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Thread: [Feedback] Change Log 23/05/2018

  1. #21
    Enlightened Sage
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    Feb 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by sparkz View Post
    There is no such thing as units being appealing, its simple math - they're either useful from the combat mechanics standpoint or they're not.

    At least regarding regular marksmen the topic about them having absolutely no qualities that would justify using them has been coming up multiple times in the past, and it seems it was ignored and instead we have this pointless change.

    Cost is irrelevant when a unit does not have any skills that would make them useful in any scenario. I thought out of all people you would know that.
    What is the biggest issue with elite barracks? its the production time which we also scraped at today in the other thread. The math already tells you that you can do around the double amount of troops for almost the half of the cost with the changes. Swordsman are not completely useless nor are the marksman. Costs have never really been the issue with elite troops before. Now instead of bashing only MS you can use S in some spots to split the burden.

  2. #22
    Dedicated Scribe sparkz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mannerheim View Post
    What is the biggest issue with elite barracks? its the production time which we also scraped at today in the other thread. The math already tells you that you can do around the double amount of troops for almost the half of the cost with the changes. Swordsman are not completely useless nor are the marksman. Costs have never really been the issue with elite troops before. Now instead of bashing only MS you can use S in some spots to split the burden.
    What is the purpose of marksmen that you cant cover with longbows ? The unit literally has NO skills, only raw damage, while being normal speed meaning it can barely do anything against most enemies you encounter in Alis.

    Same with swordsmen, them being elite you cant really afford producing them just to use them in sac waves, and mechanically they are the same as MS but with less HP, which means less potential damage soaked. So pretty much you only can use them in fights where your number advantage is big enough that you can swap units to those less number efficient.

    This is the same kind of thing as with MoD. Its not that you cannot find a single spot where you can use it, its that in all cases there are better options.

  3. #23
    Skilled Student
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mesea View Post
    And cost increase to most used elite troop but production time reduction only on least useful ones... thats a bit counter-productive. At least reduce also production time for others.
    am 100% agree, i can't understand this point BB

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Pathfinder changes Feedback:
    I often have a challenge in doing them and like that I am challenged for the rewards. I will not bother with all 9 Pathfinder quests after this change.
    This week I have Besieged adventure, 2 Co-Ops and 2 PVP to complete - in the future you can guarantee that these wont get done. Seems a lot of effort for 15 crystals. So I can see me doing 6 on a regular basis and getting less Star Coins but all 9 - You have to be joking!!!
    The only time I will bother to get all 9 done is if that is what happens through regular play, so in effect BB has made a change but for the worse as the outcome is I will be less engaged.

  5. #25
    Erudite Pioneer
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    The main point is people will quit playing if they find that the goalposts move every time they are getting close to achieving something. its already a grind to get anything once you get to lvl 60 so people will just give up when they see that their efforts are not rewarded.

  6. #26
    Enlightened Sage
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    Quote Originally Posted by sparkz View Post
    What is the purpose of marksmen that you cant cover with longbows ? The unit literally has NO skills, only raw damage, while being normal speed meaning it can barely do anything against most enemies you encounter in Alis.
    Have you played the MCC chain and some of the camps? I have no statistics at this time as this is the first time I see the change to these units but the traits and skills Nusala has for marksmen can help with swordsmen + marksman sacrifice runs.

    Quote Originally Posted by sparkz View Post
    Same with swordsmen, them being elite you cant really afford producing them just to use them in sac waves, and mechanically they are the same as MS but with less HP, which means less potential damage soaked. So pretty much you only can use them in fights where your number advantage is big enough that you can swap units to those less number efficient.

    This is the same kind of thing as with MoD. Its not that you cannot find a single spot where you can use it, its that in all cases there are better options.
    They don't completely replace MS but can be used to save production time. I just checked the first camp I kill in Woodcutter (upper camp in S1) and the difference is ~18MS lost vs ~29S lost so it's already a small improvement. They will most likely help if other camps too and definitely in MCC.

  7. #27
    Wordsmith Larili's Avatar
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    The ONLY game improvement I want to see is an end for the need to constant refresh.My game now logs me out after a very short period and its random. I often only know its happened when I go to forum and try and post, or when it freezes instead of instant refresh I get home page requiring log in. This started when Easter event was removed.
    I don't really care about `Pathfinder' as being unable to adventure I'm never going to get there, but I see where the others are coming from, as for changing the production of elites, we have been here before. You were told about which troops were badly structured when these were tested. You did not listen then, and now you put a penalty on those troops that the players use, because they are popular and as others have said function efficiently. The change will not make the unpopular troops any more popular because they simply don't do the job and players have already made their island for the other troop production. Do as you were told at testing and change their abilities and attributes, if you can't do it then leave well alone, you are losing players and not encouraging new players to stay. You should not be messing with things that work and concentrate on making the game playable ( the constant need to refresh does not meet a `playable game' by any definition I can think of) Improvement, you really need someone to explain to you what that word actually means, as it rings as hollow sales pitch in this case.
    Are we to be told of adventure changes or not? 1 Month on and still SNEAKY RB changes have not been mentioned

  8. #28
    Like them all.

  9. #29
    Jolly Advisor
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    May 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Mannerheim View Post
    Have you played the MCC chain and some of the camps?
    I'll bite, what is MCC chain? Mountain Clan, which is not available, still in test?
    Quote Originally Posted by Mannerheim View Post
    They don't completely replace MS but can be used to save production time. I just checked the first camp I kill in Woodcutter (upper camp in S1) and the difference is ~18MS lost vs ~29S lost so it's already a small improvement. They will most likely help if other camps too and definitely in MCC.
    How can you be so certain about MCC if its still in test and subject to change?

  10. #30
    Guide of the Month Ruler of the Land Nogbad's Avatar
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    Very disappointed that more important stuff has once again been ignored.
    The collision detection, ever since the introduction of collectables this has been a nightmare, stuff landing on other stuff and deleting it from the game! This should not be happening and the Devs have known about it for years. I've had rogue collectables remove my Gen Stronghelmet (still not replaced even tho I still have the original code sheet from starter pack, and game still recognises it's been used), and a Drac and normal Gens landing on top of a Level 5 Imp Silo and the adjoining wheatfield respectively, again still not replaced!
    Then there's the recent bug where the game zooms itself in 1 layer, and from then on you cannot input any text, be it in chat, or quantities in trade/transferring goods, even stretching as far as the forum, until you refresh the game.
    Really need to look at your priorities BB
    We love our new CM.

    Newfoundland: 20th November 2011 to 25th November 2014. RIP
    It was good while it lasted.

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