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Thread: The Honorable Thing

  1. #1

    The Honorable Thing

    Hi everyone just would like your thoughts about this .I purchased on trade 10 buckets of sweets for a price i thought was a good deal only to be mailed by the person who had placed the trade.They had made a mistake when placing and had missed a zero on the amount they were asking and could i return the so called items . Now i have been and i bet others have been in that situation before and i took it as a learning curve to watch myself in trade office when selling items . The thing is i cant return most of items as i have given 2 of them away before i got messaged (mail)

  2. #2
    Jolly Advisor
    Join Date
    May 2016
    I remember the first time I made (the most usual) mistake of trying to sell an ls but reversing the trade and gave away a heap of coins for a fish. I felt really bad because I was low lvl and desperate for coins to buy stuff. The person who snatched that bargain up wouldn't reply to whisper or email. I felt really bad that someone had done that to me and vowed to be extra careful in future. Of course I'm only human and its happened a couple of times since. I watch out for friends who may have posted a mistaken trade and I'll buy it before anyone else does, then trade it back to them. When I buy a mistaken trade I always send back if the seller gets in touch because I remember how I felt when I made a mistake. Also I suppose I'm hard wired to be 'honest', my conscience won't allow me to keep something like that.

    I have learnt that some people don't send back, as far as they're concerned a trade is a trade, of course that's how the rules are written. I think its very much a matter for your personal view of the world. There is an exception though and that is for players who are, for want of a better term 'professional traders'. They rarely do adventures and instead concentrate on buying and selling. Those types of players need to recognise that they're going to make mistakes and that they need to build in a level of 'wastage' to cover that loss. I have no sympathy for their mistakes, but I don't buy from them anyway as their prices are very rarely, if ever, "best in TO", "Lowest price", "see all the stuff I have, check out my user name". Seriously guys (rolls eyes).

  3. #3
    i agree with geezer on ls mistakes (done that too and didnt get my coins back) but not sure about normal trades.... anyway i usually give back if seller says it was a mistake, all thought i only buy ls mostly.
    But others might not be like me and ofcourse it dipends what kind of mistake it is and do buyer know that it cost more than what its asked in TO, might been the correct price and the 0 more to the price would have been totally wrong. but dont know the prices i buy what i think its fare and sell cheaper than currently listed in TO.

  4. #4
    Keen Commentor
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    You gave a title "The Honorable Thing" to your post, I guess you know the answer, it's to trade it back (or remaining part of it).
    If you had asked about the "legal thing" to do - then you can keep it

  5. #5
    Architect of the Empire vigabrand's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    similar things have happened to me. i even spent days trying to contact a player who had bought an ft ls after it had gone to a guildie. in the end i sent a mail saying accept fr and 24 hours later sent coins back. that player never replied at all or thanked me, which i found odd lol.

    as in rl there's always someone looking out for number one, i just avoid those types.

    do the honest thing, give stuff back and don't let the few "strict traders" persuade u to do anything differently.
    ofc i talk to myself. Sometimes I need expert advice

  6. #6
    Jolly Advisor Kriegor's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    you conscience is your guide, you were compelled to post in forum. Send back what you can of course. Its good Karma

  7. #7
    Wordsmith Larili's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    I agree with the majority, if I see a too `good to be true' trade and I get there before anyone else I keep it with the intention of giving it back, usually 24hrs before I break it up/build it, for that reason. ( The onus being on the seller to contact me ) In your case I am sure that the seller would appreciate getting back what you have left and be understanding of the reason for not being able to get the full amount, it was their fault after all.
    Are we to be told of adventure changes or not? 1 Month on and still SNEAKY RB changes have not been mentioned

  8. #8
    well i got in touch with him and evryones happy except my sweet tooth .

  9. #9
    Community Manager
    Ruler of the Land BB_Saqui's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by dameanie View Post
    well i got in touch with him and evryones happy except my sweet tooth .
    *high five & hugs*

  10. #10
    Erudite Pioneer
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    dameanie, I agree with what most people said, it was the right (or honorable, as you said) thing to do!

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