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Thread: Absence of any In-Game Support

  1. #1
    Erudite Pioneer
    Join Date
    Jul 2015
    Galway Ireland

    Absence of any In-Game Support

    I am really really fed up of seeing the following message

    "Apparently, you were trying to respond to a ticket that had been closed and deemed resolved"

    I have sent 7 tickets to support over the past 19 days and every time they respond with someone will get back to you shortly and then the usual we are dealing with the issue and looking into it. can you supply details and printscreens and after doing this I get messages saying we will get back to you I then wait a day or 2 and again after silence I send a message and get
    "Apparently, you were trying to respond to a ticket that had been closed and deemed resolved"

    So Apparently in my humble opinion BB no longer care about us or someone is just having a laugh.

    This needs to be resolved and there needs to be some sort of game support that actually looks into problems when reported.
    Last edited by _Aszbhar; 27.12.18 at 14:24. Reason: please choose your language more carefully

  2. #2
    Community Manager
    Ruler of the Land BB_Saqui's Avatar
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    Aug 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Rebloom View Post
    I am really really fed up of seeing the following message

    "Apparently, you were trying to respond to a ticket that had been closed and deemed resolved"

    I have sent 7 tickets to support over the past 19 days and every time they respond with someone will get back to you shortly and then the usual we are dealing with the issue and looking into it. can you supply details and printscreens and after doing this I get messages saying we will get back to you I then wait a day or 2 and again after silence I send a message and get
    "Apparently, you were trying to respond to a ticket that had been closed and deemed resolved"

    So Apparently in my humble opinion BB no longer care about us or someone is just having a laugh.

    This needs to be resolved and there needs to be some sort of game support that actually looks into problems when reported.
    Please PM me your ticket numbers, so I can look into this for you.

  3. #3
    Erudite Pioneer
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    Jul 2015
    Galway Ireland
    Quote Originally Posted by BB_Saqui View Post
    Please PM me your ticket numbers, so I can look into this for you.
    Sent a PM ty

  4. #4
    Erudite Pioneer
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    Jul 2015
    Galway Ireland
    Well I finally got some "Action" It only took four weeks for support to tell me they couldn't do anything . They did however send me the resources to build one of the buildings again, Not very impressed at level 74 these resources were never the issue. They also sent 200 gems which is something but it took 4 weeks and I also got the following advice

    "thank you for your patience and I apologize for any inconvenience caused by our delayed reply.
    Please try picking a different spot for your Academy to avoid this issue in the future, preferably in a different sector on your island.
    I apologize for any inconvenience this has caused."

    So obviously there is an issue with the sector But as I have run out of space I must either knock some buildings to make room or do without the Academy or Armoury

    Ohhh also forgot i did send couple pm to Saqui but no reply to them as yet
    Last edited by Rebloom; 04.01.19 at 11:45.

  5. #5
    Community Manager
    Ruler of the Land BB_Saqui's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rebloom View Post
    Well I finally got some "Action" It only took four weeks for support to tell me they couldn't do anything . They did however send me the resources to build one of the buildings again, Not very impressed at level 74 these resources were never the issue. They also sent 200 gems which is something but it took 4 weeks and I also got the following advice

    "thank you for your patience and I apologize for any inconvenience caused by our delayed reply.
    Please try picking a different spot for your Academy to avoid this issue in the future, preferably in a different sector on your island.
    I apologize for any inconvenience this has caused."

    So obviously there is an issue with the sector But as I have run out of space I must either knock some buildings to make room or do without the Academy or Armoury
    We're looking into the initial issue that caused the bug in the first place - if anyone has any other instances of this happening to them, we'd appreciate any information to aid our investigation.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rebloom View Post
    Ohhh also forgot i did send couple pm to Saqui but no reply to them as yet
    I escalated your ticket for you.

  6. #6
    Ruler of the Land
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    Jan 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by BB_Saqui View Post
    We're looking into the initial issue that caused the bug in the first place - if anyone has any other instances of this happening to them, we'd appreciate any information to aid our investigation.

    I escalated your ticket for you.
    But thats the problem tickets ae not being answered or are being closed and its taking a BB from here to deal with it as i had the same issue ....never used to be like this support used to be good on this game its got terrible over the last 6 months or so

  7. #7
    Ruler of the Land Thejollyone's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hades8840 View Post
    ....never used to be like this support used to be good on this game its got terrible over the last 6 months or so
    +1 no apparent real interest from support anymore in assisting the players

  8. #8
    Enlightened Sage
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    Feb 2012
    I've been receiving decent support for few past tickets as in I've received replies and updates to tickets but as usual the support cant do nearly anything but just reply the same we are sorry and devs are working on it and hope for the best.

    I can clearly see from comparing different forums and replies to other members and guildies that there is clearly lack of communication between BB teams between regions and then support teams. While Germans have most issues flagged with a issue number on their forums, here the support can still tell to clear cache or say they will forward it even tho the problem, eta, required actions or even a resolution have been known for days.

    Even the dev diaries can mismatch due other regions not receiving updates or something else happening. For example currently at the German forums the Gingerbread storage size has been corrected to 2x2 like a month ago while on our dev diary it's still 3x3. This is not even a small error as it can lead in to some people not buying em as they may assume its the same huge size as barracks or a scouting post.

    You can find A LOT of useful info that is not available anywhere else by going to the German forums and clicking a BB member name and then find all posts.

  9. #9
    Ruler of the Land
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    Feb 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by hades8840 View Post
    But thats the problem tickets ae not being answered or are being closed and its taking a BB from here to deal with it as i had the same issue ....never used to be like this support used to be good on this game its got terrible over the last 6 months or so
    +1.totally agree, tickets are auto closed, forget the 48hrs, once a ticket is 48hrs old it dies even if the player has added to the mail thread. Many have given up sending to support for that reason.

  10. #10
    Ruler of the Land Thejollyone's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mannerheim View Post
    I've been receiving decent support for few past tickets as in I've received replies and updates to tickets but as usual the support cant do nearly anything but just reply the same we are sorry and devs are working on it and hope for the best.

    I can clearly see from comparing different forums and replies to other members and guildies that there is clearly lack of communication between BB teams between regions and then support teams. While Germans have most issues flagged with a issue number on their forums, here the support can still tell to clear cache or say they will forward it even tho the problem, eta, required actions or even a resolution have been known for days.

    Even the dev diaries can mismatch due other regions not receiving updates or something else happening. For example currently at the German forums the Gingerbread storage size has been corrected to 2x2 like a month ago while on our dev diary it's still 3x3. This is not even a small error as it can lead in to some people not buying em as they may assume its the same huge size as barracks or a scouting post.

    You can find A LOT of useful info that is not available anywhere else by going to the German forums and clicking a BB member name and then find all posts.
    whilst this is of course very helpful, it does not address the underlying issue.

    I am still upset over the lack of response/resolution I received from support on the MCC dynamite issue; and I have subsequently seen others have
    had the same problem.

    Its all good a well-meaning player gives a workaround (and ty for that), but ultimately BB support have failed their players on this and many other matters.

    It is this lack of support that enrages players to the point that they consider leaving the game.
    Last edited by Thejollyone; 04.01.19 at 18:23.

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