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Thread: [Feedback] Dev Diary: Co-op adventure reward adjustments and UI improvements

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    I too welcome these changes but for a different reason.
    It demonstrates continued commitment to the product from BB and, therefore, Ubisoft.
    Thanks folks - it is appreciated.

    Most of the previous posts are requests for yet more changes. This is not the place for that.
    Sure, things like sorting order are inconsistent between windows. That is to be expected in an
    application as large and long-lived as TSO.

    Also, the idea that BB can throw in a few more changes "whilst they are there" is, believe me, just ridiculous.

  2. #12
    Keen Commentor
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    +1 to changing the Send Army window, c'mon it can be improved in so many ways, now there is barely room to show 6 generals with a huge empy bar at the top that isn't being used

  3. #13
      Treasure Hunter
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    Jan 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Bronfey View Post
    I too welcome these changes but for a different reason.
    It demonstrates continued commitment to the product from BB and, therefore, Ubisoft.
    Thanks folks - it is appreciated.

    Most of the previous posts are requests for yet more changes. This is not the place for that.
    Sure, things like sorting order are inconsistent between windows. That is to be expected in an
    application as large and long-lived as TSO.

    Also, the idea that BB can throw in a few more changes "whilst they are there" is, believe me, just ridiculous.
    I agree with the fact that this is not the place to ask for more changes, however TSO have brought their own changes to the game and not implemented changes of the same nature that have been asked for, more than once in the correct forum section. So I don't see a problem with reminding them on other updates we would like to see in regards to the updates they are planning. Also there is an increased chance that the dev team will consider implementing other updates that the players want if we tell them often enough.

    Also, I am sure that it is not easy to make updates to the game but if they were to make 1 change then "whilst they are there", making the changes, they might as well do it right and not do half a job. Not trying to make it sound that it is simple to do, but rather do it right the first time then its done.

  4. #14
    Guide of the Month Ruler of the Land Nogbad's Avatar
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    Instead of fiddling with the Co-op's loot to try and make them more popular (their problems lie more in their format and difficulty in getting the required players), why not reverse the November 2014 loot nerf? You ruined adventures like Outlaws with this piece of nastiness and forced a lot of expensive island rebuilding as you effectively took away one of the two ways the game could be played to acquire weapons like iron swords.
    Seeing really mixed messages here, you're happy to tweak the loot upwards to "fix" a problem that isn't loot related really, yet won't do the same to those adventures that you made a lot less appealing by that abysmal update that brought nothing but misery to the game.
    Oh, and End of the World still has pifflingly poor xp and no loot, it's long overdue for a "tweak" to make the rewards commensurate with its difficulty level.
    We love our new CM.

    Newfoundland: 20th November 2011 to 25th November 2014. RIP
    It was good while it lasted.

  5. #15
    It would be nice to see, when opening mayor`s house ,,that vindow where centred ,instead of it sits in right bottom corner,

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    I particularly like the idea of larger star/trade windows, and the deselect all filter on trade window.

  7. #17
    Dedicated Scribe
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    Jan 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Nogbad View Post
    Instead of fiddling with the Co-op's loot to try and make them more popular (their problems lie more in their format and difficulty in getting the required players), why not reverse the November 2014 loot nerf? You ruined adventures like Outlaws with this piece of nastiness and forced a lot of expensive island rebuilding as you effectively took away one of the two ways the game could be played to acquire weapons like iron swords.
    Seeing really mixed messages here, you're happy to tweak the loot upwards to "fix" a problem that isn't loot related really, yet won't do the same to those adventures that you made a lot less appealing by that abysmal update that brought nothing but misery to the game.
    Oh, and End of the World still has pifflingly poor xp and no loot, it's long overdue for a "tweak" to make the rewards commensurate with its difficulty level.
    I disagree with this, the weapon change was a good one in my opinion as it made a whole bunch of production buildings useful, it also gave those weapons value and it also opened up the option to have quests that require x of a certain weapon to be produced. Can you imagine the uproar if the weapon change had not happened and we had some kind of crisis quest that required you to produce x number of a specific weapon. Too many people would have an island consisting of just a barracks and population buildings.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Xadro View Post
    +1 to changing the Send Army window, c'mon it can be improved in so many ways, now there is barely room to show 6 generals with a huge empy bar at the top that isn't being used
    Yes, and why can't we see the names of the generals without having to mouse hover over each one. What is the point of renaming the gens unless every menu accessing the generals shows the name..

  9. #19
    Jolly Advisor
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    Feb 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Wulfmeister View Post
    With the Send Generals window, the bigger issue for me has always been the way the generals are randomised rather than being sorted or grouped (the logical way would be to use the sequence that is adopted in the Star Menu). It would also be useful if it showed the General's personalised name instead of the generic name (of which there are frequently many to work through to try to find the specific MMA you want to send, for example)

  10. #20
    Skilled Student
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Coop loot - I think it is a good decision. Neither coop loot nor xp were descent. A good step forward after The Great Loot Nerf like 3 years ago. Since that time most of mid-level adventures provide mostly materials, which can be produced on the Island anyway.
    Please consider re-balancing the loot for remaining old adventures.

    UI improvement. Well, I guess you already know, what many players have been awaiting for years (multi-treasure-search send, multi-deposit search)...

    Anyways, +1 for me.

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