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Thread: α-Orionis Centurion Fight Optimiser - New Version

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    Hello everyone,

    today version of the Centurion Optimiser has been released.

    Centurion Downloads


    * Correction with a property of the party crashers.

    * various tool tips for generals, player's troops and enemies.

    The next version will be released at the end of June 2020.

    Happy optimising,
    alpha Ori
    α-Orionis Centurion Fight Optimiser - A powerful Windows app to optimise your attacks and manage your adventures, strategies, tactical information
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  2. #22
    Join Date
    Jan 2018

    Easter: Fight the Party Crashers (high player levels, calculated with Centurion)

    Hi everything,

    I have compiled attacks for players of high levels (all kinds of troops available) to fight the Easter party crashers. I have made the following assumptions:

    * Mary Christmas or Boris are available.
    * No suicide waves (not necessary).
    * No skills.

    The images below are screen shots from the agenda view of the Centurion Fight Optimiser:

    * The numbers are the numbers of the day of the event where these party crashers can appear first.
    * You will find the general used and the troops/units to put in.
    * The last column gives some details such as duration, losses, XP, and so on.

    The adventure plan file that was used to calculate this can be found and then used in your Centurion installation under this link: Centurion Easter adventure plan. You are welcome to refine these calculations, for example with the skills of your generals. Simply download the file and edit it through Centurion.

    Links related to the Centurion app are in my message signature (footer).

    Have fun and a happy Easter event,

    Level MAX - Boris only

    Level MAX - Mary only

    Last edited by AlphaOri; 14.04.20 at 12:09.
    α-Orionis Centurion Fight Optimiser - A powerful Windows app to optimise your attacks and manage your adventures, strategies, tactical information
    Announcement | Download | Wiki | Forum Thread

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    Hello everyone,

    today version 1.5.5 of the Centurion Optimiser has been released.

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    * Camps HuG#16, HuG#22 have been corrected.

    * Job list: new column for the job type. Can be sorted, hidden, moved.
    * CTRL-O, CTRL-U, CTRL-S now launch the job definition windows for optimisation, useful generals and simulation respectively.
    * Agenda: The name given to an adventure plan item is now displayed in the agenda below the camp number. You may see command lines as names in the agenda in very rare cases in your adventure plan. These have been saved in the past with a Centurion version that accidentally saved the command line as the name. Just remove the name from the adventure plan item and everything will be fine. In the next version you will be able to deactivate this new feature altogether. This may be useful if you put information into the name slot of an adventure plan item that has no place being shown in the agenda.
    * Pessimistic combat analysis now processes splash damage correctly. Optimisation results are unaffected and were always correct.
    * Drag-and-drop from the job list into the adventure plan is now a “move” not a “copy” when CTRL key is pressed. You can make “move” the default behaviour in the configuration.

    The next version will be released at the end of July 2020.

    Happy optimising,
    alpha Ori
    Last edited by AlphaOri; 30.04.20 at 06:55.
    α-Orionis Centurion Fight Optimiser - A powerful Windows app to optimise your attacks and manage your adventures, strategies, tactical information
    Announcement | Download | Wiki | Forum Thread

  4. #24
    Battle Hardened Contributor
    Join Date
    Apr 2019
    i've played with this optimizer for over 24hrs. so far i've managed to add 1 attack for 1 camp in 1 agenda

    i would really like to to see a video guide on this.

    any chance you could show us how to get 3 agendas for 1 adventure ?
    let's say for YWC: 1 agenda for max XP, 1 agenda for Victory Efficient and 1 agenda for Victory XP


    i'm getting an error while using a vet general. the one named 1upVet. if i rename it to smtg else, it works just fine
    same error with another general, same name setup

    1. is there a way to rename the troops with english server names?

    2. how do you populate your agenda? can you select more then one attack and move it from left to right? (i've tried it and i couldn't)

    3. after simulating useful generals for a whole adventure, how do i move the result to an agenda? or do i have to optimize it first and then move it one-by-one?

    4. if you rename a general, you can re-run jobs . also agenda's are not updating with the new name
    Last edited by JohnRo79; 23.05.20 at 13:36.

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    Hello everyone,

    the test server was updated today. The summer event is running there now. It seems there will be a new general "Sylvana" which has the exact same properties as the Boris. It costs 6695 balls or 6999 gems. I will not integrate Sylvana into Centurion, unless BB decides to change the properties. Adventure plans and agendas where you use your Boris can be transferred to Sylvana without change. If BB changes Sylvana, I'll add her to Centurion.

    Last edited by AlphaOri; 27.05.20 at 19:35.
    α-Orionis Centurion Fight Optimiser - A powerful Windows app to optimise your attacks and manage your adventures, strategies, tactical information
    Announcement | Download | Wiki | Forum Thread

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by JohnRo79 View Post
    i would really like to to see a video guide on this.
    I am really not very good at making videos. That's why I created the user guide (PDF) and a Wiki. There are lots of examples there that you can just follow step by step.

    Quote Originally Posted by JohnRo79 View Post
    any chance you could show us how to get 3 agendas for 1 adventure ?
    Click on the agenda tab of your one-and-only agenda in the adventure plan. There will be a context menu popping up. In the context menu click "create new agenda" and it will be added.

