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Thread: [Feedback] Dev Diary: Mountain Clan Campaign

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Jul 2015

    Thumbs down

    Quote Originally Posted by Urd123 View Post
    What happened to the original idea of letting adventures be found by explorers or be bought with mfs?
    This is my major complaint about how BB_Alex&Co design the game. Everything released through Excelsior. It has driven me away first from adventuring and now from the game altogether.
    It is pointless to create a new sea into an ocean if we can only drink it through a straw.
    Last edited by SSSecretSquirrel; 06.06.18 at 23:06.
    Worst. Comedian. EVER.

  2. #22
    Keen Commentor
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    Jul 2012
    I really like the new content. Something for us to look forward to.

    However i must agree, the game loses cohesion. To many fronts, totally separated from each other, seems like people throw random ideas that get implemented.

    We invest time and effort to stuff, only to be tottally worthless after a while. Fragments? meh... you can buy nothing with fragments. Explorers? Maybe... Now not even them now. We have excelsior.
    Level 6 buildings? Ok with that... ohhh wait, imprved version down the corner. Lets just delete them.
    I understand the powercreep concept, and up to a point i understand it because we need incentive and we need BB to make some money. I've paid my share of euros to the game. But...

    New troops, great. But you must switch troops, only use them in special adventures, etc.
    PVP? Cool right, ohhh that needs a totally new system, and im not talking about fight mechanics, but new chains of weapons, new troops, new building, new generals, new buffs.

    The game should have a more linear progression, like advancing from the cooper era, to the iron, to the platinum, etc, i understand that and finally to better troops, to better tactics, to levelling generals, but all these should have some connection.

    This Rant said, i really believe the game has made huge improvements the last 2 years. I took a long break, and i came back everything to be much better. It's over with the constant clicking of buffing (we used to buff 3 times per day, now only once in 3 days) etc etc. New generals, new adventures, i really like it. And the way new ventures work make it interesting.

  3. #23
    Ruler of the Land Xibor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deorum View Post
    I really like the new content. Something for us to look forward to.

    However i must agree, the game loses cohesion. To many fronts, totally separated from each other, seems like people throw random ideas that get implemented.
    I appreciate the points expressed in a few posts and I agree that it's too bad (and I hope it changes) that some elements have remained but have become all but useless - map fragments being a great example. Another is perhaps co-ops deprecated now that there is no weapons in loot. There's limited reasons to play them.

    But I like seeing multiple directions available that I can choose because I like choices. Now I can perhaps be 'in the mood' to improve my Epic Farm and play the Evil Queen chain, or decide instead that I'd like some new power in the Epic Forge and play that chain, or just get rid of some things off my bonus list and play some good old regular ones, or maybe get that Princess adventure again, etc.

    Having multiple directions available (while within one stream there is a linear aspect) there are multiple streams giving me a choice of A or B depending on what I want to do.

    I agree some of the legacy needs to be cleaned up but I hope additional features and directions continue.
    Sorry, but I've slept since then...

  4. #24
    Town Councillor
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    Aug 2014
    This might become my favourite part of the game for some time. I really like the whole concept, new residential building with great population, new epic building not taking huge extra space. Hope the islands are not too bright as I preffer green islands. At the first look it seems to be well integrated. About the details I'll see when I'll start playing it. But in general I think it's a very good job.

  5. #25
    Skilled Student
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    I still do not like the idea that you have to buy a new building if you want to improve the productivity. I hope you will realize this and make a change later.

  6. #26
    Erudite Pioneer
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    Quote Originally Posted by HunyBun View Post
    I think the release of this new quest chain is in very bad taste at a time when major volcanos are erupting... hundreds killed and injured in Guatemala, and whole areas lost in Hawaii. Might have been a better idea to develop an idea that doesnt include death and destruction as experienced in the real world. Surely we already have more than enough of that.
    no one force them to live there

  7. #27
    Jolly Advisor Kriegor's Avatar
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    Jan 2015
    new is good (mostly )

    And i must say the epic forge indeed looks epic.

  8. #28
    Dedicated Scribe sparkz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xibor View Post
    But I like seeing multiple directions available that I can choose because I like choices. Now I can perhaps be 'in the mood' to improve my Epic Farm and play the Evil Queen chain, or decide instead that I'd like some new power in the Epic Forge and play that chain, or just get rid of some things off my bonus list and play some good old regular ones, or maybe get that Princess adventure again, etc.
    These choices dont exist in a vacuum, they are for the most part driven by the fact that everyone will be crystal starved, meaning they will be doing single adventure chains because of not being able to afford others.

    Not necesarily a good thing.

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    Do we really need to fill the islands with buff buildings??? The concept of having more building to reduce the usage of the new buff is great don't get me wrong, but why more buildings, some ppl already have their islands full couldn't you make it so that after initial building we get the blueprints and level them up and decrease buff time usage that way,... I realy don't see myself having more than one each.

  10. #30
    Skilled Student
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    Mar 2013
    is ok we have new content in game but some times this is pointlees
    I test the new adventures in test server and meybe i get it wrong but i don't find any any combination with elit troops to take down the enemy camps with out use arrows or something simillar. And why need to make the generals to move in half speed in those?
    As for the new buildings. Ok some of those are very good but in test need 20-30 loot to get one. this mean that the only way to get them is from market with the new ore but the quantities we need for those in my opinion are too high.

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