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Thread: [Feedback] Dev Notes: Weekly Challenges

  1. #101
    Glorious Graduate
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Not going into the discussion about the weekly challenge because enough has been said already.
    But I would like to request that, as with some other quests, an option (x) is added to delete the weekly challenge form the quest book.

  2. #102
    Treasure Hunter
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Sigh, again another give me three days of your Elite barrack time.. Yeah right. The last one was accidently finished by an bug in the system, so i got those 25 tokens, but it looks that will be all, as I am flatly refusing to give away 40% of my barrack for 25 silly tokens so that i can get 50 more max pop!!! And finishing with gems, no way, buying an island deed is cheaper and I can store way more witch towers on it, then I ever get for that amount of gems.

    Please reduce the number of troops considerably, barrack time is NOT to be thrown away in such a manner, I already flatly refuxe to do the dailys which ask for elite troop even if it gives me seven crystalls. Give us options in choosing adventures to do and when you ask for followups make sure to ask for reasonable followups, so the thieves are okay.. but anything further is NOT.

    Why do you want us to do 3 storm recoverys which is asking us about 3300 grout, while we get measly amount of grout in our adventures? 800 grout max in a Woodcutter (5% chance!!) while you ask for 3300?? Do you have any idea how many adventures we need to play with the elite troops you just took away in the previous quest?

    Remove the 3 and 4 players co-ops out of the list of to-do adventures, or change them into "Get xxyz xp out of coops".
    Remove hard to get scenarios or give us an selection (and why not give us an special scenario which we get by using map fragments??) or another option aks us to do one of the ventures?

    And secondly change the name of the quest to 7days quests, because weekly means, one every week, not 7 days to play.
    Last edited by Mystic; 25.11.18 at 12:06.

  3. #103
    Jolly Advisor
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    Sep 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Afke View Post
    Not going into the discussion about the weekly challenge because enough has been said already.
    But I would like to request that, as with some other quests, an option (x) is added to delete the weekly challenge form the quest book.
    That is in my opinion the best thing that could be done with them

  4. #104
    Join Date
    May 2012
    I see the weekly challenges currently as more of a sacrifice than a challenge. Many of us have our systems and favorite ways of playing the game and although being taken out of our comfort zone may generate new things, this cuts very deep into the time many of us may have to play per day/week. If the weekly challenges can remain as challenges but wrapped into what many of us do anyways it may do the trick.

    Here's an idea below which would roughly put weekly challenges as 25% (I do that anyways, not out of my way), 50% (I'm around there anyways but need to be more attentive), 25% (I need to go out of my way for this). I would ask that BB please be careful with the last 25%.

    A list pool of 250 of these with 25 of them randomly drawn to complete 1 weekly quest...

    [001] - Destroy Leader camp assisted by 1 block
    [002] - Destroy Leader camp assisted by 2 blocks
    [003] - Destroy Leader camp assisted by 3 blocks
    [004] - Use Rain of Arrows
    [005] - Use Small Catapult
    [006] - Use Large Catapult
    [007] - Use Assasin
    [008] - Use Ballista
    [009] - Destroy a minimum X units on any camp using only 1 unit loaded on General
    [010] - Use Horseshoes of Platinum or better
    [011] - Destroy all camps on sector through direct defeat
    [012] - Use 1 Fairy Light
    [013] - Find any 5 collectables
    [014] - Destroy Camp using 2 different generals
    [015] - Destroy Camp using 3 different generals
    [016] - Destroy Camp using 4 different generals
    [017] - Destroy Camp using Swift units only
    [018] - Destroy Camp using Heavy units only
    [019] - Complete adventure with 10 minutes
    [020] - Complete adventure with 30 minutes
    [021] - Complete adventure with 60 minutes
    [022] - Bring 1500 troops to an adventure
    [023] - Bring 2000 troops to an adventure
    [024] - Complete adventure losing 100 troops or less
    [025] - Complete adventure losing 400 troops or less
    [026] - Complete adventure losing 950 troops or less
    [027] - Apply 100 Mercenary recruits to a general
    [028] - Aquire at least 300 Units of building material from adventure loot
    [029] - Aquire at least 1500 Units of building material from adventure loot
    [030] - Aquire at least 500 quantity of refills from adventure loot
    [031] - Aquire at least 1500 quantity of refills from adventure loot
    [032] - Aquire at least 2500 quantity of refills from adventure loot
    [033] - Aquire at least 500 units of metalic based material from advenure loot
    [034] - Aquire at least 1500 units of metalic based material from advenure loot
    [035] - Aquire at least 500 units of food from advenure loot
    [036] - Aquire at least 1500 units of food from advenure loot
    [037] - Aquire 3 buffs from adventure loot
    [038] - Aquire 3 followup adventures from adventure loot
    [039] - Aquire 3 production buffs from adventure loot
    [040] - Aquire at least 1 coin from adventure loot
    [041] - Aquire either settlers from loot or mercenaries from adventure
    [042] - Aquire 500 units worth of any loot from adventure
    [043] - Aquire 5000 units worth of any loot from adventure
    [044] - Aquire 25000 units worth of any loot from adventure
    [045] - Aquire 1 structure or 400K experience on next adventure
    [046] - Have 1 general travel a distance of 40 units on any adventure
    [047] - Have 1 general travel a distance of 60 units on any adventure
    [048] - Have 1 general travel a distance of 85 units on any adventure
    [049] - Defeat 50% units of one type within a camp leaving the rest unharmed
    [050] - Defeat 75% units of one type within a camp leaving the rest unharmed
    [051] - Defeat 2 bosses
    [052] - Defeat 5 bosses
    [053] - Defeat a camp using only 1 round
    [054] - Defeat a camp using 2 rounds
    [055] - Defeat a camp using 5 rounds or more
    [056] - Retreat a general with a 2 unit distance from camp
    [057] - Attack any camp using 1 unit loaded (must be done 5 times)
    [058] - Destroy at least 1 Guard dog on any adventure
    [059] - Destroy 1 trap on an adventure
    [060] - Defeat an entire sector using only 2 troop types
    [061] - Defeat an entire sector using only 1 troop type
    [062] - Complete 3 advetures or scenarios within 1 hour
    [063] - Produce at least 3 units in provision house required for adventure
    [064] - Produce at least 15 units in provision house required for adventure
    [065] - Defeat 15 leader camps
    [066] - Defeat 25 leader camps
    [067] - Receive at least 100K bonus experience from adventure (can use premium, scout post, general skill, etc)
    [068] - Receive at least 300K bonus experience from adventure (can use premium, scout post, general skill, etc)
    [069] - Defeat 300 Animals on any adventure
    [070] - Defeat 750 Animals on any adventure
    [071] - Defeat 400 Ranged units

