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Thread: The new Weekly Chores .... time to give up ....

  1. #11
    Ruler of the Land
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rebloom View Post
    I for one love the new additions. After years of playing I was ready to give up Now i find it exciting to play again And those that dont like them dont have to play the new weekly challenges... Its like the PVP some love them some hate them. Each should play their own way and just enjoy the aspects of the game that appeal to them
    Intrigued as to what is 'exciting' about the weekly chores. Is it the making loads of 1/2 specific resources to give them plus extra away? Or is it doing the same adventure 2/3 times for the one quest? Or is it trying to find an adventure that is in short supply and depends on dropping from another adventure? Surely you could have done all of that and been excited without the weekly chores - just asking.

  2. #12
    Ruler of the Land
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    Quote Originally Posted by lordloocan View Post
    Intrigued as to what is 'exciting' about the weekly chores. Is it the making loads of 1/2 specific resources to give them plus extra away? Or is it doing the same adventure 2/3 times for the one quest? Or is it trying to find an adventure that is in short supply and depends on dropping from another adventure? Surely you could have done all of that and been excited without the weekly chores - just asking.
    That is indeed a very good question. Might I add - sit around and wait for 495 Besiegers to be made and then give them away instead of doing and adventure and killing cheaper troops that are faster to make?
    If for some reason support feels the need to edit what I wrote, please delete entire post instead, dont put words into my mouth that I never said.

  3. #13
    Enlightened Sage
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    Quote Originally Posted by Urd123 View Post
    Might I add - sit around and wait for 495 Besiegers to be made and then give them away instead of doing and adventure and killing cheaper troops that are faster to make?
    Most likely because a lot of players are already training and using the cheaper units anyways and thus it would not increase the challenge much or at all. Using the more expensive units then again would create the same effect as delegating the units as many don't know how to use them efficiently other than randomly send to camps and wasting time. Half of the chains have either a co-op or a scenario as a task anyways where you cant even use elites or any units resulting in increasing amount of reserves and eating pop cap.

  4. #14
    Wordsmith Larili's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mannerheim View Post
    Most likely because a lot of players are already training and using the cheaper units anyways and thus it would not increase the challenge much or at all. Using the more expensive units then again would create the same effect as delegating the units as many don't know how to use them efficiently other than randomly send to camps and wasting time. Half of the chains have either a co-op or a scenario as a task anyways where you cant even use elites or any units resulting in increasing amount of reserves and eating pop cap.
    I've already expressed my opinion and dismay at these latest additions and wasn't going to add further, but when I read the above it pretty much summed up the gobbledegook that seems to be acceptable in the current development of this game.
    What is the challenge in doing these exercises? Throwing away hard won resources over time of game play with a click is NO challenge except to common sense.
    The old quests where you were `challenged' not to lose a particular category of troops were indeed much more of a challenge for the player than this manifesto. I repeat, a challenge should require some skill or economic balancing in a game such as TSO, not some stupid, lack of thought through resource sink and forced play of unpopular adventures to make the development data of those look better.
    And what is with the big red `quest failed' bouncing arrow if you don't want to participate? It constantly repeats if you don't cancel at the end to start the next one. Why do I need to be told I failed a quest I did not want to do.....constantly? This alone makes a mockery of the impression that BB_Alex gave of it not being content that was not meant to be for everyone all the time, but for those wanting to do something more. Now everyone is being prodded by a stick to do it through the quest reminder arrow, I don't usually swear but this has made me come very close to wanting to.
    This content is badly thought out, badly implemented and lacks any interest to the game. The lack of feedback from BB on the very many complaints, is following the pattern as before when bad ideas were implemented into the game. I had thought that the bordering on arrogant statement released by BB_Alex was more to do with a translation issue rather than the arrogant tone it came across as.....Maybe I was wrong...either way the game is over for me, I'll still pop in to keep the gempits emptying but nothing more. If the `last straw' weekly challenge is re-worked, or can be hidden from normal game play I may become active again, but The Halloween event was my last. Cheerio all my TSO friends its been a blast and don't pick on the MODs
    Are we to be told of adventure changes or not? 1 Month on and still SNEAKY RB changes have not been mentioned

