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Thread: Enough already

  1. #1
    Wordsmith Larili's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2012

    Enough already

    I know its Alex's thing, but please stop all these zone/area/limited specific buff/generals and geo's. It was a good shift of thought when it started but now its become clumbersome with so much micro-management and cooldown periods which quite frankly just makes the whole process forgettable.
    The buff tab in star has become so cluttered I'm surprised players have not started to call for further category tabs to help slim it back down again and make finding what you want amongst all the junk more user friendly...but give it time
    So, a couple of suggestions for next main event items rather than yet another MMA, Lucky and a choco bunny farm.
    How about a building that converts unwanted buffs into the next buff up with similar function e.g. cheese sandwiches to love potion, fish platter into aunt irmas. As long as the rate is reasonable I'm sure it would be more useful than yet another specific area buffing building.
    Please, please can we have a yellow submarine to sink the weekly quest ship, one click and all the quest parts gets removed from the quest book.
    I believe you still have at least one COA general which could be thrown into this game, at this late stage does it really matter if a forth really good all rounder is added given the xp chase to level after 60? It would at least put a spark back into the adventure grind and give us some alternatives to try out.
    If not a general as such, how about my favorite little character from Settlers of old, a thief. Send him off to an enemy camp, and provided he's not discovered (1 in 3 random chance, I know you at BB like this and players hate it, but at this late stage I'm prepared to give a little ) He removes a % of troops from the camp as our thief has pinched their weapons. You send him just like a general, before your attacking general, if he gets discovered he is incarcerated in the last boss camp for the rest of the adventure and can not be used again till the boss camp is defeated. If he is a good thief and does not get caught he can be used multiple times the effect will be to reduce troop losses on attacking generals.
    Lastly, been asked several times before, but a building, port fortification, castle call it what you like, but a place to park our generals with an interface to load and send them from there.
    Anyway these are just some thoughts to chew over as creative thinking seems to be stuck in a rut back at BB HQ.
    Are we to be told of adventure changes or not? 1 Month on and still SNEAKY RB changes have not been mentioned

  2. #2
    Dedicated Scribe
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    Jan 2012
    It's not really a good idea to post a bunch of ideas together like this with a non descriptive title.

    I do agree with some of the points though, I think the way I would approach it is:

    - Make the star menu search work so you can type in a building type and the result is all the buffs that work on that particular building, eg "farm" would only show buffs that affect farms.
    - I like the idea of upgrading buffs using a bunch of weaker ones, but BB always gets the balance wrong on this kind of stuff. You would likely need 1000 cheese sandwiches to make a single love potions :P
    - For the generals, I don't think a special building is needed, just make it so they can be loaded with troops without the garrison for each general being constructed. You would only need to "place" the generals if they are actually going to attack something then.

  3. #3
      Jolly Advisor
    Join Date
    Jan 2017
    love garden needs sorting out. u get the extra buff if u have 25 houses within its zone. prob is u cant get 25 houses in the green zone. max i can fit in is 22 no matter where it goes. The only way to get 25 in is if u could use both love gardens. But as soon as u activate 1 the other goes into cooldown mode. so u can only have 1 active at a time.

    Someome in my guild worked out the max houses u can get in the zone is 22. So why have the extra boost set at 25 when u cant fit in 25 lol.

  4. #4
    Raving Rabbid Areop-Enap's Avatar
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    Apr 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by cliff60 View Post
    Someome in my guild worked out the max houses u can get in the zone is 22. So why have the extra boost set at 25 when u cant fit in 25 lol.
    You can fit 24 pop buildings in one love garden zone, 25 with the love garden itself...

    With 2 love gardens that's up to 48 buildings and cooldown 10h30min--1h30min overlap time.

    The love garden is marked as tradeable, so it is possible to get the cooldown period lower than that.
    Last edited by Areop-Enap; 06.03.19 at 15:55.
    There is a world of imagination
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  5. #5
    Enlightened Sage
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    Quote Originally Posted by cliff60 View Post
    love garden needs sorting out. u get the extra buff if u have 25 houses within its zone. prob is u cant get 25 houses in the green zone. max i can fit in is 22 no matter where it goes. The only way to get 25 in is if u could use both love gardens. But as soon as u activate 1 the other goes into cooldown mode. so u can only have 1 active at a time.

    Someome in my guild worked out the max houses u can get in the zone is 22. So why have the extra boost set at 25 when u cant fit in 25 lol.
    You can have 2 gardens active at the same time for 1½ hours which is enough to activate the garden quest. The merchant lets you buy 2 and you can get more by trading so there is nothing to sort out.

  6. #6
    Ruler of the Land
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    Nov 2014
    To be honest I never use any of the buildings. I remember then now and then when there is a quest, but that is it,- so I agree they are just a waste or a pretty ornament if we are lucky. It is not many that are able to trade them.
    If for some reason support feels the need to edit what I wrote, please delete entire post instead, dont put words into my mouth that I never said.

