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Thread: [Feedback] Dev Diary: Island Expansion

  1. #101
    Wordsmith Larili's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Bit late to put the explanation and I'm not happy! Like Areop-Enap I would not of bought the island if I knew it was going to mess up my granite masons which are down south. I don't want to build another up north to work the deposits which are wider apart than the ones down south, its less efficient, which maybe ok for some but not for me. If I can not block that new deposit I want the amount increased by one so I don't loose out twice ( Gems and poorer granite production ) That would not be fair especially as the reasoning behind it is released after the fact.
    I already said in my previous post, having alternate sites for mined deposits is fine once their location has been determined as the player can place the store where it is most appropriate. Remember a store is both cheap to build and left at level one without effecting ore production. Masons are completely different, especially granite masons which are far from cheap and require leveling up which is also not cheap.
    And before some Dev starts to argue that having an extra granite deposit would un-balance the game, as if they have a solid grasp of that word, I would suggest a simple buff solution which when applied to a granite deposit turns it into an extra marble one ( or stone if you must ) instead thus blocking the unwanted site and allowing the search to find granite on the previous site before new island upgrade.
    ps. The granite deposit I have lost is the one closest to a mason and the reserve is the furthest from any of my other masons, so I am really miffed. How to turn a positive upgrade into a negative one, do you go somewhere to learn how to do this ?
    Are we to be told of adventure changes or not? 1 Month on and still SNEAKY RB changes have not been mentioned

  2. #102
    Erudite Pioneer
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Please remove the extra granite spot. The ones we had are enough.

  3. #103
    Jolly Advisor
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    May 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by BB_Saqui View Post
    Hello folks! We've just posted an update regarding the subject of deposits on the new islands. Please read it here, and continue to leave feedback!
    Something not quite correct about this map. Granite deposits currently (inc new one on first island) I have, 3 on 2nd Archi island, 2 just left of volcano, 1 on island once you've turned the corner and heading North, 1 above that then new one = 8, map says only 4. Titanium, 1 on first Archi island, 1 on volcano island, 1 on the end island, 1 on first island going North after the corner, 1 on new island = 5, map says 4. Salt 2 on volcano island, 1 on the end island, 1 as you continue around the corner on volcano island, 1 on first island round corner heading North = 5, map says 6 (nothing found on new islands).

  4. #104
    Ruler of the Land
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    Jan 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by BB_Saqui View Post
    Hello folks! We've just posted an update regarding the subject of deposits on the new islands. Please read it here, and continue to leave feedback!
    Its amusing you dont know your own map on the original map there is 7 granite deposits all discover-able and usable at the same time

  5. #105
    Enlightened Sage
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    Feb 2012
    The map shows the deposits that now belong to the same group as the newly added deposits.

  6. #106
    Ruler of the Land topgearfan's Avatar
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    Aug 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by BB_Saqui View Post
    Hello folks! We've just posted an update regarding the subject of deposits on the new islands. Please read it here, and continue to leave feedback!
    That is some major league cowpoo right there. How is granite use more limited than titanium or saltpetre? You can easily use a million or more to upgrade your island. Titanium and saltpetre deposits on the other hand i dont use. Still loads in the storage without mining.
    Hope at least someone over there realizes that what you did with granite is a nerf.
    Please can i buy the island without the granite "deposit"?
    Last edited by topgearfan; 25.08.18 at 09:26.
    Was fighting windmills from Aug 2012 to Oct 2019.

  7. #107
    Glorious Graduate
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    Jul 2013
    Thanks for the explanation about the mines BUT this should have been part of the original description in the developers diary, it was not and based on that i spent money/gems on the new islands in the belief that these new mines were extra, no mention was made of them being part of the old limit they should be convert to extras, not some smart word LATE explanation, you have made a mistake do the right thing and fix it as it should be (extra's) as advertised, i have played this game for a long time and did not mind spending money on it, i now feel very ripped of and deceived, and a late explanation does not fix that feeling, if this was real world and this would be considered fraudulent and misleading advertising!

  8. #108
    Glorious Graduate
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    wonderful the map is not even correct, admit you have made a mistake and give us those mine especially the granite as its random placement just mucks up a already organised mining set up

  9. #109
    Ruler of the Land TheVictorious's Avatar
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    May 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by BB_Saqui View Post
    Hello folks! We've just posted an update regarding the subject of deposits on the new islands. Please read it here, and continue to leave feedback!
    Oh, this becomes really bad! why this is not clear on the first place

    Also, I got all granite and titanium! it is really fishy now! and does not make sense!

    I feel your team just turned a bug to be "as designed" instead!

    It is not fun to have that granite deposits so far from each other, and not fun to have much random deposit where I don't know where to place a storehouse close from.

    3.5K x4 gems for rubbish!
    Last edited by TheVictorious; 25.08.18 at 08:59.
    Hello People

  10. #110
    Wordsmith Larili's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    It gets worse. Looking on the map the other alternative granite deposit is the one in the other sector, wait for it...closest to my other mason ! Coincidence that it just happens to be the one with the closest build spot or just to `balance' granite production BB?
    So now while the one on the new island exists ( I would have to build a new mason or move one at a cost to remove it, and every time after), I'll forever have my masons walking further ( and production is going to be slower and less efficient till BB Devs get around to correcting there poor thinking, assuming it was given any thought in the first place. I somehow think a complementary fruit basket is not going to cut it, given the cost in gems or the cost of another `part-time' mason. )
    I am tempted to go further than robblack1 and mention the word `misselling' as clearly there was a hidden consequence for buying this island which was known about, but even when questions were asked here in the forum about whether it was an `extra' or `alternative' deposit, BB failed to respond till after the update and players were faced with the reality.
    I wanted the islands for space not the deposits, so I don't care if you remove it from the island just give me back my deposits on the archipeligo or alternate it with the other one on the gem bought islands, but do it quickly. I was looking forward to this update, and was going to slap some premium on this weekend and do some adventuring while I was on a that's going to happen to do some gardening instead
    Are we to be told of adventure changes or not? 1 Month on and still SNEAKY RB changes have not been mentioned

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