  5. #15
    Ruler of the Land
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mannerheim View Post
    Most likely because a lot of players are already training and using the cheaper units anyways and thus it would not increase the challenge much or at all. Using the more expensive units then again would create the same effect as delegating the units as many don't know how to use them efficiently other than randomly send to camps and wasting time. Half of the chains have either a co-op or a scenario as a task anyways where you cant even use elites or any units resulting in increasing amount of reserves and eating pop cap.
    Most likely :-D my first weekly made me give a away lots of elite troops and some normal one. They took a loong time to produce. After that I had to do 3 ToW that I did not have. That also requires elite troops. For most people it is not the resources that the "give away troops" cost. It is the time they take to make. Whle you are making besigers that you normally rearely kill you could have made troops to do some actual adventures. I did it the first week - now I like Larili have the bouncing red arrows as I refuse to click the remove quest button, so I can escape getting a new quest I dont want to do to stare me in the face.
    I hate the red arrow but at least it gives me some kind of control back.
    It is a challenge well fine- not a challenge that can be managed by someone with a day job that also now and then wants to decide for herself what to do in the game. If I am to do the challenges I will not have time for any other game play. Alex can then save time adding new content, we will not have time to do it anyway.
    If it is just a challenge we can do or let be, then I will agree with Larili,- why does it has to stare us in the face every time we open quest book? Why can we be given the option of choice? Well I get by now that Alex dont understand that concept - no one who understand that word would give people the option to choose from a list of one.

    " half the chains have either a co-op or a scenario as a task anyway" so you cant even use elites" Maybe I want to do some elite adventures that I pick myself also?

    Maybe Alex should have checked how long it takes to make the troops he wants us to give away. How long time an average player with a day time job are able to spent on the game and how much time the challenges that are to happen every week are to take of that time, before designing the challenges. The Besiegers alone for my latest challenge would have taken 18 hours.I did put elite training ground. Before that I should have done a BC. BB did that for me when there was another hot fix. That adventure takes me a few days normally when I am at work during day, and it does require elite troops.

    Maybe BB and Alex should hurry up and respond. Global on and help on Newfoundland have been buzzing lately. People discussing if BB wants to get rid of us to close the game. People discussing other nice games there are out there.
    If for some reason support feels the need to edit what I wrote, please delete entire post instead, dont put words into my mouth that I never said.

  6. #16
    Enlightened Sage
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    Quote Originally Posted by Urd123 View Post
    Maybe Alex should have checked how long it takes to make the troops he wants us to give away. How long time an average player with a day time job are able to spent on the game and how much time the challenges that are to happen every week are to take of that time, before designing the challenges. The Besiegers alone for my latest challenge would have taken 18 hours.I did put elite training ground. Before that I should have done a BC. BB did that for me when there was another hot fix. That adventure takes me a few days normally when I am at work during day, and it does require elite troops.
    That's what he most likely did as based on many post at test he has a lot of analytics available. He did not balance these delegation tasks for an average player but above that as these were not supposed to be easy.

    Maybe you looked at the bugged queue time? My current task had 445 besiegers. With lvl 6 barracks, one training grounds, skunk and recruitment guide it takes less than 5 hours to complete the besiegers and roughly a bit over 12h for all of the delegated army. However many of the 66-75 players, me included already have stronghold buffs, myers, nash, mead hall, 2nd elite grounds etc. which easily drops it below 10-12h. It also requires no active gaming time other than max few minutes, you login, queue troops, set buffs and log off, repeat. Since it's one part of the 3 task sets you are easily allowed o use a day or more on to it anyways.

