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Thread: Deer Tracker too much deposit.

  1. #1
    Jolly Advisor
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    SW England

    Deer Tracker too much deposit.

    Do ANY of you at BB actually play this game. I keep asking....because here again we have something we dont need, not at all. Anyone who is at a level where they can obtain this quest does NOT NEED to constantly refill meat deposits! We have deerstalker and imp deerstalker huts.

    Every meat deposit on my land is now filled to over flowing and I am using resource to go on overfilling every time I want to do this quest. PLEASE change this, NOW!

  2. #2
    Ruler of the Land
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    Feb 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by maryam1 View Post
    Do ANY of you at BB actually play this game.
    Short answer would seem to be no.

    Totally agree re meat deposits. Way back in time I had a load of level 6 hunters then along came improved deerstalkers which then replaced the hunters. I still have one level 1 hunter for the sole purpose of doing the silly 'move 2 hunters' guild quest and now have over 250k meat for it to gather. Sad how little thought really goes into this stuff.

  3. #3
    Ruler of the Land Xibor's Avatar
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    Agreed, the meat deposits get way loaded up. This quest is not the only one that asks you to add to the deposits. In this case (as you point out) the level you need to be to get the quest means it's very unlikely that meat is an issue for you. As always I look at it a couple of additional ways though...

    My old favorite point of view - you don't have to play the quest. I don't see a justification for complaining when I'm not forced to do it.

    There is no loss in having mega amounts in a deposit. I don't know what the limit of the variable is that stores the amount but I'm sure it's a seriously large number. So what's the harm? It doesn't impact my personal inventory or even flash an exclamation point that it's full (which by definition of course it can't be) - no down side at all.

    I can always use meat. I keep 3 hunters - mostly for "old times" sake - and run them at level 5 to burn up some of these deposits a little. Meat is good. Steaks, sausage, etc. If I end up with too much I can star menu it, sell it, whatever. So having lots in the deposits is good to give the hunters something to do.

    While it's definitely silly at the required level to worry too much about meat deposits I don't see much of a down side to it and the refills are cheap to make and so fast to make I hardly notice making them.

    btw as for the "move the hunter" quest (which I'll argue is the absolute worst, ridiculous, pointless, boggles-the-mind-why-it-was-even-designed, annoying, etc.) quest I really wish that would get completely and permanently erased from the code.
    Sorry, but I've slept since then...

  4. #4
    I don’t think you can fill them to overflowing, but I have several in the hundreds of thousands by now. But think of all that extra xp gain... I have built 3 regular hunters to level 6 to use them up but think I need a few more, maybe I’ll replace the coking plants.

    Don’t really have a beef with moving hunters for guild quest, I think it’s good for them to move around to ensure a balanced ecosystem. If I don’t like a guild quest I don’t do it, I think people get too obsessed with having to have them done. They’re only for a few guild coins which don’t get used much anyway.

  5. #5
    Master of Strategy
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brotherjon View Post
    I don’t think you can fill them to overflowing, but I have several in the hundreds of thousands by now. But think of all that extra xp gain... I have built 3 regular hunters to level 6 to use them up but think I need a few more, maybe I’ll replace the coking plants.

    Don’t really have a beef with moving hunters for guild quest, I think it’s good for them to move around to ensure a balanced ecosystem. If I don’t like a guild quest I don’t do it, I think people get too obsessed with having to have them done. They’re only for a few guild coins which don’t get used much anyway.
    It is not mainly about the guild quest - but one of the new mini quests you can get for stalks. And yes you dont need to do it- decided a long time ago that it was not worth the trouble. But that said it does not make any sense to make players fill more in those depots than they will ever need.
    If for some reason support feels the need to edit what I wrote, please delete entire post instead, dont put words into my mouth that I never said.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2016
    I agree here - the levels of deposit needed are daft - not a problem to make or deposit it but.. at some point players must hit the limit as to what a deposit can contain ..... what then?

  7. #7
    Town Councillor
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    Quote Originally Posted by Raddichio View Post
    I agree here - the levels of deposit needed are daft - not a problem to make or deposit it but.. at some point players must hit the limit as to what a deposit can contain ..... what then?
    Very simple solution - if you ever hit the limit of course. You build enough Hunters to consume the deposit.

    There seems to be an expectation that the game must flow as to my logic or as to my preffered style of playing. While many of these seemingly nonsensical developements tend to drive towards versatility and strategic decision making. You chose "A" at the cost or at the expense of "B". Some of these "silly" changes like typically multiple same buildings reducing production or cool down time work this way too. "A" at the cost of "B". All this drives some dynamics back to the island managing. Otherwise many just max everything and then the island is nothing more then routine buffing and overproducing. I like having a reason to play around with the number and type and location of buildings I need on my island instead of having a static, boring island which after some time is hardly a dynamic part of the game, rather just a background provisional. Is it a waste of resources to build then demolish and rebuild something else or move things around? Could be in some view. But we do stuff like that in real life industry all the time. Rebuild and restructure according to market demand etc, relocate machinery around places based on many different market factors etc. etc. I personally like this type of challenge, if the deposit overfill will ever become a challenge of course. Not saying that it was an intention, but willing to take it this way.
    Last edited by Norton_C; 24.06.18 at 17:25.

  8. #8
    Ruler of the Land TheVictorious's Avatar
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    The other problem is the load of steaks needed to be applied, sometimes I wait until the previous buff ends or simply use stop buff and waste everything, I think BB should make these quests with 2 options, apply buffs and refill for home or friend island.
    Hello People

  9. #9
    Town Councillor
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheVictorious View Post
    The other problem is the load of steaks needed to be applied, sometimes I wait until the previous buff ends or simply use stop buff and waste everything, I think BB should make these quests with 2 options, apply buffs and refill for home or friend island.
    I don't want anybody roaming around my island filling my deposits and buffing my stuff.

  10. #10
    Ruler of the Land Xibor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Norton_C View Post
    I don't want anybody roaming around my island filling my deposits and buffing my stuff.
    I completely agree. If I want a friend to buff I communicate with them telling them exactly where and what. I control many buffs myself and time them to when I'm awake, working, etc. to get the maximum value.

    Nothing would frustrate me more than finding buildings randomly buffed with steaks messing up my timing. The occasional quest that asks for 5 baskets or some such thing is one thing - 50 steaks is quite another.
    Sorry, but I've slept since then...

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