' game play. For many years I have kept what I consider to be just the right number of `expensive' troops for my adventuring. Losing the odd few here and there due to errors of one kind or another being the only time I make more ( although the island infrastructure is maintained to do so efficiently ) At first it did go against the grain having to make more and upset those numbers, and I wished BB had just asked for the resources...however in the spirit of the crisis I took the plunge and made all what was asked. In truth I'm not happy looking at the numbers but it has opened up something else just for a bit of fun....How to kill off the excess expensive troops now they are made and trying new combinations on camps I would not have previously tried to see how things turn out ( With the general skill tree my partly skilled Nusala and a few added crossbow men is actually kicking a lot more butt....might not be the most efficient when looking closely at cost of production, but as surplus to requirement that's not really the issue at the moment so I am enjoying it while it lasts, and making notes )
    An overall well done BB Devs, you came back strong after the disaster of the BK event.
    ps. For those still concerned about Wilbur, I stepped up to the plate and gave him the top apartment of the new watch tower with nice sea views away from all the hustle and bustle of the main island. The mountain is now a nice distant feature away to the west to be admired as he contemplates his daily grind over some brew in the evening.
    I am, however, having a little issue with Jolly Jake as he has turned up late for his searches on a couple of occasions, and even tried a sickie scroll to get a day off. This was a little strange as the only sickness I know about on TSO is Laggy bottom which usually occurs around or after the update meteor shower which didn't occur this week. Some of my other settlers have reported seeing a mysterious looking scarecrow just south of the new mountain on the archipelago, with a strange resemblance to Jolly Jake. I'm thinking the new mountain is a little too exciting for Jolly Jake, the sooner the golems come back the better, but in the mean time if you see Jolly Jake masquerading as a scarecrow south of the mountain give him a `click' round his ear hole and send him off to work.
    Last edited by Larili; 25.09.17 at 17:02.
    Are we to be told of adventure changes or not? 1 Month on and still SNEAKY RB changes have not been mentioned

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