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Thread: [Feedback] Change Log 23/05/2018

  1. #161
    Join Date
    Jul 2015
    aww shucks, guess ill never get it then..
    Worst. Comedian. EVER.

  2. #162
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    lurking in both guilds on sandy and north one things become very clear, those doing pathfinder that use to do all 9 without fail are now not so keen to do the harder ones as the rewards for all 9 are seen as not worth the effort anymore, general feeling is that tho the changes were expected they have missed the mark and have reduced the want to do all 9quest instead of motivating those who weren't doing them before

  3. #163
    Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    The pathfinder changes are all the more reason not to bother rushing through the levels. Can see a steady move to stagnation.

  4. #164
    Town Councillor
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by lordloocan View Post
    The pathfinder changes are all the more reason not to bother rushing through the levels. Can see a steady move to stagnation.
    If anything, cause i'm sure not gonna just drill milions and milions of XP for any reason as that's not my idea of fun, I'd say sort of the oposite. When I get there (L65 right now), SC is something I need and getting lower amount easier will work just fine for me. I probably wouldn't bother to achieve all 9 tasks every week under old arrangement anyway. While journey from L65 to L70 with not much happening along the road is sure boring concept and I preffer doing something interesting with leveling up being rather byproduct of enjoying the game instead of the sole focuss, the change in Pathfinder did not make me slow down a single bit.

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