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Thread: [Forum Game] The Failed Gunpowder Plot

  1. #11
    Nifty DrBoom's Avatar
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    Jan 2014

    The Failed Gunpowder Plot by Dr.Boom

    Turmoil has engulfed the Island. The mysterious plan to blow up Mayor's house is in dispute.

    Hoping to resolve the matter with a blockade of deadly barrels of gunpowder Dr.Boom has stopped all shipping to the small island of Dr.Boom.
    While the Dr.Boom endlessly debates this alarming chain of events, the Dr.Boom has secretly dispatched two Masters of Martial Arts, the guardians of peace and justice on the island, to investigate the situation....

    In a stunning move Master of Martial Arts has swept through anything and everything, when an old ally has discovered a clue to hidden base.

    It seems that a group of Nords fighters led by Jomsviking has established a new secret base on the remote ice mountain of Sector 3.

    The Dr.Boom obsessed with finding the culprit has dispatched thousands of soldiers into the far reaches of the island.

    Crumbling under attacks

    Striking from a hidden base

    Masters of Martial Arts finally manage to invade the hidden base and pursued them of the island.

    During the battle, Nords spies managed to steal secret plans to the Dr.Boom ultimate weapon, the SUPER CANNON, an armored ground unit with enough power to destroy an entire mountain.

  2. #12
    Pathfinder LadyElia's Avatar
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    Jul 2012
    British Columbia, Canada
    Men. I guess I ought to be used to them by now, seeing as I’m constantly surrounded by them, but it never ceases to amaze me just how much stupidity happens when you mix testosterone and brew. I was having a quiet pint in my favourite corner of the tavern after a long day putting the new archers through their paces when the first frantic whisper drew my attention. “Blow up the Mayor’s House – are you insane??” Well now – this was a new one. The guilds were always getting their knickers in a twist over something or other and then finding creative ways to settle the score, but this seemed a bit more… extravagant… than usual. I silently leaned further back into the booth so my ear was at the crack where the high back should have met the wall, and slowed my breathing so I could listen better.

    “Well, I don’t really want to blow up the Mayor’s House, but it’s just not fair – those hoity toity weavers and saddle makers are getting all the attention now. If we make it look like they are planning a revolt, we’re back in the news, baby!” First Voice now sounded annoyed. “You ARE insane. And stupid. WE are the gunpowder makers! We have to report on all the amounts of saltpeter we take in and the gunpowder we produce. We deal in controlled substances, remember?? There’s no way we could account for 100 missing barrels! That’s your plan – threaten to blow up the Mayor’s House, blame the new guys… profit??” Second Voice became petulant - “So you won’t help me move the barrels?”

    “For the fifth time, NO!”

    Second Voice now sounded desperate. “But you have to! I already made sure the plans were found by the lunkhead at the guard post in front of General Nusala’s tent!” Here my ears pricked up – did his voice suddenly go dreamy as he said my name? But he wasn’t done yet – “Have you SEEN her? That new general is HOT! And I’m sure she’d let me join her archers if I rush to the rescue!” It was all I could do not to choke with laughter and betray myself. So THIS was the great threat that had the Mayor and other notables all aquiver? I made a mental note to find that lunkhead guard and bust him a rank or three for running off to the Mayor instead of bringing the intelligence to me. Maybe a few months in the brig too, just for good measure.

    But I figured things had gone far enough, so I slid from my booth with barely a whisper and edged over to their table. In as sultry a tone as I could muster, I said, “You gentlemen are fascinating conversationalists.” Both jumped as if I’d dumped molten copper in their laps, and I watched with amusement as their expressions morphed from surprise, to shock, then chagrin and finally horror. I guessed that the one whose face was turning as red as his neck scarf and unconsciously sliding under the table was Second Voice. “It seems that you have a VERY interesting story to tell – perhaps you’d like to come with me and we can provide some entertainment for the Mayor this evening? I hear he’s been a bit out of temper lately.” Neither one showed any signs of regaining powers of speech and were rapidly beginning to look green around the gills, so I signaled my personal guard to join us. Thus far, no one else in the Tavern had noticed, and I wanted to keep it that way. As we made our way to the side entrance, I shook my head – you really never know what will happen at the Tavern.
    Last edited by LadyElia; 06.11.17 at 00:29.

  3. #13
    Community Manager
    Ruler of the Land BB_Saqui's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    Thanks for all the entries guys! The thread will now close as we give them a good read and pass them around the office!

  4. #14
    Community Manager
    Ruler of the Land BB_Saqui's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    Thank you all for patience - this was a tough one to judge! In the end, we wanted to reward everyone for taking the time to participate, so every player who entered has received a little token of gratitude in-game: 100x Gunpowder, 3x Fairy Fires and 1x Improved Drill Plan.

    However, we do feel three entries stand out for their creative writing and riveting narratives. Congratulations to Thejollyone, Ira_2017 and Gamia - you all have received a bonus 250 Gems in addition to the previous rewards.

    Again, I can't be more impressed with the entries we received, and you can certainly look forward to some more creative forum competitions in the near future!

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