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Thread: BB ALEX listen to us

  1. #1
    Ruler of the Land Thejollyone's Avatar
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    in absentia

    BB ALEX listen to us

    Yes you heard right...

    This dev refuses to listen on the test server, and has now resulted on many players leaving in droves on the live server

    ALEX LISTEN TO US - read the LIVE forums


    I am going to say what I think you as DEVS are after - BALANCE.

    You cannot expect balance of resources by your means in a few months after we have had 6 years of hoarding them.


    Take away the star storage, but do it over 6 months - allow us to trade all we have in there


    We then need to build more storage, which takes up space

    This is surely a more feasible means of balance than the complicated methods you are undertaking at the moment?

    You are assuming any player over a certain level has unlimited resources to complete certain tasks - this is totally untrue

    As it stands you are alienating your most loyal of players each day, which is a shame.

    Please review your thoughts ASAP

    I realise my suggestion will go down like a lead balloon with the players, but at least I am giving a rational compromise. Anyone else has a better suggestion?
    Last edited by Thejollyone; 23.11.18 at 16:31.

  2. #2
    Enlightened Sage
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    I don't think it helps to post here as he probably has time to only follow to the test server forum and possibly the German one (but never seen him there). BTW he has listened the feedback in many many features and he is not the only dev there

    About weekly challenges there is already thread about them and some kind of improvements or aids are most likely coming in the future but since the update and hotfix busted plenty of things in the game they may be busy and the changes never happen fast anyways.

  3. #3
    Wordsmith Larili's Avatar
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    I have to be clear that i have not used my test account for years, long before Alex seemed to take over, so all I have is `chat info' and forum info and whats come to live server to go on and I am acutely aware that limits my perspective.
    However, whilst in the early days of BB Alex reign, things were very much improving in the game and all told the response from players was very positive, this has not been the case recently, and this last upgrade and event has shown a definite return to the old ways of BB devs ignoring test players concerns and bug reports not being acted upon till its gone live and inevitably gone wrong requiring a hotfix or unscheduled maintenance.
    It has become a long standing joke that when it comes to that lovely word BALANCE, the devs have such a poor grasp of productions, and therefore in game values of things, that anything new put into the game which has `balance' at its core they will always get it wrong. Primarily because they still think as developers of the game they know better than the players....Well sorry guys and girls at BB, time and time again you've proved this not to be the case, and this last update is once again underlining the issue.
    As it seems you did not listen to players concerns, your now alienating players as can be seen on other threads, all of this could so easily have been avoided and those good ideas and elements of the game upgrade could have been welcomed rather than ridiculed, with just a little more thought and consultation.
    Everytime we have had incidents like this players always return to the same thought that you can not possibly be playing the same game as the rest of us when you constantly get the values of things so drastically wrong. I said the same when I finally gave up testing , as whilst I got use to being ignored, having to constantly say `I told you so', when it all went blue birds up after being released on live, did not give me any satisfaction and was getting rather depressing. The only way you will truly understand why players like doing certain things over and over again, and never do other things is by playing and designing on the back of that playing from the ground up WITHOUT instants. Yes you probably do not have the time as developers to do this, I totally understand, but then you should also recognise this as a weakness in terms of development and consult those that do have the knowledge and experience.....your players, and take due note of what they have to say and be less dismissive to their input.
    We already have stacks of adventures which we don't do because you will not redress the loot or losses, there are quests and guild quests, where progress was made a while back but still players push their mouse to the delete button more often than not. And now are these weekly quests going to go the same way, ignored and just an added irritant to many of your players? Or are you going to man up and admit you got it wrong and do something about it?
    The game is old, I'm sure the new settlers game is getting all the attention, but remember we are your most likely customers for that game if you treat us right. Let your hair down, throw the serious cap out the window and make the next few months a real hoot for the TSO community....look at it as an investment
    p.s. Keeping your head down, hoping this will blow over, and not communicating back on this issue is no longer an option giving the feelings being expressed here and on chat. You need to do something quickly to restore a little faith. Please don't make me say `I told you so' again
    Are we to be told of adventure changes or not? 1 Month on and still SNEAKY RB changes have not been mentioned

  4. #4
    Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by BB_Alex - 11.07.17
    There are several changes, I personally would like to see in the game, which would improve the economy building part of the game in my opinion. All of them might have a negative impact on the community.

    Let me show an example. It is just an example and not a planed change:

    Resources from adventures, quest and trade are always going into the storage even if they would exceed the capacity. The overflow will not be transfered to the star menu and will stay in the storage. This overflow will be halved every day as sort of an upkeep for exceeding the storage capacity.
    Only resources from the merchant will go to the star menu.
    This would require improvements telling you, if you would exceed your storage when buying a certain amount in the trade. Of course this would only work with the cooldown on loot mails, you mentioned. The goal would be to get rid of all stuff allowing you to use the star and the mails as a storage with an infinite capacity.

    Can you imagine the impact?

    Have fun
    25/11-14 , 23/02-16 .. The end is coming and it will look like this .

  5. #5
      Town Crier
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    Dec 2012
    Quoted because it bears repeating:

    Quote Originally Posted by Larili View Post
    p.s. Keeping your head down, hoping this will blow over, and not communicating back on this issue is no longer an option giving the feelings being expressed here and on chat. You need to do something quickly to restore a little faith. Please don't make me say `I told you so' again
    I have to echo Larili's reasons for deserting the test server because I, too, got fed up of seeing so much feedback left that was completely ignored, especially the feedback left about bug after bug after bug that the developers utterly failed to address before implementation on live servers. It did not take long to reach the stage where it seemed like a futile waste of time and effort to do anything other than check out the test server forum occasionally to see what was about to come our way and figure out how best to prepare for the inevitable.

