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Thread: Lack of xmas collectables ... again!

  1. #21
    Ruler of the Land Xibor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mizogin View Post
    We don't need years to find the pattern, lol. Have you looked at the TO in the past 2 days?
    Ok, you are obviously right. They have intentionally and specifically stacked candy canes heavier than the other collectibles. The evidence of the trading activity is sure proof, since it's a clear result it must prove a clear cause, there can be no other (those people who don't trade because of what they have collected what they want are irrelevant).
    Why they would possibly do that when it makes no cash-flow difference to them is a great mystery but I suspect a malicious programmer that decided to alter the random routines in that way because they either love candy canes or hate the other ones. I too have more canes than other ones. And I don't even like candy - so I think I'll take it personally too.

    Three choices I guess: Stop collecting any of them because obviously no matter what you will primarily get canes, trade the best you can, or take what you get and make the best of it.
    Sorry, but I've slept since then...

  2. #22
    Original Serf
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    Of course, why would something work WRONG in a computer game? While (according to you) its obvious in was not intentional, then it must be working as intended, simple as that. Feel free to live happily and ignore our whines then

    To the topic - randomization is one of more difficult tasks in computer science. In fact, "random" is always a simulation, better or worse. And pure number proves that. Thats why we need patterns. But thing is, we DO have enough data to see them. One batch is nothing. One player may be unlucky. But we have planty of batches already, from many players (market is a best proof!) and many years. Combined, its at least tens of thousands of batches. Bigger the scale, the more equal the result shall be. They are not. Let me put this in other words - if u flip a coin 10 times and u get 8 heads and 2 tails - it statistically means nothing. But if you flip it 10,000 times and get 8,000 heads / 2,000 tails - then there is clearly somehting wrong with your coin. Or flipping method. Cos its not a random result anymore.

  3. #23
    Ruler of the Land Xibor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hussar1683 View Post
    if u flip a coin 10 times and u get 8 heads and 2 tails - it statistically means nothing. But if you flip it 10,000 times and get 8,000 heads / 2,000 tails - then there is clearly somehting wrong with your coin. Or flipping method. Cos its not a random result anymore.
    Sorry, each flip is 50-50 (balance of coin and method being equal).
    What is the chance of flipping the 10,000th head after 9,999 heads in a row? 50-50. That's the way probabilities works.
    (of course asking what is the chance of getting 10,000 heads in a row if I start now is a very different question). Weird that way...

    At any rate, I think the subject has ran it's course. Canes appear to be coming up much more often than other collectibles for whatever reason - whether observation or flaw. Not much we can do I suppose except ask for a hot fix or see if it's better next Christmas.

    Happy Holidays
    Sorry, but I've slept since then...

  4. #24
    Original Serf
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xibor View Post
    Sorry, each flip is 50-50 (balance of coin and method being equal).
    True, but it doesnt mean u will always get 50-50 results with small number of flips. If u toss it 4 times and get 3 heads / 1 tail, it doesnt mean coin is wrong, u just have a small sample. But in our case samlpe is big enough, and yet results are messed.

    Quote Originally Posted by Xibor View Post
    Not much we can do I suppose except ask for a hot fix or see if it's better next Christmas.
    From my experience, only massive discussion about problem can encourage any1 to try and solve it. And thats my point here.

    About waiting for next year... well, its my 3rd Christmas Event. 3rd time with the same problem with the same specific collectible. I hoped for it to be fixed in 2016, then for this year too. Im not sure if i can grow any more hope for 2018...

  5. #25
    Ruler of the Land TheVictorious's Avatar
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    from the first day until now I can't get my first 25 gingers, really silly spawn rate at all.
    I remember even in old events the total collectives that we get during events about 29-35 but now always less than 27 even that we have 3 types.

    BB always fall into same mistakes.
    Hello People

  6. #26
    Join Date
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    now always 9 x 2 = 18.

  7. #27
    Raving Rabbid Areop-Enap's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HFoC View Post
    now always 9 x 2 = 18.
    ...which is 378 for all days they spawn, if you catch the third timer as well it's 567 xmas colls in total. To make 5 baskets you just need 125 of each (375 total).
    There is a world of imagination
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    Where reality is an intruder
    And myth and legend thrive

  8. #28
    Glorious Graduate
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    May 2013
    just for information i have done 2 sets collectibles each day since Tuesday = 3 days.except 1 day a single spawn
    i have found every one each spawn =126 collectibles
    i have found.
    30 bells
    76 candy canes
    20 gingerbread....

  9. #29
    Ruler of the Land
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    Nov 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Mizogin View Post
    We don't need years to find the pattern, lol. Have you looked at the TO in the past 2 days?
    You dont need to wait at all to find the pastern - if it was just random- some would have too many bells - but all have plenty of canes and it was same on test server and the same last year and year before. As I said before- it would be nice to just get told if this is what they planned- or if it is not - then why don't they fix it. If it is the way it should be, then I would like to know why. We have been discussing this for at least 3 years now, would be nice to move on.
    My collies this year so far Bells 26, canes 92, GB 44. It is not because some are hard to spot - I found very single one each time.
    If for some reason support feels the need to edit what I wrote, please delete entire post instead, dont put words into my mouth that I never said.

  10. #30
    Forum Explorer
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    There is an achievement to make 5 'baskets of presents' - for that you need to find at least 125 of each type before end of event.
    And if you do 2 sets every day ( which most players should be able do do ) you will probably find more.
    So what is the problem ?
    What most realy are complaining about it getting to many canes. If there only was 1/2 the actual amount of canes then noone probably would complain.
    This is a game where at least a little work and patience is needed to get what you want.

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