  7. #7
    Jolly Advisor
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    Quote Originally Posted by Larili View Post
    I know its Alex's thing, but please stop all these zone/area/limited specific buff/generals and geo's. It was a good shift of thought when it started but now its become clumbersome with so much micro-management and cooldown periods which quite frankly just makes the whole process forgettable.
    The buff tab in star has become so cluttered I'm surprised players have not started to call for further category tabs to help slim it back down again and make finding what you want amongst all the junk more user friendly...but give it time
    So, a couple of suggestions for next main event items rather than yet another MMA, Lucky and a choco bunny farm.
    How about a building that converts unwanted buffs into the next buff up with similar function e.g. cheese sandwiches to love potion, fish platter into aunt irmas. As long as the rate is reasonable I'm sure it would be more useful than yet another specific area buffing building.
    Please, please can we have a yellow submarine to sink the weekly quest ship, one click and all the quest parts gets removed from the quest book.
    I believe you still have at least one COA general which could be thrown into this game, at this late stage does it really matter if a forth really good all rounder is added given the xp chase to level after 60? It would at least put a spark back into the adventure grind and give us some alternatives to try out.
    If not a general as such, how about my favorite little character from Settlers of old, a thief. Send him off to an enemy camp, and provided he's not discovered (1 in 3 random chance, I know you at BB like this and players hate it, but at this late stage I'm prepared to give a little ) He removes a % of troops from the camp as our thief has pinched their weapons. You send him just like a general, before your attacking general, if he gets discovered he is incarcerated in the last boss camp for the rest of the adventure and can not be used again till the boss camp is defeated. If he is a good thief and does not get caught he can be used multiple times the effect will be to reduce troop losses on attacking generals.
    Lastly, been asked several times before, but a building, port fortification, castle call it what you like, but a place to park our generals with an interface to load and send them from there.
    Anyway these are just some thoughts to chew over as creative thinking seems to be stuck in a rut back at BB HQ.
    The Easter event is the only chance for players to gain MMA. Perhaps like me you have all 9 but... please spare a thought for those that are not so fortunate, also new players will be depending on a chance to gain one.

  8. #8
    Wordsmith Larili's Avatar
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    Jul 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Kotugo View Post
    It's not really a good idea to post a bunch of ideas together like this with a non descriptive title.

    I do agree with some of the points though, I think the way I would approach it is:
    LMAO, When I added some ideas to the principle of my suggestion, I had thought it was questionable, but had I not I felt I may be accused of being just critical without offering some alternatives. It was one of those damned if I do and damned if I don't moments.

    The Easter event is the only chance for players to gain MMA. Perhaps like me you have all 9 but... please spare a thought for those that are not so fortunate, also new players will be depending on a chance to gain one.
    I assumed that the `catch up' of up to the cap limit would still be an option for those wanting it from the event, just no more repetition because they have run out of ideas to fill the top reward. I don't have all 9, as once I had seven I began to lose the will to live when sending them all ( and getting them landed ! ).
    I mean if you still think that these buffing buildings have not run their course, just take a look at the weather station which they could not even be bothered to code it to give the player a significant advantage ! they gave its effect to enemies as well, so you go through the trouble of getting a very expensive building that does little but keep the status quo ( an 8th MMA is more useful lol )
    BB recently released all the old Settler titles, and I've been taking a trip down memory lane by playing some, it has reminded me what fun they are. If, as I suspect, the Devs on TSO are out of ideas and none of mine are appealing , perhaps they should play from their own library and get some `fun' inspiration back. Rather than continue down this dull and dreary micro management approach and xp grinding.... or will the next great release be a revamped BK monochrome event on snowy islands to make use of the weather station...can't wait
    Are we to be told of adventure changes or not? 1 Month on and still SNEAKY RB changes have not been mentioned

  9. #9
    Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    I know I have written here before, but after I realized that I am stuck with more quests that I am never going to do,- I feel the need to write again. I strongly agree,-
    Please stop this and even better - change the stuff that is already there so it does something else, or remove it, (well the last I know is never going to happen.)

    I have several reasons for not liking what is going on with the game.
    The marked and the love garden works in the same way, and they are the worst examples of this new trend. If you just started the game, it is not a problem to build buildings around these buildings. If you are in high levels most of us have a crowded island and it takes a lot of moving about to get room for this. That is if we really want and need this. I was stupid enough to place the love gardens, and now I am stuck with a quest. I cant place the gardens anywhere that solves the quest. I need to move a lot of stuff about. I don't need the population buffs so my motivation to do so is quite limited. I then tried to bomb the gardens - that does not make the quests go away I don't like to have quests that I am never going to solve. I already have the pvp, the weekly nightmares, and now this.

    This is not the worst part of my growing frustration over this type of building. When I started playing settlers, one of the things I really liked was the diversity of the way people played and the way they placed buildings and solved the setting up of production chains.
    Now people are not supposed to think, or to use their own solutions. All sword making is made in the volcano,- all population buildings are grouped and all the other kind of production grouped around the markets. I personally have thought that as population does not need a warehouse, best way to place then scattered around on paces that cant be used for anything else, so for me getting enough out of the gardens to solve the quest is just not an option unless we have a move for free week. Then I can get it over with and put them back in star where they belong.
    If for some reason support feels the need to edit what I wrote, please delete entire post instead, dont put words into my mouth that I never said.

  10. #10
    Ruler of the Land Thejollyone's Avatar
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    in absentia
    I think you will find BB Alex train of thought is all to do with making the players make choices. How a single dev can decide on how the game moves forward is beyond me..

    So my choice is now to only play during events.

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