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Thread: Mad Scientist 270 General

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Completely agree with all other comments on here. Got him in case he became useful later, but he isn't any use right now.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2015
    Great idea to increase the troops to make him useful otherwise I am hoping BB have some adv he may be useful in up their sleeve.

  3. #13
    Skilled Student
    Join Date
    Sep 2018
    4999 of these very hard to get pumpkins for this general seems indeed like a pretty gigantic price I personaly had to pay for the possibilities of this new general - Field Medic is SO much more valuable, for a simple comparison.

    IMHO Mad Scientist absolutely deserves, needs even, some attention and loving from you guys at BB. More troops and/or give splash to cannons and/or other things or a combination... I dont know. But please make him useful for real, not slightly, marginally capable of saving a couple recruits in some elite addys I, for my part, as a newly lvl 48 player, wont even be capable of doing before a year or so...

    Thank you for your attention!

  4. #14
    Erudite Pioneer
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    I certainly wouldn't mind if he became a better gen. But can you imagine the outrage from all the players who chose not to get him if they changed him now, after the event is over?

  5. #15
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    A new Major with heavy units boost?
    It's a Yes from me

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2017
    More troop Capacity would definitely make him a game changer in the Ali adventures.

  7. #17
    Jolly Advisor
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    I didn't get him because he is useless. I gave the pumps to lower level guildies, who had a hard time collecting pumps for geo/drac/grim. Changing him afterward would be very disappointing. Besides BB has a history of not changing things for this exact reason. I hope they stick with this mad gen.

    The suggestions made in this topic should be applied to an other new gen.

  8. #18
    Enlightened Sage
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    I haven't bought the general either because he in the current state is not really useful to me next to my Champions and Major generals. BB has also never in the game history really changed any of the specialist after test server phase no matter what kind of feedback they receive in the live servers. There was been a sneak peek and other posts to invite people to test the Halloween event before it was deployed.

    Also the general is not completely useless from BB perspective. He might be somewhat useless for old players with a huge stock of different generals but new players who have started playing earlier this year can be happy with him. He can better than the Veteran in plenty of camp and can even match MG in some camps as not everyone has had the chance to get a single MG yet.

    I personally would have liked something like splash damage to cannons or a capacity of 220. 270 would be too much with besiegers.

  9. #19
    Skilled Student
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    Sep 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by Budgy View Post
    I didn't get him because he is useless. (...)Changing him afterward would be very disappointing. (...) I hope they stick with this mad gen.
    So, because you didnt get him, the ones who did should be stuck with a "useless" (in your own opinion) general, and be happy about it - Way to go, and way to be constructive and supportive again, decidedly, seems like a second nature to some people

    Quote Originally Posted by Mannerheim View Post
    There was been a sneak peek and other posts to invite people to test the Halloween event before it was deployed.
    I hope you realize it it not in many players' possibilities to play the game and the events two times... IMHO it's quite time consuming already as it is :-)
    I dont think not playing on test server is a sufficient reason at all to have to accept poor quality material on live server. But thanks for supporting the main point of the thread, that this general absolutely could use a little buff.
    I would argue that it's absolutely not the players' job to test a game, except if they'd get seriously paid for it... There are game testers for that ^_^

    Posts merged
    Last edited by _Aszbhar; 16.11.18 at 18:25.

  10. #20
    Enlightened Sage
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Kelza View Post
    I hope you realize it it not in many players' possibilities to play the game and the events two times... IMHO it's quite time consuming already as it is :-)
    I do and they do also which is why he was available for a fish and there is an unlimited amount of troops, books, gems and resources to work with

    Quote Originally Posted by Kelza View Post
    I would argue that it's absolutely not the players' job to test a game, except if they'd get seriously paid for it... There are game testers for that ^_^
    Generic testing might not be players responsibility but the current issue and topic is completely opinion based and the current general represents their "view" of the general. Lots of early player feedback would have been important. There was some feedback at test but not as much as there is now

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