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Thread: to all those quitting

  1. #1
    Ruler of the Land lulu10093's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    North East England

    to all those quitting


    been reading forums and seems a few old long term players are quitting or thinking about quitting coz of the new weekly quest thingys

    I am also a bit narked at some of the tasks but as a long term player i wont be quitting playing coz of it im just ignoring them for now.

    one of my guild members is currently handing her stuff out in guild which is making me sad but please concider just sleeping your islands for now then maybe come back after a short break coz its gutting the ammount of peeps i know on sandy that are thinking of leaving the game or have quit already

    you can always just ignore the weekly quest thingys and still play how you normally do and not leave the game its just really sad so many are doing it or thinking of it coz this new thing they added

    most days i dont even do owt in the game but chat as its the people and friends i come back for mostly and the banta etc if i get bored i do a addy or whtever but its not the main reason i keep coming back all the time the people are the friends are and im just gutted that loads seem to be leaving when they can just ignore the ship things

    and as i will miss my mates in game yours will miss you to

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2015
    I won't quit no matter what, this game is my way of de-stressing my brain. I have a hard stress diagnosis, and this game helps me a lot. I have very good close friends in game, and I am gonna miss those quitiing a lot. Some of them I have been playing along with for years... it makes me very very sad... luckily i do have some of them as friends on Facebook too, but why whall a silly stupid game expansion (which we are not reqiured to do) ruin it all?

  3. #3
    Dedicated Scribe
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    Jan 2012
    It's not just the weekly thing, those are pretty easy to ignore if you choose to. It's a gradually increasing list of things which is driving people away.

    - Increasing amount of event resources needed each year for stuff only available during events.
    - poorly tested hotfixes that keep introducing more bugs than they fix, which leads to
    - random long maintenances with no notice and which causes chaos when your economy relies on a certain balance.
    - dishonesty from developers, eg "we will introduce this"->"actually that was a translation error, we never meant that!"

    They need to direct more time to testing and paying attention to critical bugs found on the test server rather than sticking their heads in the sand and adding more stuff you need to buy gems for.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    for me, it's not simply the weekly challenges (which are actually chores), it's the whole game and the lack of gameplay
    log in every day and spend an hour clicking the same things you click every day .... no fun, just boring ....
    it would be so easy to add proper old-style settlers gameplay ... but instead, we just get new chores to do every day .... new sets of instructions to follow ....
    yawn ....

  5. #5
    Ruler of the Land lulu10093's Avatar
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    Jun 2012
    North East England
    Quote Originally Posted by Kotugo View Post
    It's not just the weekly thing, those are pretty easy to ignore if you choose to. It's a gradually increasing list of things which is driving people away.

    - Increasing amount of event resources needed each year for stuff only available during events.
    - poorly tested hotfixes that keep introducing more bugs than they fix, which leads to
    - random long maintenances with no notice and which causes chaos when your economy relies on a certain balance.
    - dishonesty from developers, eg "we will introduce this"->"actually that was a translation error, we never meant that!"

    They need to direct more time to testing and paying attention to critical bugs found on the test server rather than sticking their heads in the sand and adding more stuff you need to buy gems for.
    the event stuff yeah defo they add new things in shop always good but the drops to get the event curency like eggs pressys and pumpkins dont go up so its not fair and makes us make choices use gems or pick what we want out the shop thing to balance that they need to make the event items drops a hell of alot better if they adding double ones needed then they should atleast double the drops i think
    halloween event just gone i didnt have time to do addys to fill the patches and OMG i still hate refils prefered when was just pumpkins in loot but my fattys did most my event for me and i managed to get all the people and the 3 houses but thats cz i have over 20 fattys doing the hunts.

    the bugs im just so used to they add something 2-3 more things break been here long enough to know its not gonna work how it should do straight away

    maintenences maybe they need to bring back the old weekly ones and not just ones to add new stuff in the game?

    the dev thing i only noticed really with this no luck based thing in weekly quests but the addys they want you to do is all luck based on if you have it or not i think.

    BUT if players have a break rather than quit and sleep the islands it might give the smurfs time to fix what they broke

  6. #6
    Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Invested way too much time and money to quit over something i dont like its much easier to just walk away for a few months and then come back and see whats changed i did that for 2 years ....

  7. #7
    Thank you Kotugo for your comments as you have summed up my feelings. As the person lulu mentioned who is leaving the game and handing out my stuff I know it is making a lot of people unhappy but it wasn't the new weekly thing that prompted my decision which has been in my mind for months since I got to my level of 66 it was just the last straw. I just don't enjoy playing any more and as much as I did enjoy the chat in the past it is not enough to keep me playing. It has become just a chore and I logged in each day out of habit. I have neglected so many other things I enjoy in life especially reading as I have hardly read at all in the 3 years I've been playing. My life has changed so much in the past few years what with a new husband, moving away from my childhood area where I lived all my life till then and leaving behind my close family & friends to start a new life. Add to that the purchase of a Harley Davidson which we spend so much time on in the summer. There is so much I have walked away from and given away in real life that to pack up playing a game is a minor thing to regain more free time to do what I still enjoy. I actually only started playing TSO as my then boyfriend played and it was something to share with him...he is now my husband and actually doesn't play as much as I did due to his job of a long distance trucker. I miss doing some of the stuff I did before so I don't feel I am giving anything up but I will be gaining the time back to do these things.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Good luck shewolf. sounds fun, what you have. I have less time now I have moved to a new life in Scotland and am enjoying that. I have taken on another project, and am playing less myself. I am finding the game not as much fun, and am atm just logging in and chatting and playing, and will see if the game gets worse. People are leaving, and it's not what it was, but then, nostalgia never is! LOL.

  9. #9
    Guide of the Month Ruler of the Land Nogbad's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lulu10093 View Post

    been reading forums and seems a few old long term players are quitting or thinking about quitting coz of the new weekly quest thingys

    I am also a bit narked at some of the tasks but as a long term player i wont be quitting playing coz of it im just ignoring them for now.

    one of my guild members is currently handing her stuff out in guild which is making me sad but please concider just sleeping your islands for now then maybe come back after a short break coz its gutting the ammount of peeps i know on sandy that are thinking of leaving the game or have quit already

    you can always just ignore the weekly quest thingys and still play how you normally do and not leave the game its just really sad so many are doing it or thinking of it coz this new thing they added

    most days i dont even do owt in the game but chat as its the people and friends i come back for mostly and the banta etc if i get bored i do a addy or whtever but its not the main reason i keep coming back all the time the people are the friends are and im just gutted that loads seem to be leaving when they can just ignore the ship things

    and as i will miss my mates in game yours will miss you to
    Pretty much the same as you lulu, RL isn't let me play and may force me out anyway.
    But this is starting to look like what happened on (renamed royalgames), we stuck around for the company but week in week out people are dying off, logging in there now is like perusing the obituaries column, just shows what a close knit community formed that we knew each other outside the games.
    Already said goodbye to some very close friends on here, Halloween 2016 was particularly brutal with several passing during that event.
    We love our new CM.

    Newfoundland: 20th November 2011 to 25th November 2014. RIP
    It was good while it lasted.

  10. #10
    Ruler of the Land topgearfan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Take some time off, come back for next event. Thats what I do, works well.
    Was fighting windmills from Aug 2012 to Oct 2019.

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