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Thread: [Feedback] Dev Notes: Weekly Challenges

  1. #61
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by dragavon View Post
    from the perspective of a lvl 66 player:

    Town construction is fine just as it is. Doing 1 sinbad and the besieged city is not a problem.

    There is no way i will ever complete archaelogical excavation again. Doing storm recovery 3 times costs just too much grout for me, it will take me months to gather enough, between upgrading buildings i want to upgrade. Not happy with this one.

    Epidemic is another one i will never bother with. Having to do ali baba and the treasure of wisdom 3 times is just too much, getting this adventure is much too difficult, as you can only get it from and adventure that you only can get from another adventure before that. Not happy with this one either.

    I will never do kingdom defence either. Having to do a coop adventure that requires 4 players 3 times is just too much. Not happy with this one.

    All in all the weekly challenges are a good idea, but some of the choices made here are really bad.

    Please think about changing some of the tasks we have to do, to make it better and more fun.

    totaly agree

  2. #62
    Join Date
    Mar 2018
    I have only been playing a short while compared to a lot on here but from my point of view the weeklies costs far out way any benefits. I tried the 1st week to see but 2nd weeks demands are horrific Because I have not played for that long the weeklies give me the choice of playing the game or doing the weekly. The last 2 events seemed geared to take money from us by making it harder to achieve the goals unless you pay for gems. And surprise surprise straight after the new builds are announced there is a "happy Hour " to encourage us to spend cash to buy the new builds. Sorry BB but I think you are getting to greedy so no cash from me this time and I will think long and hard about what I will do in future and even consider whether to stick with the game or look at the plenty of other games out there. I have played settlers since the original game came out all those years ago and love playing but I don't like being taken for a mug. Come on guys everyone is not asking you for miracles just for fairness so we can enjoy our game.

  3. #63
    Keen Commentor
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    Dec 2011
    You know whats funny, i just got the Pathfinder, finally, and those quests seem far more reasonable to me than those Weekly Quests, and hey its even made for lvl 70 after all. So why are these Weekly quests such a pain?

    Hell there is even a Pathfinder Quest to do a Storm Recovery, but at least its just ONE and not three.

    Pathfinder actually seems more of a reward for getting to lvl 70 and the Weekly more a punishment for wanting more content/quests.

  4. #64
    Glorious Graduate
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    Feb 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by jubuti View Post
    I love Weekly Challenges!!! ))))))
    I'm lvl 61 and around lvl60 i've stoped lvling up .... didnt see the point no more.
    I'll tray to do all weekly challanges even if i fail.
    I don't have a problem with resources .... my warehouses(2,2M) are full with many resorces, production chains have stop since is full ... so i don't mind the resorces requierments.
    The only PROBLEM that bugs me is coops - cant find players for them, and i don't play that much to have time to syncronise with them.

    Love i can increase the population by upgrading buildings that i couldn't upgrade before ... i seem to never have enough population.

    In conclusion: I love Weekly Challenges, i'll try and do them all, i'll try and lvlup through them, not woodcuter and alibaba, and get more pop at the same time ... and when you guys have time, please remove coops or add more adventure to the list so i have a choice if i don't find people for coops.

    Ty for the new content guys
    PS1: you can give us a choice: do 2 coops or do 3 adventures that we like - an idea
    PS2: it would be nice if the residences that we upgrade change graphics ... so my island looks better that someone that doesn't do weeklys

  5. #65
    Ruler of the Land topgearfan's Avatar
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    Aug 2012
    Getting personal doesnt help. If Alex stops interacting we will be back to no communication at all with players. Something that frustrated everyone (minus Dorotheus) to no end for years.

    Situation has deteriorated too much. Only indirect fixes wont work. Something has got to give with the quests themselves.
    Easiest would be to change specific adventures to lists or a level range (even a range of 1 would work). Having a choice would reduce the luck part as single players never get a big enough sample to cancel out luck in adventure drops. Would save face regarding the "no luck based tasks" advertisement.
    Last edited by topgearfan; 24.11.18 at 02:23.
    Was fighting windmills from Aug 2012 to Oct 2019.