    If you would have to use the troops it would require significantly more time, at least 10-20min to start an adv, send them to and kill at the nearest camps if you have no time to do adventures.
    Last edited by Mannerheim; 02.12.18 at 19:52.

  7. #17
    Ruler of the Land
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    I've now had a chance to experience all four of the weekly-challenges for my level.

    The first one epidemic went ok til I got to the final quest, run 3 Wisdoms. Like many Halloween had cleared out my stocks of this adventure leaving me with 3 choices. Leave it, gem it or buy in trade, given the trade value of gems in TO on Sandycove it made sense to gem the final quest rather than feeding the trade sharks. In future I will be doing as intended and only starting this quest chain if I have the 3 Wisdoms in stock.

    For the second one Kingdom defence I figured by now the Wiki should be updated with all the quest chains based on feedback from the live servers, I saw that I would have to take part in 3 Whirlwinds. OK worth a punt I thought as in the past the guild had rallied round and ran this particular co-op when extras could be gained such as event items etc. However by the time I got to this part of the quest chain a thriving WW LS culture had evolved on Sandy's TO and I was able complete this stage in a couple of hours. The only people I have seen having trouble with this are those who play in time zones which are not compatible with the majority of players on the server.

    Archaeological was the third one and I saw that I would be called upon to run 3 Storms. Counts towards that 1 million resources achievement I thought and having both a decent supply of Storms and Grout I ploughed straight in.

    This left just Town construction as the final one which would call upon me to run Besieged City. Having watched both Global and Trade tabs while doing the other 3 quest chains one thing became apparent, players with BS in stock are saving them for Pathfinder quests obviously hoping to get Town at the same time. As I'm within sniffing distance of Pathfinder myself I thought it best to follow their lead.

    As the OP's guild leader it comes as no surprise to me that he is taking a sabbatical from the game. Just remember this, unless he says why, your never going to know if your opinions here are right or wrong.
    Last edited by Dorotheus; 02.12.18 at 20:19.
    When it comes to Gene pools and shallow ends they can be found at the bar drinking pina colada's

  8. #18
    Guide of the Month Ruler of the Land Nogbad's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dorotheus View Post

    As the OP's guild leader it comes as no surprise to me that he is taking a sabbatical from the game. Just remember this, unless he says why, your never going to know if your opinions here are right or wrong.
    He does, but it's cleverly hidden in bold type at the top of the post.
    We love our new CM.

    Newfoundland: 20th November 2011 to 25th November 2014. RIP
    It was good while it lasted.

  9. #19
    Dedicated Scribe sparkz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mannerheim View Post
    It also requires no active gaming time other than max few minutes, you login, queue troops, set buffs and log off, repeat.
    Apart from not requiring time it also does not reward you with anything that would be remotely close to what adventures do.

    If you would have to use the troops it would require significantly more time, at least 10-20min to start an adv, send them to and kill at the
    nearest camps if you have no time to do adventures.
    I'd argue that if you dont have time to play the adventures, you shouldnt bother pretending you're playing the game because even if there are some quests that will reward you with some negligible amount of experience, it is still meaningless in a long run and will get you nowhere in a reasonable time.

  10. #20
    Raving Rabbid Mortallicus's Avatar
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    I do agree with many of the comments here but it is my choice whether to use a guide for an adventure. I do use guides largely for efficiency but some adventures I really like I have never used a guide and if i have time to do them I will run sims and plan for myself and of course it is far more interesting and rewarding. Also higher levels can take lower levels adventuring and match their troops and generals and if they want show them how to sim and make the best use of what they have.

    Everything is a choice in the game. I am enjoying the Weekly quest. I love the tokens , this is a great reward and creates space for your island. I am on a new island planning exercise because of the tokens and I have already optimistically created more space .

    I originally joined the game hoping for 'proper' pvp and there was talk about it and I was very disappointed when it did not happen but I have even got over that now and have played the game regularly since Jan 2012.

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