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Thread: We need your feedback - Test Server UI Changes!

  1. #1
    Community Manager
    Ruler of the Land BB_Saqui's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2016

    We need your feedback - Test Server UI Changes!

    Dear settlers,

    In case you haven't noticed yet, the test server interface has been heavily improved upon to make player interaction easier. Want to know what exactly has changed?

    • The size of the Trade Office/Sell and Star Menu windows have been increased to show more items and improve usability.
    • All timed production windows (e.g. Barracks, Provision House...) now allow text input when choosing amounts.
    • Automatically input the maximum affordable amount of recruits in the Barracks by default, and set the window focus to the input for the number of entries.
    • "Select/Deselect all filters" has been added to both the Trade Office and Sell Window to improve usability.
    • Buff amounts are updated instantly when applying buffs multiple times in quick succession.
    • It now shouldn't be possible to input "0" as a quantity of any production or buff input.
    • The "Apply Buff" panel should now hide automatically when there is no more buff quantity left.
    • The Combat Preview persistent after applying to a camp so players can see the previews on multiple camps without having to select troops again.
    • Fix scrolling behaviour across all UI windows to be more accurate and consistent.
    • You can now use the "ENTER" key to confirm trades and buffs.
    • You can now use the "ESC" key to exit UI windows and navigate back within sub-panels.
    • Remember the last buff amount if the same buff window is opened to cover the common case where a player wants to split resources evenly between deposits.
    • The window should now focus on the text input when opening the trade window and apply buff panel.

    Feel free to share your feedback below and let us know if you'd like to see such changes on your live instance as well! If you'd like to try out the changes yourself, head on over to, today!

    Happy settling,

  2. #2
    Skilled Student
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    midlands uk
    is there any way you can make it, so you can send multiply amount of scouts out at once
    so if i want to send 10 scouts out for a long search i have to do 1 at a time at the min
    would be better to select 10 scouts and send at once

  3. #3

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by BB_Saqui View Post
    • Fix scrolling behaviour across all UI windows to be more accurate and consistent.
    This means that well have to scroll 3 or more times more to get the same result as now. FUN TIMES!

    • Buff amounts are updated instantly when applying buffs multiple times in quick succession.
    This will have no effect if it will still always state 99+.

    Rest looks good.
    Last edited by SSSecretSquirrel; 06.07.18 at 23:01.
    Worst. Comedian. EVER.

  5. #5
    Dedicated Scribe
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    A few things:

    The size of the Trade Office/Sell and Star Menu windows have been increased to show more items and improve usability.
    I like this, but it probably needs to allow for a custom size rather than making it bigger for everyone, I am sure some people who play the game on low resolution devices will not like this change.

    Automatically input the maximum affordable amount of recruits in the Barracks by default, and set the window focus to the input for the number of entries.
    This just needs a clarification, its the 1-25 column which is set to 25 by default, its not going to try and force you to make 10000 recruits every time.

    It now shouldn't be possible to input "0" as a quantity of any production or buff input.
    The number input is still a bit awkward, although the number of groups to produce is selected by default, if you click anywhere else then you need to drag select the "1" and type the number in. You can't for example just delete the 1 and type in a different number as it doesn't let you delete the 1 (as it ends up with no number).

    You can now use the "ENTER" key to confirm trades and buffs.
    You can now use the "ESC" key to exit UI windows and navigate back within sub-panels.
    These need to be expanded to cover specialists too, for a scout you should be able to select the scout, pick treasure search, pick length and then hit enter rather than clicking the tick. Pressing ESC on treasure search type should take you back to the search type menu (rather than closing the explorer window).

    The window should now focus on the text input when opening the trade window and apply buff panel.
    This is a great change (I am being serious) I am sure many players will complain about it (they should shut up though! )

    While working on this type of stuff I have a few small suggestions for the trade office:
    1) provide option for search to limit it to either offer or cost.
    2) when making a trade, make the search fields for offer and price be remembered independently of each other. At the moment the search works like you want to buy an item for the same item.

  6. #6
    Dedicated Scribe
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    oh and the send generals to adventures window needs to be looked at as a priority, I am sure I am not the only one that finds it a complete pain to use with having lots of generals.

  7. #7
    Skilled Student
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    Sep 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Kotugo View Post
    These need to be expanded to cover specialists too, for a scout you should be able to select the scout, pick treasure search, pick length and then hit enter rather than clicking the tick. Pressing ESC on treasure search type should take you back to the search type menu (rather than closing the explorer window).

    Also, size up the "Send generals" window now you're looking at window sizes. It currently shows 3 rows of generals and when you use scroll wheel you get the next three rows. Problem is you can't see the number of assigned troops on the third row.

  8. #8
    Keen Commentor Syltom1's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    You updated all the UIs but this one? Why? This "Send Generals" is cut poorly for a long time.

    BB, please, just a simple UI like this is enough:

    Or however you want, as long as it's not cut half-way like currently.
    Last edited by Syltom1; 25.07.18 at 10:24.

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