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Thread: Chat channel command for finding new guild members

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2018

    Lightbulb Chat channel command for finding new guild members

    In the chat box there should be a tab where you can find out all the new players online and those who are not associated with any guild.
    Such a feature would make it easier for guild recruitment

  2. #2
      Dedicated Scribe
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Hundred Kingdoms
    That would lead to both newbies and experienced players who have made a deliberate decision to remain independent of a guild potentially being flooded with spam invites and/or recruitment mails every time they logged on.


  3. #3
      Jolly Advisor
    Join Date
    Jan 2017
    +1. as were not allowed to recruit through global chat it would be helpfull for newbies who r looking for a guild to have a chat box to ask if any guilds r looking for members.
    The current system new players will be getting invites to guilds even if they dont want to join a guild. wel thats if u can find new players to invite. At the mo its u see a player in global not in a guild and invites get sent to them without asking them 1st cause thats not allowed in global.

    When i started within mins of me speaking in global i was bombarded with invites to join a guild.
    So a chat box for players looking for guilds would be helpfull cause then u could see what each guild is best for u before joining a guild as some guilds r better for newbies than others.
    Also helps guilds find new members. some players might not be happy in their guild and want to leave. so a chat box for that will help them chat to find a better guild.

  4. #4
    Glorious Graduate
    Join Date
    May 2017
    Or maybe just allow guilds to post recruitment messages in Global? That is allowed on another server where I play (Ares). It doesn't seem to interfere with the sort of general discussions that take part in Global, and if someone is interested in a guild, they can then whisper the person doing the recruiting. I don't understand why recruiting in Global is allowed on another server but not here.

  5. #5
    Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Don't know about other worlds but here on Northisle some guilds seem to think the channel is called G1 since as soon as a new player pops up certain players suddenly pop up to say 'Hi', having said nothing for days......

  6. #6
    Raving Rabbid Mortallicus's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by lordloocan View Post
    Don't know about other worlds but here on Northisle some guilds seem to think the channel is called G1 since as soon as a new player pops up certain players suddenly pop up to say 'Hi', having said nothing for days......
    I believe a guild should ensure they have something worthy to join and that means putting their own chat tab first. Some guilds show a strong presence in Global and that is their choice but it is not for them to be territorial about it. Global is for everyone that wants to say something whether its daily, weekly or when you get jumped in there while talking in a different tab completely.

    I think a channel purely for advertiisng your Guild is quite a good idea and may stop at least some of the unsolicited guild invites new players get swamped with. But I think it could become a bit of a bear garden on Northisle as some would feel they have rights over and above every other guild. Fur could fly I think some new guild will say they are looking for members and then some big guilds who think they are the best will just surround him bragging about their own and make his plea rather ineffectual. Though in truth if I was guild free and looking I would ensure I was wearing his hat in the same channel in about 2 seconds as happens sometimes now here in global.

    +1 (we need Global for general chat only and all welcome even if they do not chat often)

  7. #7
      Treasure Hunter
    Join Date
    Aug 2018

    Please stay on topic

    I would like to remind posters that the original suggestion is for a chat command that allows players to see a list of new players currently online and those not associated with a guild.

    Those of you wishing to discuss having a new chat channel for the purpose of guild recruitment can find a separate thread for that

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