    After the introduction of new content like XXL and the venture campaigns, I got a bit more hopeful, but still I see the vast majority of updates requiring extended downtime and/or hotfixes in order to be implemented and it certainly looks like the development team are not learning from their long history of mistakes and, therefore, seem doomed to continue repeating them.

  6. #6
    Ruler of the Land
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    Nov 2014
    I think many of the things above are very well said.
    But also do disagree on something.
    What made me like this game and keep playing was that this is a relaxed game. No competition between players. No rush if you did not want to. People helping each other and sharing. I see that falling apart. I am pushed into adding 25%-50% to production capacity - not to fill a need to more resources - I have what I need to do what I like in the game. Do adventure and chat with my friends. It feels very silly to set up production just to be able to make the needs for the exaggerated production quests.
    I do like to have extra and that people are villing to share. If the possibility of saving to star is removed some of the laid back quality of this game is gone. Even if some of the most dramatic zink quests are removed.
    I do agree that the devs seems to have no clue about what goes on in game and what it is that makes the players want to keep playing the game. If the game is changed too much - then new players are needed. If it is no longer what made us like the game in the first place - then we stay way longer than we would because of our friends - but at some point it is no longer enough and we leave.

    It has started - this game like my last game is moving towards more pay less play. I do find it ok to pay. if we don't there is no game. But if the pay is overshadowing the game - then it is time to leave. With too hard challenges - too little resources around and more competition it would start to be appealing just to pay. I see more an more opportunity to gem stuff popping up in game. It is appealing the first few times. I know that from my last browser game. Then it just become boring and pointless and people find something else to do.

    If too hard challenges and more competition it would also no longer be my game. That is not what made me like the game to begin with.

    So make some fun weakly challenges dear Alex. It does not have to be a walk in the park - but dont make us all travel to Mars and back. Dont mess with the star, -and don't make a fool of people who trust you. They use a lot of hard earned pumps on a gen that has no other quality than having a nice tent. People feel cheated and then they dont really trust BB any longer.
    Last edited by Urd123; 23.11.18 at 21:33.
    If for some reason support feels the need to edit what I wrote, please delete entire post instead, dont put words into my mouth that I never said.

  7. #7
    Skilled Student trumpeteer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Urd123 View Post
    I think many of the things above are very well said.
    But also do disagree on something.
    What made me like this game and keep playing was that this is a relaxed game. No competition between players. No rush if you did not want to. People helping each other and sharing. I see that falling apart. I am pushed into adding 25%-50% to production capacity - not to fill a need to more resources - I have what I need to do what I like in the game. Do adventure and chat with my friends. It feels very silly to set up production just to be able to make the needs for the exaggerated production quests.
    I do like to have extra and that people are villing to share. If the possibility of saving to star is removed some of the laid back quality of this game is gone. Even if some of the most dramatic zink quests are removed.
    I do agree that the devs seems to have no clue about what goes on in game and what it is that makes the players want to keep playing the game. If the game is changed too much - then new players are needed. If it is no longer what made us like the game in the first place - then we stay way longer than we would because of our friends - but at some point it is no longer enough and we leave.

    It has started - this game like my last game is moving towards more pay less play. I do find it ok to pay. if we don't there is no game. But if the pay is overshadowing the game - then it is time to leave. With too hard challenges - too little resources around and more competition it would start to be appealing just to pay. I see more an more opportunity to gem stuff popping up in game. It is appealing the first few times. I know that from my last browser game. Then it just become boring and pointless and people find something else to do.

    If too hard challenges and more competition it would also no longer be my game. That is not what made me like the game to begin with.

    So make some fun weakly challenges dear Alex. It does not have to be a walk in the park - but dont make us all travel to Mars and back. Dont mess with the star, -and don't make a fool of people who trust you. They use a lot of hard earned pumps on a gen that has no other quality than having a nice tent. People feel cheated and then they dont really trust BB any longer.
    this ^^ our guild is so disheartened after the weekly quests came into the event, that it is not something they can complete on a regular basis. To even suggest that any storage from mail or star would be removed is just stupid.

    Do any of the developers of the game actually play and understand the dynamics?

    Having played this game for a few years and spent a lot of real money, am totally disillusioned with the way things are going?

    BB ask for feedback to things but dont really interact with what is being said?

    We have moderators in game that are so ready to moderate, I am not dissing them, but they are unpaid players that give up their time. Why can we not have developers spending more time in forum letting the players of the game know what is going on?

    A dedicated spokesperson, who can reply to posts so we dont have to second guess like on this thread???

  8. #8
    Ruler of the Land topgearfan's Avatar
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    You mean like a community manager?
    Was fighting windmills from Aug 2012 to Oct 2019.

  9. #9
    Enlightened Sage
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    Yeah that's what community managers do, communicate between dev team and the community. The development team wont jump to regional forums to post stuff and most likely not even read other than possibly randomly as there are hundreds or thousands of posts done daily. We are also just one region while there are 10+ others with their own forums.

    The test server is the international and centralized place to give feedback upfront about upcoming features and the only place to have a chance to receive dev team replies.

    We get feedback threads locally too and in I think our community managers collect key points from them and forward the info to the devs.

  10. #10
    Dedicated Scribe
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    I suspect he's the wrong person for the job.

    If most of the players are sticking around because they enjoy a laid back game they can make slow progress in then it's really not going to work to have a designer come on-board and decide the game needs to be fast paced, high difficulty and random progress. He's going to end up with a dead game that no one else but him wants to play.

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