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Thread: [Feedback] Dev Diary: Mountain Clan Campaign

  1. #11
    Glorious Graduate
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    May 2013
    luckydiddy yes that is it. Maybe BB have need more time implement football event changes and they give us the big updade before that.

  2. #12
    Forum Explorer
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    Quote Originally Posted by luckydiddy View Post
    Very confused here .... Glad the new content is finally coming and we have a date for it ...... BUT

    Real World Cup starts on 14th June so normally football event would already be running (based on previous football events.. and christmas, easter, halloween events all start before Christmas Day, Easter Sunday, Halloween) but no dev diary for this yet?

    So either football event is going to start later than the real world cup?

    OR we are also going to get a major Game update in the middle of an in game event?

    I can't see the latter being particularly popular as most of the MCC campaign is aimed at player levels the vast majority of players have yet to reach and the downtime will affect people with timings of explorers searching for footballs etc Whilst downtime is to be expected to do so potentially in the middle of an event that does affectthe vast majority of players would seem like ... a deliberate attempt to drive players away or a colossal mistake?

    Add to that the inevitable downtime as "last minute bugs" in the new content are discovered also possibly during the football event? OR to expect that there won't be downtime each day following the update for a number of days as those pesky bugs are discovered is poor planning? Equally if MCC and football event start together .. thats a lot that can (and is likely to go wrong .. we all know it always does with big updates) and again lead to player frustrations over downtime in event as those grmelins are removed from the game.

    Surely it would simply have been better to wait with this new content a few more weeks and push it live once the football event is over?

    Of course all the above assumes the football event itself is going to coincide at some point with the real life world cup dates 14th June - 15th July which may of course be entirely wrong

    Here's hoping all goes well!
    Last summer/ footie event started a week after the football tournament started. Off course this doenst mean it has to be that way this year too, but it shows that the starting date doesnt need to be earlier/ or at the same date as the start of the tournament in Russia.

  3. #13
    Dedicated Scribe sparkz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Urd123 View Post
    What happened to the original idea of letting adventures be found by explorers or be bought with mfs?
    Why do we need the barbie house and more ways of paying for stuff ???
    Because being forced to earn crystals one way or another artificially inflates the time you need to access the content, making you wait longer and making it look like you are playing the game for a longer period of time. And, in the mind of some people, it might be actually mistaken for a genuine interest of the game, rather than artificially prolonged grind.

  4. #14
      Dedicated Scribe
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    Events usually last for three weeks, so I am assuming that the event will be loaded onto the servers at the same time as the Mountain Clan Campaign update, with activation coming some time during the following week so that the main phase of the event ends around the same time as the World Cup Final on 15th July.

    Given that recent events have been activated on Mondays, I would estimate that activation of the event will happen on 25th June, with removal phase starting on 16th July and final deactivation on 23rd July.

  5. #15
    Glorious Graduate
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    Quote Originally Posted by DutchDuty View Post
    Last summer/ footie event started a week after the football tournament started. Off course this doenst mean it has to be that way this year too, but it shows that the starting date doesnt need to be earlier/ or at the same date as the start of the tournament in Russia.
    but this will still leave the issue of almost inevitable hotfixes over the following days for the MCC campaign clashing with football event (and hotfixes for that)- which is why I question [the sanity] of the timing of this release. Many people seem to get very upset when there is even just one period of downtime for fixing things ... when it ends up happening for more than one day in a week .. or heaven forbid .. 2 days in a row these forums seem to go into meltdown! A major update such as this which will take a few days for some players to work through is therefore likely to end up with a number of downtimes over days.

    To expect there wont be any hotfixes for issues discovered with either or both is at best ... hopeful!

    As I said originally I am happy we have a launch date and I'm really looking forward to the new content... my concern is that due to everything else going on at or around the launch the timing could perhaps have been better thought out for the benefit of all .. players, MODS and BB themselves.

  6. #16
    Enlightened Sage
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    You guys seem to forget that we are not the only region and not everyone gets the update the same day. Some servers can get the update up to one week before us and by the time we get it the most disastrous and gameplay affecting bugs have been usually already fixed, if possible. Events however launch at the same time but that's another story when talking about current topic of MCC.
    Last edited by Mannerheim; 06.06.18 at 18:38.

  7. #17
    Original Serf
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    Great - i really look forward to try the mountain clan campaign - and some rewards that really are worth "fighting for" and the Epic forge looks awesome. Excellent job BB.

  8. #18
    I think the release of this new quest chain is in very bad taste at a time when major volcanos are erupting... hundreds killed and injured in Guatemala, and whole areas lost in Hawaii. Might have been a better idea to develop an idea that doesnt include death and destruction as experienced in the real world. Surely we already have more than enough of that.

  9. #19
    Ruler of the Land Xibor's Avatar
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    Sounds exciting. I'm looking forward to it
    Sorry, but I've slept since then...

  10. #20
    Ruler of the Land Xibor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HunyBun View Post
    I think the release of this new quest chain is in very bad taste at a time when major volcanos are erupting... hundreds killed and injured in Guatemala, and whole areas lost in Hawaii. Might have been a better idea to develop an idea that doesnt include death and destruction as experienced in the real world. Surely we already have more than enough of that.
    Sorry, but I've slept since then...

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