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Thread: No cancel option for Love garden quests?

  1. #21
    Ruler of the Land Thejollyone's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    in absentia
    Quote Originally Posted by CharlezK View Post
    "You are kidding me right? I have all of the time in the world to do this, so you should too!"

    Yeah. I have a job and a small child. I started this game because it was something that I could set aside at a moments notice and not worry about it until the next day. I am sure that the server is FULL of people who have loads of time to do these things. I do not. So sure, we can go ahead and team up on the Siege... but you have to be totally cool with me disappearing into a project half way through and not being back for a few days, at which time the adventure will have lapsed.

    These things just need a 1 week time out like the weekly quests do.
    well no - the other way around it is to do your part of the Siege and then get the other person on to do their bit - no hold ups at all. But it sounds more like you are here to have a moan than get the quest done. Good luck with it...

    Happy Settling!

  2. #22
    Glorious Graduate
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    This problem still exists... having completed the initial quest to have 20 residences buffed, one would expect that the quest is completed and would disappear.
    BUT NO IT DOESNT. There is no option to remove/cancel, and like most other quests we should have a choice.

    Please add a "delete" option, sooner rather than later, I for one am sick of having this ongoing rubbish quest in my quest book.

  3. #23
    +1 agree

  4. #24
    Architect of the Empire vigabrand's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    i built my garden a long time ago (don't remember why) and deleted it immediately. i still have a quest to buff 20 buildings. tbh i dont even understand how to do this as the aoe doesn't seem large enough. even if i moved a lot of stuff around i cant see a spot to place all these buildings. If all i had to do was an adv/scenario i'd get on with it happily.

    this item is a load of rubbish BB along with some other new buff buildings, but the difference is we can opt out of the other buildings.

    how bout making the quest time out at some point so i can get it out of my star menu?
    Last edited by vigabrand; 02.02.22 at 11:51.
    ofc i talk to myself. Sometimes I need expert advice

  5. #25
    Keen Commentor
    Join Date
    May 2021
    Don't have this particualr problem. I guess i activated the love garden, deleted it and gave it to my wife... then did the quest and it's gone.

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