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Thread: Opposite Day: Share your best anti-TSO guide!

  1. #61
      Treasure Hunter
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    Tear down all your buildings, give away all your resources and star menu content then quit. Can't get anymore opposite than that.
    Last edited by PELIAS; 26.01.18 at 12:14.

  2. #62
    Skilled Student Viktor_Petrov's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Pekk View Post
    Once you have placed buffs to your buildings, you can forget them since buffs will last forever. Works especially well for FT castle.
    Thanks! My Bag of Rainbow on FT castle was just running out, as I read this

  3. #63
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Instead of using TO (trade office) for trade, go on chat and spam with trade offers...Don`t allow people to sell their LS and to play like all normal people do .Of course, tear down your trade office building

  4. #64
    Skilled Student
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    • Never send postcards to someone you have never met
    • Never join adventures with anyone above (or below) your level
    • Don’t buff anyone else’s buildings
    • Don’t stay awake for hours to complete an adventure before your premium runs out
    • Don’t send blocks in sequence – use any generals with as many troops as you can in any order
    • Leave all buildings on level 1 and far away from storehouses as possible

  5. #65
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    • always send cannoneers or crossbowmen against firststrikers without meelee support as they cause maximum damage
    • weak recruits useless, build and use soldiers instead
    • never use blocks as there is high risk loosing your army
    • no need to understand battle mechanic - numerous combat simulators and guides do it for you
    • always send taverns on lootspots
    • and never, never, never test your new blocks on test server
    Last edited by Carnivorman; 26.01.18 at 14:25.

  6. #66
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    books are overrated, do not use them!

  7. #67
    Wordsmith Larili's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    If you leave the TO window open long enough, without clicking the refresh button, you get the best deals.
    If nothing appears rest in the knowledge that the merchant offers great value resources for gems, all the old players will highly recommend you get your basic goods from there.
    If by accident you click that curious refresh button in the bottom corner of the TO and you are suddenly confronted with loads of trades. DONT go back to merchant and compare prices. Just look at the price you can get for one fish, you have loads of them ( assuming you have not made all those fish platters ) Just put up a few 1 fish trades and the game will be won, simples
    Learn where the browser refresh button is though, as its the most required `to click on' button in the game!
    Many aspects of the game are controlled by RNG, you'll love this as its so well programmed. So well that after a hotfix during events it suddenly gets better for the players, but remember that is totally coincidental as it was always working as intended, you were just on a bad run before
    Rest assured that after 5 years of constant bug fixing, BB have it down to a fine art. Don't believe anyone that will tell you on the test server the bug on level 8 is still unfixed to this day, your just not suppose to test it....use the mail
    Player happy hour = x more gems for the same money. Devs happy hour = solve one bug get two more free. They even have a special day for it called hotfix Wednesday. ( Always a good time to send a multiple block, as they won't shut down the server before you send the boss killer, well you were told on the home page when it was going to happen, so you will have checked there first, wouldn't you? )
    Are we to be told of adventure changes or not? 1 Month on and still SNEAKY RB changes have not been mentioned

  8. #68
    Skilled Student Igwok's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    When on an adventure, make sure you kill every camp before you take on the leaders. Also, to avoid losing too many troops on adventure, cancel it when you get to that really difficult final camp.

  9. #69
    Skilled Student
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    ◄◄ Right over there, just behind the corner ►►
    Hello people It's very few of all what crossed my mind around...
    1. Each day try to place a 4x buff on your storehouses. At start it fails, but on every 7th day when trying in a row, it will be successfully done, store capacity will be quadrupled (only if buff is 4x booster);
    2. Never try to produce water, it will be a total waste! Make brew instead;
    3. Every day, empty up a different resource type from your storage, by offering it all in Trade office at cost of 1-fish. Thus, you will make many friends in no time;
    4. Ask players to donate you Crossbowmen every day. Thus, no matter if you are a weak or strong player, one day you will have own unstoppable shooting legion;
    5. You have to build a ranch structure in order to breed ponies;
    6. You have to find a way to collect twenty-five millions of marble before you can upgrade all kind of buildings to the rare level of 8;
    7. Offer dating to strangers in global chat, on a daily basis. That will stronger your relations in game;
    8. You will have better results if you offer all your tradings in global chat, due to more people reading there;
    9. Asking everyone that you have as friend, for free adventure loot-spots, at least 30 times daily, is a recipe that will make you rich in no time;
    10. Sell all decorative buildings of any type, for 1000 gold coins each, is a very profitable way to get rich;
    11. Repeat the following ten times in order to double your troops: once landed with generals on an adventure map, send them all back home immediately, then travel again to adventure;
    12. There is a delete button. Always use it, if you find any FairyTale type of adventure card in your Star menu. Its no longer good to do them, prices and losses are too high;
    13. For population limit increase, construct only Floating residences! Only they can survive and you will be ready when the flood cataclysm comes and takes away all other ground residences, churches, hospitals, castles, towers and huts;
    14. If you reach level 50 character, don't get fooled to unlock the Archipelago island, because if done, what will follows will be weekly attacks onto your villagers by mythic monsters;
    15. If you ever rediscover a faster-mined resource deposit, hurry to destroy it. If not done, you risk to not collect all of it due to faster rate of mining;
    16. In order to prevent over-stacking of adventure cards in Star menu, never keep more than five of them in same time. Use delete button on extra cards, or better - give them away to anyone. Thus, you will be doing good to people, anyway.
    At the end - deep apologize, in case of overlapping with anyone else's idea/s, or if out of scope with any line written here.
    Have fun & happy settling!

    Kind regards

  10. #70
    Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Milky Way
    Think of the planet.
    Build 4 Forrester's for every cutter to avoid deforestation.
    Do not build nasty polluting coakers, smelters, weaponssmiths, toolmakers for cleaner air.
    Go Vegan ban Hunter's Deerstalkers from your island.
    Fish feel pain too so lock fishermen and fish farmers up in the tallest tower of your fairy tale castle, they can develop thier arty side using Rapunzel as thier model.
    Help preserve Earth natural resources for future generations by not building mines or masons, besides the run offs from those industries pollutes rivers.
    Build a shedload of storehouses so that you can build up massive stocks to help out with disaster relief elsewhere.
    When it comes to Gene pools and shallow ends they can be found at the bar drinking pina colada's

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