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Thread: [Feedback] Change Log 23/05/2018

  1. #11
    Original Serf
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    Nov 2011
    Helsinki, Finland
    Quote Originally Posted by leemorton View Post
    Don't like the change to pathfinder losing so much grout and star coin for a very poor 15 crystals a week. Would like BB just to leave it alone then doing so called improvements. Also don't like the extra cost for elite troops twice the cost so we will need more buildings on our already crowded islands with all these new zone buff buildings like the spring park (which can be handy) we will need another add-on island. Thing are supposed to be improved not made worse.

  2. #12
    Skilled Student
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    May 2015
    Why make changes to make troop more appealing than another. Its like you want to control how people wish to play the game which will be a death blow to this game, because players like to play their own way so putting walls in their way will make them leave.

  3. #13
    Jolly Advisor
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    May 2016
    Weekly rewards for pathfinder reduced, SC by 50%! What is the rationale behind such swingeing cuts? Recruitment time for Elite S & M, which are very rarely used, is reduced but the most used Elites especially MS has the costs doubled??? I'm obviously failing to see the logic here.
    Increase in wildlife, I would venture to suggest most people have this switched off as it interferes with performance.

    A very poor change IMHO.

  4. #14
    Enlightened Sage
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    Feb 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by leemorton View Post
    Why make changes to make troop more appealing than another. Its like you want to control how people wish to play the game which will be a death blow to this game, because players like to play their own way so putting walls in their way will make them leave.
    Because nearly no one uses them and it's against their original design. We have gone similar or even more drastic changes few times in the past, ie. weapons removed from the loot in 2014? I think and production costs have been modified. Game is still alive however

  5. #15
    Skilled Student
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    Jun 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by geezer123 View Post
    Weekly rewards for pathfinder reduced, SC by 50%! What is the rationale behind such swingeing cuts? Recruitment time for Elite S & M, which are very rarely used, is reduced but the most used Elites especially MS has the costs doubled??? I'm obviously failing to see the logic here.
    Increase in wildlife, I would venture to suggest most people have this switched off as it interferes with performance.

    A very poor change IMHO.
    I totally agree, The most used troops of the elites are Mounted Swordsmen as disposables and Mounted Marksmen (normally not so disposable). And now these cost more to produce, without reducing the time taken to make them. The 2 most useless units are getting a reduced build time. Did the game testers go away on holiday and leave it to the non playing programmers?

    As someone who is approaching the pathfinder level, I was looking forward to the weekly 5000 star coins. I can get the grout and crystals just fine without making it part of the top level package.

    I was under the impression that change logs were done as a result of the players requesting improvements and future changes. I can't believe that this is what you have decided to implement and call it an improvement to the game.

  6. #16
    Enlightened Sage
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    Feb 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Gravity216 View Post
    I totally agree, The most used troops of the elites are Mounted Swordsmen as disposables and Mounted Marksmen (normally not so disposable). And now these cost more to produce, without reducing the time taken to make them. The 2 most useless units are getting a reduced build time. Did the game testers go away on holiday and leave it to the non playing programmers?
    And why do you think they are the most useless units? exactly... the difference in terms of time and cost was little to none to MS and MM.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gravity216 View Post
    As someone who is approaching the pathfinder level, I was looking forward to the weekly 5000 star coins. I can get the grout and crystals just fine without making it part of the top level package.

    I was under the impression that change logs were done as a result of the players requesting improvements and future changes. I can't believe that this is what you have decided to implement and call it an improvement to the game.
    Well there was feedback going on for months with multiple opinions and suggestions. It's just that most players don't care to participate even if BB asks to provide feedback at the test server.

  7. #17
    Skilled Student
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    May 2015
    Is this another late April fools joke????

  8. #18
    Original Serf
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    Mar 2014
    A new fog will now cover the home island.

    Please explain this more clearly....... does this mean we will not be able to see things on our island?
    is it only at certain times?

    this seems kind of useless item to add...............????

  9. #19
    Dedicated Scribe sparkz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mannerheim View Post
    The point of the changes was to make the regular swordsman and marksman more appealing so people would use them more. That would be negated if the other troop types would also be changed.
    There is no such thing as units being appealing, its simple math - they're either useful from the combat mechanics standpoint or they're not.

    At least regarding regular marksmen the topic about them having absolutely no qualities that would justify using them has been coming up multiple times in the past, and it seems it was ignored and instead we have this pointless change.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mannerheim View Post
    And why do you think they are the most useless units? exactly... the difference in terms of time and cost was little to none to MS and MM.
    Cost is irrelevant when a unit does not have any skills that would make them useful in any scenario. I thought out of all people you would know that.

  10. #20
    Erudite Pioneer
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    Sep 2013
    I agree with most of the posts here. I am not at pathfinder level yet but it seems BB have decided to make us work much harder for mediocre rewards now. May be time to find another game to play. If you look at almost any guide for adventures using the elite troops you will see that MS and MM are the main troops used. Why then are they making it easier to make the troops we do not use but more expensive to make the ones that really matter ?

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