    Quote Originally Posted by JohnRo79 View Post
    i'm getting an error while using a vet general. the one named 1upVet. if i rename it to smtg else, it works just fine
    Don't include numbers in the names of your generals. Call it "OneUp" instead of "1up". When there are numbers in the name, the resolution of your attack configuration into individual troops will fail since it will think you want 1x "up" and that's not there. I guess no-one has ever tried before to put numbers into the names

    Quote Originally Posted by JohnRo79 View Post
    1. is there a way to rename the troops with english server names?
    When you switch Centurion to the english language, the troops will be in english as well. However if you mean the acronyms like BSK, RIT and so on, that is something I am working on. Currently they are not language-dependent.

    Quote Originally Posted by JohnRo79 View Post
    2. how do you populate your agenda? can you select more then one attack and move it from left to right? (i've tried it and i couldn't)
    On the left there is a tree view, not a list. The tree view does not allow multi-selection, unfortunately. So you drag them into the agenda one by one.

    Quote Originally Posted by JohnRo79 View Post
    3. after simulating useful generals for a whole adventure, how do i move the result to an agenda? or do i have to optimize it first and then move it one-by-one?
    When you have the useful generals result in your adventure plan, open the details of it and launch an optimization from there. The useful generals result itself does not go into the agenda because (A) it isnt fully optimized to the end, only gives you an indication of which general is better than which other one and (B) it is not unique... you need to make an explicit choice which general to use in your agenda.

    Quote Originally Posted by JohnRo79 View Post
    4. if you rename a general, you can re-run jobs . also agenda's are not updating with the new name
    The name that you give to the general world like an acronym. It is a unique identifier. If you change it, it is actually a different general now. For example, the names are part of the command line and when you change the name it is a different command line, so it is a different job, not related to what you calculated previously. Try to figure out a naming system for your generals that doesnt require renaming. If you still have jobs/adventure plan items with the "old" name, leave the old general and create a new one with the new acronym. Keep the old general until you dont need the old jobs anymore, then remove the old general.

    Hope that helps, even though not everything I wrote may seem to be the most intuitive solution for you.


    PS: I want to apologise for responding so late. This thread here is actually configured to send me a mail immediately when someone posts. That didn't happen so I didnt know any sooner you had posted here, sorry.
    α-Orionis Centurion Fight Optimiser - A powerful Windows app to optimise your attacks and manage your adventures, strategies, tactical information
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  7. #27
    Join Date
    Jan 2018

    Centurion's Combat Analysis

    Combat analysis is a feature where you can obtain all the details about the course that a particular combat took. Here are situations where this is useful:

    * The result of an attack is unexpected and you want to make sure everything has been entered correctly or whether there is maybe an error in the algorithm.
    * You want to verify the individual properties of the troops/units in the combat.
    * You want to refine your attack configuration.
    * You want to understand why the result is what it is.
    * You want to know which skills and zone buffs actually have an effect in the combat.

    Such a combat analysis can be opened for every result that you calculated in Centurion (simulations, optimisations, useful generals).

    From the combat analysis you'll learn:

    * the individual phases of the combat
    * which troops attacked with which properties and who defeated who
    * which skills were used
    * how long it took

    There is an optimistic, a pessimistic and a realistic version of combat analysis:

    - optimistic: What happens in the best case? When there is an element of chance in the combat, it is assumed to come out in favour of the player.
    - pessimistic: What happens in the worst case? When there is an element of chance in the combat, it is assumed to come out in against the player.
    - realistic: What is to be expected realistically? Elements of chance will come out for or against the player according to the underlying probabilities (a single simulation).

    More details, for example how to launch a combat analysis, can be found in the Wiki. There is also a page explaining the parts of a combat.
    α-Orionis Centurion Fight Optimiser - A powerful Windows app to optimise your attacks and manage your adventures, strategies, tactical information
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  8. #28
    Battle Hardened Contributor
    Join Date
    Apr 2019
    is there a way to optimize without losing any specific troops?

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by JohnRo79 View Post
    is there a way to optimize without losing any specific troops?
    Hi John,

    sorry for the late response... I am still not being notified by the forum when there is a new message even though I have subscribed to it.

    Currently you can only make it highly unlikely to lose a specific kind of troops by setting its personal value very very high. I am planning to have conditions in the near future where the loss of specific troops can be excluded. The next version will focus on optimising for training times but after that I'll focus on such conditions. However the personal value approach should give you usable results.

    α-Orionis Centurion Fight Optimiser - A powerful Windows app to optimise your attacks and manage your adventures, strategies, tactical information
    Announcement | Download | Wiki | Forum Thread

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Jan 2018

    Version 1.6. released.

    Hello everyone,

    today version 1.6 of the Centurion Optimiser has been released.

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    * Optimisation for training time implemented.
    * Configure you barracks levels and training grounds.
    * Calculation of elite, normal and combined training times.
    * Use the following predefined objectives to minimise combined training time. Details can be seen under Browse -> Objectives: “Victory – TT“, “Victory – TT efficient“.
    * New option about showing names at agenda items.

    * Main window: Gameplay buttons added and wired so they can be used with an agenda. Jump-to-top button added.
    * Gameplay: Done-up-to-here jumps to top of list. Item-done jumps to top of list when 1st item was selected. Reset-all jumps to top of list.

    The next version will be released at the end of October 2020.

    Happy optimising,
    alpha Ori
    α-Orionis Centurion Fight Optimiser - A powerful Windows app to optimise your attacks and manage your adventures, strategies, tactical information
    Announcement | Download | Wiki | Forum Thread

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