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Thread: [Feedback] Sneak Peek: Weekly Challenges

  1. #51
    Original Serf Kobaca's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    I think more on resources that new players produce and we old dont need or dont produce, so we buy those resources from new players and help them or produce ourselfs but then you know space problem, unecesary buildings and so on

  2. #52
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Kobaca View Post
    I think more on resources that new players produce and we old dont need or dont produce, so we buy those resources from new players and help them or produce ourselfs but then you know space problem, unecesary buildings and so on
    Do you think that all new players can supply the resources needed by only 10 players that are lvl 65+??? The problem is not in the resources. The problem is that all high lvl players already have enough population buildings and the cost of the weekly challenges is too big for the gain. And xp from those quests can be easily substituted by 2-3 YWC in less time and resources and without any luck involved ;-). From what I see here and in chat most of the people will finish 1st weekly because they already started it but very few will do next one. For me those Weekly challenges are epic fail of the good idea.

  3. #53
    Glorious Graduate
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    Aug 2015
    I like the idea and concept .... one of my favorite parts of the game since I hit level 70 is Pathfinder - good rewards - and adds a bit of variety to the usual YWC grind... but the new weekly challenges are far more resource intensive for marginal gain and not really worth doing .. unless you like pain. Its also a good mechanism for freeing up space on the islands for more of the multiple non-upgradable buildings eg nords residence, laboratory.. etc.

    If the idea had been to make the game more enjoyable it has done the opposite and I know already for some has been the final straw for making them finally decide to quit the game completely.

    I think the biggest area of concern for higher levels is the amount of elite barracks troops being asked to be produced and this needs to be scaled back .... A LOT and as soon as possible then it might get more people interested in this feature longer term as it is .. really cant see anyone doing this week in week out and therefore has been a total waste of development time.

    Further the choice of adventures .. where we have been promised nothing based on "luck" is questionable at best. Especially when as already mentioned the end result for many is not worth the risk/time/etc. Some adventures hard to come by ... seeing as the adventure shop has been adjusted .. surely the same time could have also added the additional adventures for map parts too as the very minimum?!
    Last edited by luckydiddy; 22.11.18 at 11:51.

  4. #54
      Jolly Advisor
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    Jan 2017
    it will cut back on players doing the arbian nights addy and fairy tale ventures due to all the elite troops havng to be trained and deligated for the weeklies. Not to mention all the res neded as well. 1 of my quests was do 2 addy from the list. the whirlwind. so would need to find 3 other players to do that twice and its hard enough to find enough players for the 3 player coops let alone 4 player.

    As someone else mentioned several players r quitting cause of the weekly challenges that i know of. The new training grounds r very expensive to but as well. u can get 1 of each with beanstalks but 40k beanstalks is way to much. Or u could by them with gems which i think is the plan for weeklies. get us to empty r bank accounts so BB staff can get more money is the reason for this new stuff. My feling is BB know the game will be closing down when flash ceases to exists so they r milking us dry now and trying to force players to quit to justify closing the game down.

    I believe there is an EU law about putting in money based quests to complete them by forcing ppl into paying real money to complete things needed for the game. As far as i can see the training grounds especialy the elite training grounds r needed to complete the weeklies which is against the law to get us to pay out real money to get them. If its optional then fine. but with the amount of troops needed to be made and deligated in a short time period players would need to buy those training grounds to complete the weeklies in time.
    Well thats if u have the res to train them as the weeklies r taking the res needed to train them.

  5. #55
    Original Serf Kobaca's Avatar
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    Jun 2012
    How do you reply on someone msg like Yuiry did to my ? im old player but never use forum until now

    Btw im player who likes to play economical as i have limited time so i prefer weekly quest to take my resources as much they want,, i will adapt to that and even doing some economical scenarios but military adv is something i dont like as it needs time so it would be good to add weekly as economic quest or military and we cann chose what to solve...

    For resources i think it would help allot of new players or not so strong players who could earn with us buying those resources,, yes new players cant produce so much as we cann spend but that is the point of all that, to bring balanse because if we do the quest like all the time then its pointles some hard things needs to be done but not like coop adv or forcing us to play such adv

  6. #56
    Keen Commentor
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    Dec 2012
    Er, just logged back in and the WC sub-quest has gone green and flashing a blue "quest completed" arrow at me.
    Problem is, I haven't completed it, not done any addy's (Ali and 2nd Thief) nor produced any gc (not going to either)
    Tried clicking on the green completion acknowledgement tick for a laugh and it worked!
    It's now given me the next sub-quest to do.
    Has BB cancelled the need to do the addy's and put us through to the next sub-quest?

    Update: could it be the timer countdown thingy?
    Last edited by Sheddoe; 22.11.18 at 15:55. Reason: update

  7. #57
    Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Sheddoe View Post
    Er, just logged back in and the WC sub-quest has gone green and flashing a blue "quest completed" arrow at me.
    Problem is, I haven't completed it, not done any addy's (Ali and 2nd Thief) nor produced any gc (not going to either)
    Tried clicking on the green completion acknowledgement tick for a laugh and it worked!
    It's now given me the next sub-quest to do.
    Has BB cancelled the need to do the addy's and put us through to the next sub-quest?

    Update: could it be the timer countdown thingy?
    no they just did it whatever stage u was at auto completed and if you was at the end like i was then we was lucky and got our tokens

  8. #58
    Nifty OleGit's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2015
    It is another example of the 'no luck' policy? Some players get 3 adventures and 8 long searches completed for them and other get nothing?


  9. #59
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by OleGit View Post
    It is another example of the 'no luck' policy? Some players get 3 adventures and 8 long searches completed for them and other get nothing?


  10. #60
    Glorious Graduate
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    I like weekly quests ... good idea.
    I have only one suggestion: change coop adventures or add adventures that are not coops to the list, because i can't find people to do them with. Usually when i play there are few guys from my guild on and i don't have to much time to play and synchronize with others all the time.

    Ty for the new content ... hope i'll enjoy it

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