  6. #66
    Keen Commentor
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    Mar 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Xadro View Post
    You know whats funny, i just got the Pathfinder, finally, and those quests seem far more reasonable to me than those Weekly Quests, and hey its even made for lvl 70 after all. So why are these Weekly quests such a pain?

    Hell there is even a Pathfinder Quest to do a Storm Recovery, but at least its just ONE and not three.

    Pathfinder actually seems more of a reward for getting to lvl 70 and the Weekly more a punishment for wanting more content/quests.
    lol +1, on my second Pathfinder week, sure I could find something to whinge about but will leave that for weekly challenges

  7. #67
    Glorious Graduate
    Join Date
    May 2012
    I have noticed one effect....massive inflation. Adventures that were 4-6k gold coins before Halloween are now 24-30k gold coins when you can find them. I don't
    think that is going to change as long as the weekly challenges continue and I wonder what is next on the inflation list.

  8. #68
    Jolly Advisor
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    Apr 2012
    3 x Heart of the Wood, on average my explorers find 2 of these in a year !
    3 x Riches of the Mountain, that's a heck of a lot of gunpowder!
    Produce 5k marble - that would be a tough call from the start of the week, as it's a 2nd tier quest it's not going to be completed in 3 days.
    Too many quests/events are very high pressure, think we deserve an old fashioned easy one that is a bit of a giveaway, Christmas being the obvious choice as so many people will have other commitments over that period, not very sociable visiting relatives then pinching their internet for hours on end.

  9. #69
    Glorious Graduate
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    May 2013
    I like the weekly challanges! The base idea is brilliant! The diversity part! Awesome, that was missing from the game.
    At lvl70 and with strong economy I can say: I really like it. It is fit to me. I can do it in rapid succession, but I can imagine what happens, when I run out of adventures.

    I can understand others opinion!
    The problem isn't with the time. The real problem when you don't have that adventure, and you see u don't have chance to get it, that is the bad feeling, u see that quest for 7 days and after 7 days u will cancel it. At this part need some balances, to dispel that feeling.

    I have some idea here:
    - There would be a random adventure box for map fragment add to this box all scenarios.
    - Or add directly to the shop for map fragment.

    Storm recovery
    (can't do because of grout? or u feel it deficit?) solution:
    1) reduce grout slightly from 100% to 75%
    2) increase significantly the mini quest reward. Always got one, wedding: 50%, Panda 40%, Coin: 10%
    3) Add New reward slot.
    - 1% Chance to get: Ali Baba And The First Thief
    - 1% Chance to get: Ali Baba And The Second Thief
    - 1% Chance to get: Ali Baba And The Third Thief
    - 1% Chance to get: Ali Baba And The Treasure Of Wisdom
    - 1% Chance to get: Ali Baba And The Treasure Of Knowledge
    - 1% Chance to get: Sinbad And The Besieged City
    - 1% Chance to get: Aladdin And The Oil Lamp
    - 1% Chance to get: Aladdin And The Beautiful Princess
    - 5% Chance to get: 5 crystals

    - Add a direct order to the weekly quests. (predictability) Town Construction -> Archaeological Excavation -> Epidemic -> Kingdom Defence
    - Then we will know what quest will the next, we can plan.

    Co-op adventures
    Why players don't like it? Stuck in adventure. Wait for others.
    Change co-op andveture maps for a bit.
    1) Every player has own path. If all player finish with their path, adventure completed.
    2) Erase walls from path, don't need w8 for others (Whirlwind)
    3) If a player finished the own path, can help to others. With some conditions. Can't do WW alone, need 4 player of course.
    Last edited by Pretenza; 24.11.18 at 05:05.

  10. #70
    Last edited by qawpaw; 22.10.19 at 16:52.

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