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Thread: Bug with lack of adv funds in the Mountain Ventures

  1. #1
    Glorious Graduate Fafarona's Avatar
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    Aug 2015

    Thumbs down Bug with lack of adv funds in the Mountain Ventures


    started Mountain quest, this was my third out of 5 ventures, what I noticed if you want to play full version, you will not gain enough funds/buff to complete full version.

    To complete full version of Mountain Labyrinth, I need 2 more buffs, 1 shovel and 1 dynamite pack.
    With needed buffs I could open the Mountain passage and use now wasted and long time produced Excavation Tools.
    I could not find/see/claer the way to get access to Occupied Western and North-Eastern Stronghold Ruins.

    p.s. noticed similar trouble with Unknown Regions, but Wiki guide put warning there : You can’t get 4 buffs, because after defeating all leaders we have only 2/3 fur, so I had only 2 out of 3 fur`s :/

  2. #2
    Forum Explorer
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    Jul 2014
    in all MCC ventures you have to make decisions - different routes - what way to go - and in some of the ventures not all can be done so you have to decide what to do and what not - is intended that way

  3. #3
    Erudite Pioneer
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    Oct 2013
    The devs have rather lost focus on why people liked the game with making ventures possible to fail by applying buffs wrongly and with the tedium of the new adventures which aren't much better but need 1000s of knights to sacrifice, but I think halv12 is right and this isn't a bug. They bizarrely think this is a good way to set the game up.

    There is a bug in The People of the Mountain I believe (or maybe I just found a glitch in the system, as others have passed it obviously) where I had no choice but to cancel the whole thing and take the 750k xp, but support didn't reply so I have no intention of going back through the others again as there was no other loot, including the next addy. Ho hum :-)

  4. #4
    Ruler of the Land
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    Saying there is a bug does us no favours, you need to say what it is. That way others are forewarned and just maybe somebody has a work around for it.

    As for the possibility of failure that has been in game since day 1 it's not something new.
    When it comes to Gene pools and shallow ends they can be found at the bar drinking pina colada's

  5. #5
    Erudite Pioneer
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    I discussed it quite fully in help chat one night, and I did provide support with full details and screenshots etc. Briefly, one of the camps didn't die even though I killed all its units and the adventure would and could not progress. No attacks possible, no buffs useable (including all the ones for the addy I'd already made that I didn't get to use. Believe me, that I tried absolutely everything), just had to cancel it.

    It's getting me annoyed again. Many others have completed it so it's not a general bug, but it IS a bug as it happened and screwed my game up, and may have killed the game for me. Ho hum. It was getting like a bad habit anyway!

  6. #6
    Enlightened Sage
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    Feb 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by MikeLido View Post
    I discussed it quite fully in help chat one night, and I did provide support with full details and screenshots etc. Briefly, one of the camps didn't die even though I killed all its units and the adventure would and could not progress. No attacks possible, no buffs useable (including all the ones for the addy I'd already made that I didn't get to use. Believe me, that I tried absolutely everything), just had to cancel it.

    It's getting me annoyed again. Many others have completed it so it's not a general bug, but it IS a bug as it happened and screwed my game up, and may have killed the game for me. Ho hum. It was getting like a bad habit anyway!
    Your description almost perfectly fits the issue that multiple people have had in our help chat and was pretty much always resolved after a couple screenshots. I guess you don't have the screenshots left? the issue has almost always been the top stronghold that does not disappear after you defeat it and people insist they use the correct buff but then in reality they have tried to use a shovel on it even after having made the other one.

    Regardless of the issue you should always try the forum too if the in game chat does not help and support does not reply fast enough.

  7. #7
    Glorious Graduate Fafarona's Avatar
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    For me its a problem, only way to say it is ; "its a bug", sorry, no other way to solve this out.

    The main problem is that you will lose more troops if you make wrong path. Use 1 buff more and you will play more time, more troops spent, more camps to kill and ended with no full version lack of XP.

    If I need to invest my time (5 days, every day for a couple of hours) to get the answer from a riddle where I do not know that its exists, or no warnings about it, sorry, but it put bad taste in my mouth.
    I had 14,5K MS and 7,2k KN, 1275 MM and it drop me a lot. Wiki guides are very bad. I offten lost a lot of my army, even entire attack forces, needed to recover MG fast with buffs, played a lot of time with troops productions in E.Barracks etc. Now, my Elite Barraks need to work about 20 days under combination of powerful buffs to recover my troops from only 5 Ventures, used lot of big catapults, assassins and roa`s to reduce my losses.
    As there is no Wiki guide which can be used properly, no Beans in ls, no platinum ore, no normal way to get buffs for Epic Forge, generally ls is poor, I see no any reason why I will play this Quest any time again, until BB fix minimum of the problem. We live in epic times now, game evolved a lot, so a player have to have a choice to choose one of paths. Easy/fast way where is no needed buffs or hard/long/full version. There must be a warning or similar, as I did play it for XP points as my top 1 reason.
    Last edited by Fafarona; 15.10.18 at 22:29.

  8. #8
    Erudite Pioneer
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    Cheers for the info Mannerheim. I'd say I'm encouraged that there was possibly a way through (it was indeed that camp. I tried all shapes but who knows, maybe I missed trying one buff) but I'm not really. If you have to defeat a camp and then randomly apply a buff that is not really hinted at at all then it's just bad game design. I hate the graphical style of the new adventures, I hate the "campaign" style (play the Evil Queen campaign again? No thanks BB!), I hate applying buffs like some sort of puzzle (see also: Riches of the Mountain). I hate that s*****t just ignored me.

    TSO is such a good game at its heart. They lost their way 2/3 years ago and though I'm hooked(ish) in a do-nothing-much way now (am on premium time, haven't done an addy since that one) I'm kinda out.

  9. #9
    Ruler of the Land Xibor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fafarona View Post
    As there is no Wiki guide which can be used properly
    The Mountain Clan is expensive. No doubt.
    However I find the Wiki guides an excellent starting point. I always develop my own spreadsheet but I usually start with the Wiki and modify it to suit my generals. Be aware that the guides with skills will most likely use different skills than you have on your generals. Then there are good calculators out there and those two things combined have never left me surprised as long as I'm reading the guide and the calculator correctly.
    Sorry, but I've slept since then...

  10. #10
    Glorious Graduate Fafarona's Avatar
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    Aug 2015
    Sorry, I must disagree. Wiki is not starting point, Wiki was "doit" version, only it is now in this "new age" as "starting point". We are a newbies in this quests, so imagine lvl 5 player which need to learn how to play SFTR and he/she see similar problems, what will think about it ?

    I also use my own guides, but they need to be created by some base guide, which is for me Wiki. Also, there is no simulator which can be used for all ventures, last camp in last venture, simulator DO NOT HAVE that boss (Risi) to sim

    According by my opinion, Wiki and BB must work together, so we can use "base" guide and we can wait bit for better simulator, but it past lot of time now and I noticed how wiki guide maded by "test version", as there are now different types of troops in the Ventures with no simulator to use.
    Last edited by Fafarona; 15.10.18 at 22:42.

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