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Thread: [Feedback] Dev Notes: Weekly Challenges

  1. #21
    Architect of the Empire vigabrand's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    remove the "Weekly" and just call them challenges. a few players might try without a time limit but probz not coz the payoff just is not worth the cost...

    Not for a anyone, without exception!
    ofc i talk to myself. Sometimes I need expert advice

  2. #22
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    I like the basic idea of the weekly challenges but as others have said, the costs to us in terms of acquiring adventures and other players for them, production time, troops and resources are far too high to justify the results.

    It is so demanding, it spoils the things we enjoy doing of our own choice.
    For an example, if we wanted to try a certain adventure a few times to see if we can get a certain rare reward, we probably wouldn't attempt it now.
    What I'm saying is it goes against the very reason we like playing the game.

  3. #23
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    remove the "Weekly" and just call them challenges
    That would help!

  4. #24
      Treasure Hunter
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    Jan 2016
    Instead of having a choice of 1 hard to come by adventure and having it to do 3 times, lets have a choice to do any 3 adventures that are between two set levels of difficultly depending on the level of the player, (No co-ops please). Also stop the quests that require training and giving away of troops. It seems that we are being forced to buy the training grounds just to be able to stay afloat when it comes to our troops and the new quests. (here, have these new training grounds, while we screw you over with these new quests) Finally, having to make a certain amount of resources and then also having to donate double the amount will soon leave players with nothing to offer or use on their own islands, so that needs looking into.

    Other than that, the concept is good. It just needs refining so its playable.

  5. #25
    Ruler of the Land Thejollyone's Avatar
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    Jul 2012
    in absentia
    BB Alex, your disdain for your customer knows no bounds - shove it

  6. #26
    Architect of the Empire vigabrand's Avatar
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    Feb 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Thejollyone View Post
    BB Alex, your disdain for your customer knows no bounds - shove it
    can we have a cancel button so we dont have to see the ship, the quest, or the extra tab in ph.

    probz not coz that would mean devs are paying attention to comments, after all i still have pvp nonsense glaring at me 24/7, the "only clicked on by mistake" shield and pvp level (usually stuck on 2)!
    Last edited by vigabrand; 23.11.18 at 15:15.
    ofc i talk to myself. Sometimes I need expert advice

  7. #27
    Nifty Arrakkamani's Avatar
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    Did you consider how having 3 different adventures to do repeatedly (twice or thrice) depending on level, would effect the availability of those adventures?

    If only 10% of your player base did the weeklies those 3 adventures would still run dry or become overpriced.

    Expanding the pool or giving us a choice of which to do would be better. (or a difficulty level range)

    +1 to Removing coops and Storm Recovery.
    1100 grout blown per Scenario and its the only adventure where you can fail fail fail.
    Yeah fail in 3 different ways.

  8. #28
    Forum Explorer
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    Jul 2014
    Cost is to high compared with reward.
    Maybe give 4 or 5 times as much XP for the 2 main quest that require production/training - and reduce units to train / donate by 50%.
    And as many mentioned and as text in quest suggest - give a list of adventures to chose from - and make it adventures that can be bought for map-fragments - or maybe ventures from excelsior.

  9. #29
    Ruler of the Land
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    Jan 2012
    BB alex quote ""I would like to thank you again for providing feedback. I did read as much as I could and will continue reading more of it. Your concerns are important to me so I will try to lay out some of my plans on how I would like to approach the future of weekly challenges. First of all, I do not plan to remove the time challenge by removing adventures from them or drastically reduce the amount of resources asked. What I would like to do is to collect more feedback and also directly analyse the available data. My personal goal is to improve the situation without compromising the time challenge. It's not an easy task, but there are ways. One such way, for example, is to introduce more adventures including Ali Baba the Young Woodcutter for map fragments, which is planned for the near future.""

    Having the young woodcutter for map frags wouldnt solev the issue that you need LUCK to get the required adventure say that the challenges were designed to last 4.5 days i challenge you go on then do one you reckon you can get 3 wisdoms from doing YWC and the following adventures till you get the 3 wisdoms and all the while your doing this rebuilding troops for the next one ..GOOD LUCK dont have to remove adventures just allow us to pick the ones we do will still take time to do and replace troops ...

  10. #30
    Quartermaster Elco's Avatar
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    Aug 2013
    I still don't have any plausible explanation for the "challenges not based on luck" only to be expected to have enough maps to seriously consider going on a regular basis for a weekly challenge.
    I completed the first weekly challenge. Good for me! Now moving on and ignoring any such quest again.

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