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Thread: [Feedback] Sneak Peek: The Training Grounds

  1. #31
    Jolly Advisor Kriegor's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    Looks interesting but you forgot to add the generals interface and have all the generals occupy the building. Or is that in the next release?

    have a great day

  2. #32
    Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Milky Way
    Those asking for barrack upgrades are not thinking about how many additional barrack levels it would require to duplicate the effect of these buildings.

    Normally we get one big update each year, for the last few years it's arrived in November. This year we got MCC already and given the amount of work they have put into the game in the last year it would be unreasonable to expect another big update this November. They could have just said "We have given them MCC let's skip Nov this year", instead they roll up their sleeves to provide us with something for Nov. Now they could have provided us with barrack upgrades for the same effect but for the art dept at least this would have meant 600% more work. They would have also put themselves in the position of facing demands of the same upgrades being made to all other buildings.
    When it comes to Gene pools and shallow ends they can be found at the bar drinking pina colada's

  3. #33
    Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    I like the buildings just lack space i try to be self efficient as best as i can what would be nice is you buy one building and if you buy another you could just drop it on the one you have to up it a lvl all these new buildings that we have to buy additional ones to increase speed ie strongholds mead halls snack stands etc take up a lot of space

  4. #34
    Skilled Student Nettopp_naa's Avatar
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    Sunndalsøra Norway"Wild and beatiful"
    Those 2 buildings looks nice, but it seems to me that the cost of the buildings are a bit to steep. Thinking of those of us who can't spend mony in this game. It will take "ages" to get them, unless there wil be an event where we can spend event resources to get them. I would like to see them in the ordinary build menu. Where they could have twice or trice the building cost of their siblings, and double cost of upgrades to those both in rescources and time prehaps.

  5. #35
    Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Dorotheus View Post
    Those asking for barrack upgrades are not thinking about how many additional barrack levels it would require to duplicate the effect of these buildings.

    Normally we get one big update each year, for the last few years it's arrived in November. This year we got MCC already and given the amount of work they have put into the game in the last year it would be unreasonable to expect another big update this November. They could have just said "We have given them MCC let's skip Nov this year", instead they roll up their sleeves to provide us with something for Nov. Now they could have provided us with barrack upgrades for the same effect but for the art dept at least this would have meant 600% more work. They would have also put themselves in the position of facing demands of the same upgrades being made to all other buildings.
    Well that does not justify the addition of one more building to do what is already there. It might be that the production rate is simply set at a too slow value. The programmers have set these values to begin with, and can change them. Many find the speed too slow - and we dont have enough space as it is. If this building could also be a home for the gens, then it would justified. Well we also have a tavern that is not used for anything.
    This it is just a sign that they cant find any ideas for new buildings, and do it this way though we are out of building space. As I wrote - they could give us an upgrade deed for barracks instead.
    This game is getting more and more muddy with too many buildings that really have no real function. In my book simple is beautiful especially in a computer game.
    If for some reason support feels the need to edit what I wrote, please delete entire post instead, dont put words into my mouth that I never said.

  6. #36
    Enlightened Sage
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    Feb 2012
    The quick feature addition to test server and the sneak peek already with such precise details means it's most likely a business decision so the mechanics will probably not be changed. Upgrades and most other here suggested solutions don't bring as much money or no money at all.

    Do note that we have gotten more events, content and new features the past year than we ever got few years back even with multiple years combined.
    Last edited by Mannerheim; 23.09.18 at 16:14.

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    now if only we had the new gem building that bb HAS not made yet the travel building which make your generals zip to adventures with out waiting time then it would be really nice and fun

  8. #38
    Quartermaster Elco's Avatar
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    Aug 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Dorotheus View Post
    Normally we get one big update each year, for the last few years it's arrived in November. This year we got MCC already and given the amount of work they have put into the game in the last year it would be unreasonable to expect another big update this November. They could have just said "We have given them MCC let's skip Nov this year", instead they roll up their sleeves to provide us with something for Nov.
    Excuse me but they've "rolled up their sleeves"?
    Isn't it the purpose of any commercial/gaming company to provide as many events/features as possible where profit would be increased in return?
    There are games online where events are on a rolling weekly/biweekly basis so why should we be happy with just a couple of events a year?
    The only issue I've got here is that the price to pay for some training improvements, has not been sold to me as fair and worth going for... Also struggling to find unused spots on my islands and in a few weeks I'll also have to fit in 9 pumpkins cemetaries for the Halloween Event.
    As I stated before I'll probably stick to the actual speed of training. Whether I like it or not, I'm used to it and it works for me in terms of brew/weapons prod (which would be deregulated if my training times were dramatically slashed).
    There's commercial sense and there's greed. This reminds me of that (true story) hotel in the city centre of Amsterdam where I used to work. The hotel owned an underground parking, which is very rare due to the topology of the city. Management wanted to increase revenue so the hourly rate for the parking kept going up, thinking people would fight for a parking spot. But despite its prime location, the parking remained half-empty at best.
    Until someone suggested to reduce the hourly rate. By half. Eyebrows were raised but eventually the price became attractive enough for customers to start using regularly the parking and overall the hotel made more money out of it than when it was only half full.

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Mannerheim View Post
    The quick feature addition to test server and the sneak peek already with such precise details means it's most likely a business decision so the mechanics will probably not be changed. Upgrades and most other here suggested solutions don't bring as much money or no money at all.

    Do note that we have gotten more events, content and new features the past year than we ever got few years back even with multiple years combined.
    Why? If a new building can cost gems, why couldn't an upgrade cost gems too?

  10. #40
    Enlightened Sage
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    Feb 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by helsinki View Post
    Why? If a new building can cost gems, why couldn't an upgrade cost gems too?
    If you mean regular upgrades it would change their policy about basic buildings upgrades being resource based and turn them into pay to play which I think they have already commented on the past. There would also be a cap how many times to upgrade and possibly the upgrade system does not even support it beyond certain levels. However I did not say it's not possible but just less money compared to the new buildings. Duplicates taking extra space is most likely also part of it on purpose.

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