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Thread: How to hunt the XP ?

  1. #11
    Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    I reckon I'll stick with plodding along, lol.

    Have to fit in some time for sleeping, making food, doing the washing up, running the hoover round, chatting to the missus and family, shopping, and even some rl stuff outside the house such as fishing and going to the pub.

    (1000mil - current 140mil)/approx 200k per day = 12 years for me to it lvl 75....woohooo
    Last edited by lordloocan; 17.06.18 at 10:15.

  2. #12
    Ruler of the Land Xibor's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    New Zealand
    Adventure, Adventure, Adventure. It's all you can do.
    The new buff quests help a lot if you can do them.
    360 Premium if you can afford it
    I'm at 67 now (barely) and it is tough and requires a lot of adventures to advance. I try to adventure at least once every day in some capacity. I like to have both barracks loaded so I'll do perhaps a 1001 nights, then a fairy tale, then load up both barracks and use a recruitment guide, while that's going on I'll take care of a few scenarios and small adventures off my skill bonus list, then repeat.

    The short answer is there is no short answer. You just have to keep grinding out the adventures and any/all bonus quests you can get your hands on. Good luck.
    Sorry, but I've slept since then...

  3. #13
    Skilled Student
    Join Date
    Nov 2015
    hoping the new updates and the volcano quests help the grind

    i stopped at 65 ,,, i just couldnt handle the grind anymore ,,,, i was going insane lol

  4. #14
    Dedicated Scribe sparkz's Avatar
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    Poland / Finland
    Quote Originally Posted by twister_ View Post
    hoping the new updates and the volcano quests help the grind
    They dont, they're on average 5-10x less effective in terms of xp vs losses than the current best adventures, so, unless there is an absurd amount of room left for optimization, they wont affect the exp gains.

    Really the only thing that can speed up the levelling is if you can get some of the new buildings, you will be able to produce units faster to do more of the old adventures every day.

  5. #15
    Erudite Pioneer
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    May 2013
    YWC endlessly until your brain trickles out of your nose and ears. If you have enough mma and skilled CoA it can be done for about 100ms. Do 1T and 3T for variety (ha) when you get them. If you're watching your life go by whilst doing these you might as well buy any LS that have a chance of a mini at the same time.

    3xp quests daily. 414k xp a day without setting foot on an adventure.
    You need a (cough) 'robust' production to do this, mostly wheat and meat. Max out Epic farm with Evil Queen until you are sick of that too will help with the consumables and it's just been changed to provide 2 recipes instead of 1 which cuts that grind somewhat. Ultimately the FT castle even @ level 6 with constant rainbow will fall just short of the stalks you need to buy all 3 daily. Buy a few or skip one quest every so often.

    As others have said though, it's a grind like many online rpg's are. You're either into that or you're not.
    Personally now those quests are here, that's a baseline which necessitates no more than logging on about 3 times a day to update them. Adventure if and when i feel like it. Grinding for the sake of it is madness to me - especially for the time being since there's nothing there when you reach it anyway.

  6. #16
    Yeah some good point eeyore. There is a lot of grinding to get there so you have to really think about what you would need to do in terms of effort and commitment every day versus the final reward. From past experience of playing other games I know that the journey can be a lot more rewarding than the final goal. Fair play to them, but I wonder if the few lvl 75 players think that it was all worth it ultimately?

    Key thing is to make sure you don’t miss out on real life and keep things in perspective...

  7. #17
    Jolly Advisor
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    May 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Brotherjon View Post
    Key thing is to make sure you don’t miss out on real life and keep things in perspective...
    Key thing is it's only a game for a bit of fun. No need to make dramas as some do ;-)

  8. #18
    Glorious Graduate
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    Jun 2017
    took me 1 year to 71,so not too hard

  9. #19
    Skilled Student
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    Jun 2012
    Great Britain
    not telling you

  10. #20
    No, it’s not difficult at all. Just time consuming. If I had the time and inclination to do it I would have hit level 75 but now. But I don’t need to prove it to myself or anyone as I know I could. I have let the game serve me in terms or enjoyment when I want it, rather than being a servant to the game.

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