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Thread: Log-in and play issues

  1. #21
    Quartermaster queen-vicious's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Communication from BB on the front page and forum would very much be appreciated.
    We should not have to check twitter and facebook for news on the game.
    Whilst I appreciate that this was obviously unplanned and unexpected it would not take long for BB to update us here.

  2. #22
    Ruler of the Land Xibor's Avatar
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    New Zealand
    Can't get a reply with quote to work. Thanks DutchDuty
    Sorry, but I've slept since then...

  3. #23
    Skilled Student
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    West coast, Scotland UK
    Quote Originally Posted by cliff60 View Post
    finnaly got the forum back after not being able to get on here for 15 hrs. game still down though 15 hrs and counting. just kept geting data base error when i tried to get in the forums to see why the game was down for maint today instead of tomorrow.
    Its saying down for maint and wont take more than half a day. well i think 12 hrs is half a day so 15 hrs is well beyond half a day. No warning either it just went down right in the middle of doing something. Good job i had just finished an expo or i would of lost those troops for nothing.

    Suppose the game will be down again tomorrow for the scheduled update to add the easter event stuff.
    Hmm - Disappointed doesn't really cover my thoughts about this travesty of ineptitude. Some, like me, had actually planned for the announced maintenance. Now we will have the usual gamut of mines needing location, buffs run out and resources wasted on unbuffed production.

    I should have realised something was about to happen when my whisper words turned purple while Mod Yardley was in his usual yellow. I suppose we can expect the usual fatuous excuse of the lesser spotted gremlin worm entering its breeding season with the usual inadequate compensation offered for the loss of more than a days playing time.

    These demonstrations of coding skill leave a lot to be desired - someone or something was going on during the time I was playing on Saturday 17/03/18. In addition to the now standard freezing of the game. we had troop loadings being altered on a random basis requiring the double checking of all attack strengths.

    The almost daily loss of chat functions for varying periods of time is frustrating.

    The weekly maintenance was a pain but at least you could plan for it !

  4. #24
    Skilled Student
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    oh the joy of another fubar'd day of settlers with more to come, would not have been so bad if something had of been said here(when the forum finally let us in) rather than the social media i don't use (after finding that they were too invasive on my old laptop i have not loaded them to my current 1)!!
    how long will it take everyone to get there isles up to speed again , i hope the goodies drop for the "TOP GRADE " stuff up they are creating is worth while!!

  5. #25
    Jolly Advisor
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    @queen-vicious, normally I'd agree with you, forum s/be the first call instead of anti-social media but as that has also been severely affected by this too, I can acknowledge the use of it as a secondary information source.
    What really gets my goat is the complete lack of communication altogether, and this has rankled for a long time when even "planned" maintenances are sprung upon us with next to no notice.
    It's all very well BB telling us this time around to plan ahead when we've not been given the chance to for over a year, and the first time we do get prior warning, fate (or Putin) has conspired to stuff things up.
    Seeing as this is a global downtime, I am struggling to see why different versions are coming back at wildly varying times, surely the "fix" should also be global, and before anyone says anything about server location, we share the same hardware with the French language version which has now been working for just over 6 hours.

  6. #26
    Original Serf
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    Jun 2014

    Log-in and play issues

    Hi BB, I have been unable to play since last night and it took me over 1 hour this morning to just log-in.
    Now I am logged in but all I get is the maintenance page.


  7. #27
    Skilled Student UsUe's Avatar
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    Sep 2012
    nothing works except forums here too

  8. #28
    Glorious Graduate
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    Jan 2014
    I can't tell what happened (North Korean flashmobs? Anonymous out for the lolz? Night janitor pulled the plug on the server rack?), but this is the first settlers crash I remember where the server went down for hours and only returned "500" pages when you tried to access anything. Typically there's that uninformative "maintenance" page, we didn't even have that last night. The forums went down too for a while. So something majorly wrong happened. It would be useful if someone at BB/Ubi would provide a bit more info on their plan for getting this running again other than "The technical difficulties are still being investigated, we will keep you updated," which they quite clearly haven't, in any way shape or form.

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    16 hours here - still nothing

  10. #30
      Jolly Advisor
    Join Date
    Jan 2017
    BB has said its not just TSO effected but other games as well.
    So the staff will be running around all night trying to get everything working again.
    If it was just TSO they could fix it faster but with all their games down it will take longer as they have to find where the fault is by checking every server every connection contact the internet providor to see if the problem is that end.

    Dont know what the weather is like where the servers r but in the UK we have a lot of snow. that could of bought cables down somewhere or caused a short circuit outside the building where the servers r.

    All we can do is let BB get on with the job of fixing the prob as they r most likely too busy trying to fix it to keep us updated.

    At least they have been posting on twitter and facebook to let us know they r working on the prob every hr.

    Other companies that have had failers didnt even bother to keep anyone updated and those games were down for weeks.

    Yes TSO has a few probs. But name any browser game that hasnt got bugs in it. U wont find any.

    Ive played hundreds of browser games over the years and BB have by far the best support and the least amount of bugs.

    I want to thank BB staff for all the hard work they r putting in right now to get this sorted. They have had to give up their day off and probably work through the night as well to fix this.

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