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Thread: [Feedback] Test Server: Mail Improvements

  1. #11
    Nice. Looking forward to having this in place.

  2. #12
    Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    I am all for improvements but couldnt you do the ones that benefit the players the most ..filters for sending generals so you send by name or type same with explorers so we can send them all at once ..i would much rather that so i dont get repetitive strain injury's as my inbox is never that full

  3. #13
      Treasure Hunter
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by hades8840 View Post
    I am all for improvements but couldnt you do the ones that benefit the players the most ..filters for sending generals so you send by name or type same with explorers so we can send them all at once ..i would much rather that so i dont get repetitive strain injury's as my inbox is never that full
    I couldn't agree more. However, the mailing system will be better overall. Well done. Now since they are on a roll with improving game windows and menus, I wonder if they will change the send army menu. As it stands atm, it is a right mess. There have been many posts regarding this change but nothing has happened as of yet. Please improve the send army window, please.

  4. #14
    Enlightened Sage
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    I find the mass mail accept improvement being far better and more important than the mass send explorers. When sending explorers the UI is at least consistent with less lag while accepting the explorer mails is jumpy, laggy with buttons changing position and the whole mailbox getting stuck mails requiring a full refresh.

    For the general window improvements they already said there were no plans at least a while ago.

  5. #15
      Jolly Advisor
    Join Date
    Jan 2017
    i think the new mail box looks great. will make it so much easier to see the mail u want. many a timw ive had loads of battle reps to ead and missed other important mail cause they were burried under all the battle reps.

  6. #16
      Treasure Hunter
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    Jan 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Mannerheim View Post

    For the general window improvements they already said there were no plans at least a while ago.
    Whether they said they had no plans to make improvements to the general send window or not. That is besides the point. It NEEDS sorting out. Please share the link where this was said. Thanks

  7. #17
    Treasure Hunter
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Does this mean I can 'send to star menu' all the items my explorers find? I was getting tired of hitting the button 30+ times a day

  8. #18
    Skilled Student
    Join Date
    May 2012
    And for those of us who find the current system perfectly adequate, will there be an option to leave things as they are? Personally I detest menus and nested menus even more. Of course I don't get qizillions of mail so manage quite well as it is. No doubt we lose time to have it "installed" and then more time to "sort out" things with a "hot fix" which isn't very hot . . .

  9. #19
    Treasure Hunter
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Being able to collect all explorer loot in a couple of clicks is a much needed update, can't wait to have half the chore of using explorers wiped out. Now we just need a better way to send them all out quickly and it will be perfect

  10. #20
    Enlightened Sage
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by PELIAS View Post
    Whether they said they had no plans to make improvements to the general send window or not. That is besides the point. It NEEDS sorting out. Please share the link where this was said. Thanks
    I know it needs improvements and I have posted about them several times at test where the BB reply has also been at. Feel free to browse the replies of BB_Alex since it's been almost a year since I've first posted about the subject and even more from others.

    My latest posts is here with link to the older one. The thread also has BB replies but not the I was referring to (but still similar).!

    Quote Originally Posted by TotoMok View Post
    Does this mean I can 'send to star menu' all the items my explorers find? I was getting tired of hitting the button 30+ times a day
    Yep indeed it does

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