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Thread: [Feedback] Dev Diary Valentine 2019 Event

  1. #101
    Join Date
    Apr 2017
    ok day 2 of the event here it goes

    good idea some bad parts in it yes i was looking forward to it as was a totally new event for the game
    i hate halloween event coz have to do addys to get refils not everyone has time to spam addys multi player ones at that as your devs are so clever they forgot to add single player addys in the mix to get refils
    that is my main bug about this as what if dont get loads of time to do addys so yeah can spam a few wots maybe get a few refils keep the things ticking over
    but nah its all about giving love blah blah blah
    AND what 80/90 refils per flower thing per day seriously out of reach for some of us so nope when mine die they die and if quests need you to make 300 more further down the line then again wont get completed i dont even think i will get the 300 made with whats left after making the valantines cards for a quest in the farms so in affect its stopping some of us being able to complete quest line if any more produce parts in it using flower farms

    I HATE THE REFILL PART as like i said dont have time for addys and yes i dont have that many exploreres either but they will get me some flowers at least,maybe if was just flowers dropped in all addys scrap the farms aspect that would be better just times the refils that drop by say 2-3 to make them flowers job done AND have single player addys in the event in future if this it to be repeated next year maybe do what you do other events make a select few loot bonus etc but atleast all addys were allowed

    if anything else bugs me further in the quest chain etc i will be back to post
    but main points so far/

    hate refil aspect but always had since they changed halloween to the refils yrs ago
    should had single player addys in the mix also
    Last edited by Betty_chook; 22.02.19 at 17:33.

  2. #102
    Ruler of the Land lulu10093's Avatar
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    Jun 2012
    North East England
    Quote Originally Posted by Betty_chook View Post
    have to do addys to get refils not everyone has time to spam addys multi player ones at that as your devs are so clever they forgot to add single player addys in the mix to get refils
    that is my main bug about this as what if dont get loads of time to do addys so yeah can spam a few wots maybe get a few refils keep the things ticking over
    but nah its all about giving love blah blah blah
    AND what 80/90 refils per flower thing per day seriously out of reach for some of us
    i think this is unfair as lower level adventures for noobs are single player ones such as wots hb etc and if they dont have many fattys or gens how are they meant to fill the farms to make flowers to get stuff
    they wont have a rph or high level ph the buffs take to long to make for them.

    very geared towards high levels and unfair on lowers

  3. #103
    Join Date
    Jan 2019
    Sunderland Tyne & Wear
    Come on, leve 39 no rph and its taken 2 DAYS yo make 3 cards, plus low levels are getting a bum deal out of this, i've only got tavern explorers, gens and geos, i havent got the pop level to do the quests and the coin to buy the loot unfair on us low levs even if i did it would take 30 mins to get there and on co-ops they are wanting to finish quick if i did have the troops to do it 1 - 1 1/2 hours just to get troops there. Boo on the event

  4. #104
    Join Date
    May 2014
    this event is difficult to understand, even buildings in the shop I don't understand their goal ... not having fun here
    Last edited by Aunt_Irma; 22.02.19 at 23:14.

  5. #105
    Join Date
    Apr 2017
    As expected quests will not get done

    as farms run out and surprise not enough refills to get the 300 produced maybe would been better to have that as the 1st quest in the chain

    this is a rip off

    pay 75 flowers to get 10 refills back which max you can get off it i think is 50 flowers

    so no quests will not be getting finished

    I really hope if this event is back next year they rethink things thoroughly first

  6. #106
    Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Betty_chook View Post
    As expected quests will not get done

    as farms run out and surprise not enough refills to get the 300 produced maybe would been better to have that as the 1st quest in the chain

    this is a rip off

    pay 75 flowers to get 10 refills back which max you can get off it i think is 50 flowers

    so no quests will not be getting finished

    I really hope if this event is back next year they rethink things thoroughly first
    ppl lack effort you need 72 refills per day per field easy to get hold off as for the fertilizer it is what it is might cost alot but you could get more backbecause u would be able to use ur farm again

  7. #107
    Join Date
    Apr 2017
    Easier said than done if we don't have time to hammer addys to get them though to get the total needed refills to share out among the 3 flower farms
    not everyone can do adventures all the time

  8. #108
    Enlightened Sage
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    Feb 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Betty_chook View Post
    Easier said than done if we don't have time to hammer addys to get them though to get the total needed refills to share out among the 3 flower farms
    not everyone can do adventures all the time
    For the quest you would have not even needed to do a single adventure. One farm alone with the valentine card buffs or any other 4x buff would have produced the required 300. It is very easy to press the pause button in the buildings when you go offline or it's about to get depleted. Fertilizer is not a refill, it's an emergency tool. Even the dev diary mentions all these things.

    Also no one has said you need to do adventures all the time as you can pause the buildings and play at your own pace. The refill amount in the adventure loot can be doubled by activating the Valentine zone buff with 3 cards and one the easiest adventures in the game yield high amounts of flower refills. Siege has very low losses and is less than an hour with tavern generals and gives 16-24 refill as example.

  9. #109
    Join Date
    Apr 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Mannerheim View Post
    For the quest you would have not even needed to do a single adventure. One farm alone with the valentine card buffs or any other 4x buff would have produced the required 300. It is very easy to press the pause button in the buildings when you go offline or it's about to get depleted. Fertilizer is not a refill, it's an emergency tool. Even the dev diary mentions all these things.

    Also no one has said you need to do adventures all the time as you can pause the buildings and play at your own pace. The refill amount in the adventure loot can be doubled by activating the Valentine zone buff with 3 cards and one the easiest adventures in the game yield high amounts of flower refills. Siege has very low losses and is less than an hour with tavern generals and gives 16-24 refill as example.

    which is why i said this would been better as a earlier quest

    Quote Originally Posted by Betty_chook View Post
    As expected quests will not get done

    as farms run out and surprise not enough refills to get the 300 produced maybe would been better to have that as the 1st quest in the chain
    good advice about siege for other players that will be doing co-ops or adventures

  10. #110
    Treasure Hunter
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    Jan 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by lordloocan View Post
    Totally agree Sue, on both Sandycove and Newfoundland I play very much a solo game, and usually do scores of wots in events. This time it is coops etc so be no refills for me there and so next to nothing from shop having previously more or less cleared the shop out.....Roll on the end of this event.
    The silly coops give way more refills then 2 or 3 players adventures. I first tried an Dark Brotherhood getting an whooping 5 refills, then a Dark Priest getting 3 refills. While I hear people in the guild getting 12 or more from an TR.. Oh well, i already got the explorer due to my own explorers and i am almost ready for my geoloog and the rest they can put ....

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