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Thread: World Design Day: Submissions

  1. #1
    Community Manager
    Ruler of the Land BB_Saqui's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2016

    World Design Day: Submissions

    Please use this thread to submit your entries for the World Design Day: Community Contest!

  2. #2
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    greenock scotland
    Generals HQ
    A building to house all generals from which they stack like in star menu but can be loaded with troops and sent from the building saving them littering up your islands limited building slots. Prob be hosted on the epic merchant and bought with beans/ stalks as it would appeal to any player that has a large army.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2012
    I would design an epic ore factory . The design would be based on the epic farm were you have to complete quests to upgrade it, The factory could do iron ore copper tituim ore and steel . There would be three slots in it like the epic yards arrive in the game.

  4. #4
    Jolly Advisor
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by jaxsquarechin View Post
    Generals HQ
    A building to house all generals from which they stack like in star menu but can be loaded with troops and sent from the building saving them littering up your islands limited building slots. Prob be hosted on the epic merchant and bought with beans/ stalks as it would appeal to any player that has a large army.
    Would also keep them safe from rogue collectables deleting them.

  5. #5
    Dedicated Scribe
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Lightbulb Management Office

    bit of an artwork copy, but here goes:

    Management Office

    (building size likely needs to be ~3x3 to prevent overuse)

    Performs a single automated task at a set time, cooldown of at least 1 day between tasks started. If task is unavailable after cooldown then office will wait and perform task when available. Cooldown starts when task is initiated.

    Tasks permitted:
    • Explorer searches.
    • Geologist searches.
    • Well reconstruction.
    • Mine reconstruction.
    • Wheat field reconstruction.
    • Pausing production at specific time.
    • Starting production at specific time.
    • Applying buff at specific time.
    • Collect random collectable.

    Each action can be:
    • Set for specific time / start as soon as possible
    • Set to occur once / occur x number of times / repeat indefinitely

    The idea is to allow for limited automation, trying to automate everything would result in an island full of just offices.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2018
    A community centre for all the settlers to enjoy gymnasium, keep fit darts etc and relaxation centre. you have a pay coin a week membership. It produces a settler a day that will work twice as fast. This is not a tavern but can be a restaurant. its ran by an australian beach bum surfer in his 50's.

  7. #7
    Ruler of the Land lulu10093's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    North East England
    Been messing on 3D paint
    im rubbish at graphics but its just a basic idea.
    you could have it looking like a pig barn or a field of mini pigs etc
    we have hunters for deer to be sausages, we have fishermen and we have homesteads for wool.
    We need pigs for bacon

  8. #8
    I would love a "Cash Converter" where you could select any item you have excess of, and select any other item to convert to. Like the option in the Provision House to make coins from brew, or tools from wood and stone. The choices could be more variable, and weighted for value of each item. You could have limits on the quantiries, or make it open ended, wouldnt matter. Taking it further, it could even convert all those unwanted or unplayed adventure maps into different unwanted or unplayed maps. Or alternatively, map frags.... a giant paper shredder!

    So that other players dont feel deprived by the lack of trades for sale, there could be some type of restriction on the converter, like maybe "have you already tried to sell this item?" or "are all your buildings overloaded with red lines?" etc, or else a fee for using the converter.

  9. #9
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    South of England

    My suggested new building is a grout manufactory which is based on the existing recycling manufactory.

    Granite and stone are fed into the crusher, the crushed stones go down the chute into the tub and are mixed with water from the pump. The pump arm is connected to the mechanism operated by the settler.

    So granite + stone + water = grout.

    Amazonian Settlers (Zon)
    Last edited by Bellengaria; 09.05.18 at 09:26.

  10. #10
    Here is my Apothecary. Its like a provision house and makes zone buffs from herbs and minerals to help with combat on adventures and PVP, along with a zone buff to help gunpowder manufacture.

    This is the building at level 5, it resembles a mortar and pestle. I have also suggested a few buffs that can be created in the apothecary.

    Potion of slowness:
    Herbs, with extracts carefully taken from mahogany wood and saltpeter combine to make this powerful poison that slows the enemy during battle. Use on small or medium camp. Effect - All first strike units within camp lose their first strike ability, becoming normal strike units. Has no effect on units that are normal or slow strike to start with
    saltpeter. This potion take approximately 12 hours to make for a level 5 building.

    First response kit:
    Combined carefully in the apothecary, ingredients of herbs, cloth water and valour points can be used to make a first response kit, which helps to save units during PVP battle. Effect - zone buff that heals 10% of PVP following battle. Lasts for 20 minutes
    This potion takes 6 hours to make for a level 5 building.

    War paint:
    Adamantium ore, grout, platinum ore and water can be combined to make a powerful face paint for your armies. Some enemies will flee in terror during the early stages of battle! Effect - zone buff used on adventures that causes and additional 5% of losses to the enemy camp during the first round. Lasts for 15 minutes
    This potion take 6 hours to make for a level 5 building.

    Gunpowder additive:
    Extracts taken from exotic wood logs, along with essences found in crushed magic beans and concentrated fish blood, are carefully distilled, filtered and reduced down to make this useful additive that can be used in the production of gunpowder. Effect - +100% production capability to all powder huts on home island.
    This potion take 12 hours to make for a level 5 building.

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