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Thread: Out of ideas? Xmas 2017 as an example

  1. #1
    Ruler of the Land TheVictorious's Avatar
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    May 2012

    Out of ideas? Xmas 2017 as an example

    In the test server I see that xmas event implemented, and is running, but if you check the event, seriously there is nothing new, at all, just 1 more useless fast general, the rest of the items exactly as the same as previous event, so is this means BB is out of ideas?

    Does this means the game reaching the limit?
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  2. #2
    Dedicated Scribe sparkz's Avatar
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    Poland / Finland
    Were previous events any different ? or were they the same copy&paste the previous one + 1 unique building that does the same as ones you already have, only faster ?

  3. #3
    No, I think there have been plenty of great developments over the last year or so, with many more to come.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Brotherjon View Post
    No, I think there have been plenty of great developments over the last year or so, with many more to come.
    I agree we should not expect new buildings or content in every event, I am really happy with the new content we have had over the last 18 months or so.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2015
    Seems ok to me. If you think different feel free to present the ideas you think BB is missing.

  6. #6
    Ruler of the Land
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    Feb 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by TheVictorious View Post
    In the test server I see that xmas event implemented, and is running, but if you check the event, seriously there is nothing new, at all, just 1 more useless fast general
    To me/you it may seem useless as we have played for many years but for the newer players it is a handy extra general.

    What I do thing though is that it would be nice if BB could change the quests from year to year: that would be nice for us old timers and be fine for newer players at same time.

  7. #7
    Architect of the Empire vigabrand's Avatar
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    do i want more imp watermills - yes
    do i want more recyclers - yes
    do i want deerstalkers - no, but i'm sure some players do
    a new quartermaster - yes plz
    a new gen - ye why not, it's not gonna cost gems
    recipes for those who don't already have them
    rph for those who don;t have one

    sry vic i don't see ur point at all

    and winter paint! i doubt i'll spend presents on it, but i love the effect
    ofc i talk to myself. Sometimes I need expert advice

  8. #8
    i tend to think the same as the person who originally posted but then again i am happy with my island where its at i didnt need imp bakeries so chose not to get them but those like me have spent the time building our production up to become self sustaining so new improved production buildings would only free up a license which i dont need any more . now this is my thoughts about it as a med/high lvl player.
    Now lets go back 50 lvls and this is what i would think alright cant wait for this event its going to be awesome all the goodies that are available bring em on woo hoo )).
    it just seems that bb have lost the ability to keep us entertained reason being we have just done everything smashed it to the point of moaning about being bored the grind to the upper echelons is huge and we just want something to break the monotony. i see that they may be implementing new things how soon i do not know after all this is TSO and soon could mean a long time

  9. #9
    Ruler of the Land
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    Nov 2014
    Well I am a little in between- I dont need any of the stuff we can get for event - but well it is ok to have it. I dont need any excellent new thinking. What I do need is something to keep my game going, some change and something to do at my level (69 and 63 mill for next).
    I think I would rather have another crisis quest or something like that. Or some extra reward from doing adventures. I need a carrot to keep me from getting too bored.
    That is what events do for me - they are a much welcome change from the daily routine.
    I agree with Vic on some issues. I cant find much change in this event, nothing to get me a little bit exited.
    If for some reason support feels the need to edit what I wrote, please delete entire post instead, dont put words into my mouth that I never said.

  10. #10
    Ruler of the Land TheVictorious's Avatar
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    May 2012
    Who said that I we a new buildings!

    From my side again, just to explain everything, my problem is not the event is it become with new buildings or not, but the ideas, I was think about the new players matters, so indeed keeping old things is good for them (btw do really we have a lot of new players? what I see are aged settlers and less new settlers), even the new content is made for new and low level, and until now, high level players like 60+ almost ignored, except for events, but no content outside events, as for example the new ventures that came for really very low levels!

    This event even for high level players, nothing new, high level players really got nothing even inside events!

    What makes me think that the current content are written before even XXL come to game, and they doing them now without modification!

    Also, I really was think about something really new, BB sounds like ignoring hard and big tasks, and only looking into small low cost features.

    For events, why there is no PvP content! generals for PvP, new XXL content for PvP, a real PvP! I guess BB will ask me to go to suggestion and make my! but seriously we made a lot of suggestions, including me, but we got no feedback, we just got words that BB see them and study them this what make me think and pretty sure about, that BB will never get something Big like ventures again (actually this is confirmed in AMA anyway).

    In short, what I'm thinking about, not the usual flow with just a new buildings! even Halloween with imp bakery was boring for me, but something really new for events, like what they done in end of the world event in 2012!

    Lets say if it is football event, lets get cross server matches! if it is xmax, build a tree and see which guild or server build better tree! each tree can get progress bar need to fill as fast as possible!

    We really in 21th century, and we already in 10th year of PC social games revolution!
    Last edited by TheVictorious; 10.12.17 at 10:36.
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