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Thread: Bug in Unknown Regions Adventure ?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    Bug in Unknown Regions Adventure ?

    Hi, I started Unknown Regions Adventure and based on the main quest and tutorial on wiki ( librerated first Nord village. After that I created first Nords Trade Offer buff in my provision house and now I have it in my Star Menu in the adventure. Currently I have the quest to use it on the Skaustad MeadHall, but the game does not allows it. If I select this buff in my menu and click with it on the Mead Hall in the liberated sector, it does nothing, so the corresponding quest (Trade with Skaustad) cannot be completed. Is this a bug in this adventure? Does anyone have the same experience?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Update: I finished this adventure today without finished this sub-quest. The first Nords Trade Offer could not use on the Skaustad MeadHall, but I could it use on the another three MeadHalls.

  3. #3
    Committed Clicker
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    Jun 2012
    My island
    I have this problem too, and the adventure is very confusing even for experienced players following a guide. Why does the map need to be covered in fog? How do we land in the middle of an island? Why reduce the walking speed of generals from very slow to almost not moving?

    Why do we need to make extra buffs that take hours in the provision house?

    Is there any point to the test server where none of the bugs are fixed and all feedback seems to be ignored?
    Last edited by Peajay; 29.06.18 at 21:18.

  4. #4
    Dedicated Scribe sparkz's Avatar
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    Poland / Finland
    Quote Originally Posted by Peajay View Post
    Why does the map need to be covered in fog? How do we land in the middle of an island? Why reduce the walking speed of generals from very slow to almost not moving?
    Because this game has much more focus on the attempted story telling and pseudo-rpg elements than it has focus on actual strategy.

    All of the things you listed play well with this kind of approach (and the general theme of Excelsior exploring unknown areas), while it fits a Settlers game about as much as a saddle fits a pig. But still nobody on their side seems to care.

  5. #5
    Raving Rabbid Areop-Enap's Avatar
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    Apr 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by sparkz View Post
    Because this game has much more focus on the attempted story telling and pseudo-rpg elements than it has focus on actual strategy.

    All of the things you listed play well with this kind of approach (and the general theme of Excelsior exploring unknown areas), while it fits a Settlers game about as much as a saddle fits a pig. But still nobody on their side seems to care.
    Fog of War has been part of Settlers since beginning...

    It fits quite well with exploring unknown/new territories.
    There is a world of imagination
    Deep in the corners of your mind
    Where reality is an intruder
    And myth and legend thrive

  6. #6
    Glorious Graduate
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    May 2013
    Just finished Unknown Regions but couldn't make all buffs because either not all the hides were there to be found or they were too difficult to see. My bet is the latter because I could hardly recognize the ones I did find even when zoomed in at maximum. Perhaps a little adjustment to the visibility of the hides for those of us with old(er) eyes?

  7. #7
    Ruler of the Land Xibor's Avatar
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    I'm still in the middle of it and I think it's great. Fog of war adds a level of interest for me - can't quite call it suspense but something close to that. The negative effects countered by buffs is a fun twist (and a learning curve of the number of troops you can lose if you don't take it into account), and I don't see any issue with finding the furs. They will be exactly where the leader camp was, and mousing-over shows the name quite clearly. True the color doesn't provide a lot of contrast but since I know exactly where it will be (instead of having to search the whole map) I don't see that as a problem.

    I'm enjoying this campaign style.
    Sorry, but I've slept since then...

  8. #8
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    I have got the part where I have created the second Nords trade offer on Jarnbu Mead Hall but I cant use it despite having the quest to complete. I notice the latest update should clear this problem.....only trouble is the adventure will have timed out by then!

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