    I don't play adventures that much so perhaps some veteran adventurers can add to and refine this list.

    There's a few major parts to Settlers...Adventuring, Production, Trading, PvP, Achievments. Most of these things many players take part in but with adventures, especially now with epic farm and epic forge you can't really avoid it as far as a complete TSO experience. I personally play TSO for resource management, trading and creating systems but even I would enjoy doing the above. Each player will complete their list in each their own way.

    I think it's also important to make these based on the adventure not the player so others can help out which supports mulitiplay.

    The above can be the "Adventure" type weekly. Having a player choose if they wanted a "Resource" type weekly would be ideal.
    Last edited by Solzar; 25.11.18 at 15:26.

  5. #105
    Dedicated Scribe
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    Jan 2012
    I don't mind the idea, but these are nothing like the crisis quests given they are set to occur regularly without any interesting unique rewards.

    Some of the issues for me:
    - Ties up my barracks for too long, this stops me being able to do adventures.
    - Some of the adventures needed are reliant on luck, you can do the pre-adventures until you are blue in the face, but if the actual adventures needed 1) do not drop 2) are not available for trade, then you are effectively blocked from completing the challenge by something which is out of your control.

    I don't really see a fix, maybe replace it with a settlers lottery where you spend gems to buy tickets and you have a chance per ticket to win some "token". It's a similar kind of gamble to the current system :P

    I don't mind the coop adventures, loads of people like doing tomb raider. I think the problem is more with the design of whirlwind where you have to wait on another player to get some of your attacks done, if you could do all your attacks right from the start then it might be more popular.

  6. #106
    Ruler of the Land Xibor's Avatar
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    New Zealand
    As for the Dev Diary/notes themselves.
    I was struck by the overall tone as I interpreted it: Arrogance.

    This is not our game it is their game. As demonstrated by the arrogant statement followed by the completely contradictory one:

    "First of all, I do not plan to remove the time challenge by removing adventures from them or drastically reduce the amount of resources asked".
    My first point. We can ask all we want. They don't care.

    "What I would like to do is to collect more feedback" which in my opinion contradicts the first statement because why collect more feedback when you have made a categorical statement that you will not change?

    How can you adopt an attitude that your consumers/clients/public are irrelevant? Only you understand the delicate balance of the game mechanics? You alone?

    I haven't played for as long as many of the players that frequent the forums but I've been around long enough to see a very clear change in the tone of the player feedback and the level of frustration. People have had enough. I am concerned that I am seeing the end of Settlers.
    Sorry, but I've slept since then...

  7. #107
    Ruler of the Land topgearfan's Avatar
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    Aug 2012
    Remove does not equal change. If you remove adventures what do you substitute them with? WC is kinda light with actual interesting content as it is. Without adventures itll be a complete yawnfest.

    Maybe TSO team could try to come up with something new for a change. There must be something else besides adv/res/search triangle?
    Last edited by topgearfan; 26.11.18 at 10:37.
    Was fighting windmills from Aug 2012 to Oct 2019.

  8. #108
    Ruler of the Land Xibor's Avatar
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    New Zealand
    Quote Originally Posted by topgearfan View Post
    Remove does not equal change.
    Agreed. I'm making an assumption, that the sentiment continued "...remove the adventures I have chosen"
    Sorry, but I've slept since then...

  9. #109
    Glorious Graduate
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    Feb 2013
    At the very least we can exchange resources for xp.
    From the looks of it is not made to do them every week, but rather gather, plan, and do one once in awhile.

  10. #110
    Dedicated Scribe
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    Feb 2012
    I think the best thing everyone can do is ignore this weekly garbage and pretend it never happened

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