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Thread: No cancel option for Love garden quests?

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by SSSecretSquirrel View Post
    This is bad. So far I've only had "do a mini mission/scenario/etc". Having to do a specific one and one that is locked behind crystal wall and having no cancel option is a no-no.
    Very surprised there is no complete with gems option.
    Same here, complete a venture! it needs crystals which I don't have. Then you have to try your luck with excelsior once you have got some crystals.....It could take weeks to complete a single love garden quest!

  2. #12
    Treasure Hunter Bobblyt's Avatar
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    (Hunt For Intel) - Complete a venture:
    Ok so you need to convert crystals in the Excelsior (obviously going for the cheapest option here)
    Logging in daily = 16 crystals
    Daily quest = minimum of 2 crystals = 14
    Completing the collect all quest = 0.4 crystals - even if you can only do that once per day that gives you another 2.8 crystals
    Total for the week = 32 crystals
    The chance of getting the Rough Travel Guide Snippet is 30% - by my (admittedly very rough) calculations 17 crystals will statistically give you 5 snippets which you can convert into the venture - the chance of getting crystals is 15% therefore you should get an average of 2.5 crystals back - so lets call it 15 needed for the Venture map
    and yes I appreciate there is a random element before anyone starts ranting on that subject
    So again this comes down to CHOICE; if you want to use your crystals to get Ventures you can; and look at the rewards, industrial mines guaranteed, deposits, chance of a rare building which you can sell and some are worth a lot - Spooky Tree a case in point.
    Most of the quests you get from the Love Garden you will complete just by playing the game (deposit/adventure/treasure searches), the adventure ones are totally non-specific unlike the weekly quests where you have to do several of the same named adventure; so again it is your CHOICE how quickly you complete these quests.
    I wanted the Love Garden for the population buff which as I have commented on in another post has enabled me to free off a good few building spots on my island but I CHOSE to put 20 buildings round it instead of 15 so that I could trigger these quests because I decided the additional buffs were worth it.
    I will complete my current Love Garden quest (Hunt For Intel) when I CHOOSE to - it has been sitting in my quest log for a couple of days now; to be honest I will probably leave this till the weekend when I have the time to get the maximum benefit for me, namely activate my Scouting Post, run a good XP adventure I know I can easily complete in under 2 hours and then do the Venture.
    If a cancel button was made available for these quests it should have a significant cool-down, personally I do not see the need.

  3. #13
    Architect of the Empire
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    Nov 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Bobblyt View Post
    (Hunt For Intel) - Complete a venture:

    If a cancel button was made available for these quests it should have a significant cool-down, personally I do not see the need.
    Fine for you Bobblyt. I would not mind getting quests that requires me to do any ventures. I think I have them all in star. That is not my problem at all. My problem is that I am never going to get that far. If I had been aware of what would come I would not have places the garden in the first place. I have not completed any quest and I am not going to.
    For me it is not an option to have 20 population buildings around it. It would require too much moving a bout. I have a population of 42k, so I am not short of pop and dont need more. I could have read the fulll description on forum maybe, but I did not.
    I read on the garden that it would vitiate new content, but it did not say. "activate new content that will require you to reorganize your entire island" - had it said so I would not have this quest now I cant get rid of and 2 gardens in my star.
    If for some reason support feels the need to edit what I wrote, please delete entire post instead, dont put words into my mouth that I never said.

  4. #14
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Urd123 View Post
    now I cant get rid of and 2 gardens in my star.
    They are tradeable
    If they annoy you that much maybe sell them, or even just give them away I'm sure a low ranked player struggling for bread and with a bare island would be more than happy to help you

  5. #15
    Architect of the Empire
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    Nov 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by stonewaller View Post
    They are tradeable
    If they annoy you that much maybe sell them, or even just give them away I'm sure a low ranked player struggling for bread and with a bare island would be more than happy to help you
    If I do that I will have no option to get rid of the quest ever, so cant do that as long as I am stuck with the quest.
    If for some reason support feels the need to edit what I wrote, please delete entire post instead, dont put words into my mouth that I never said.

  6. #16
    Enlightened Sage
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    Quote Originally Posted by Urd123 View Post
    If I do that I will have no option to get rid of the quest ever, so cant do that as long as I am stuck with the quest.
    What did the quest required you to do? I can borrow you one garden to get rid of the wait 1 hour one and then you remove all gardens and complete the buff reward quest

  7. #17
    Architect of the Empire
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    Nov 2014
    I have problems even finding place for an Arabian Tower on my island,- so it is not any time soon I am going to do a needless moving about with buildings to get rid of the quest.
    If for some reason support feels the need to edit what I wrote, please delete entire post instead, dont put words into my mouth that I never said.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Feb 2019
    I am running up against the same issue. I have one to complete a Co-Op adventure. I am a solo player. I cannot really think of any time coming up where I will have the opportunity to complete a Co-Op mission with some random person.

    So I guess I just do not get to ever do Love Garden quests again.

  9. #19
    Ruler of the Land Thejollyone's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CharlezK View Post
    I am running up against the same issue. I have one to complete a Co-Op adventure. I am a solo player. I cannot really think of any time coming up where I will have the opportunity to complete a Co-Op mission with some random person.

    So I guess I just do not get to ever do Love Garden quests again.
    you kidding me right? The trade chat is FULL of co-op opportunities at this very minute during Easter...

    If you really are struggling, PM me as we are on the same server. I will join The Siege with you to help you get this quest done..
    Last edited by Thejollyone; 03.05.19 at 16:44.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Feb 2019
    "You are kidding me right? I have all of the time in the world to do this, so you should too!"

    Yeah. I have a job and a small child. I started this game because it was something that I could set aside at a moments notice and not worry about it until the next day. I am sure that the server is FULL of people who have loads of time to do these things. I do not. So sure, we can go ahead and team up on the Siege... but you have to be totally cool with me disappearing into a project half way through and not being back for a few days, at which time the adventure will have lapsed.

    These things just need a 1 week time out like the weekly quests do.

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