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Thread: [Investigation] Long loading times

  1. #211
    Erudite Pioneer
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    Started Twins 15 minutes ago, still hasn't appeared..

  2. #212
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Impossible to enter game. I think its time to say goodbye to settlers. Just not worth to wasting time. Cant believe that BB cant fix this.

  3. #213
    Ruler of the Land topgearfan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    They are trying to fix it its just veeeerryyy sloooww from our point of view.
    Was fighting windmills from Aug 2012 to Oct 2019.

  4. #214
    Skilled Student
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Sheffield, England
    I know very little about computer systems so here is my best shot.
    This had been happening since football event started and today I started trying to load at 12 noon and is now 3.20 and its just come up with connection to server lost/connection error so reloading again.
    I use google chrome
    Don't know what version but says up to date as does flash
    Use windows 10
    Internet provider Virgin
    don't understand connection used.....I can only say cables
    My husband has the same computer, same wifi and he gets on in approx 1/2 hr. (I'm using his at the moment)
    In all the years I have been playing I have never had this problem.

  5. #215
    Keen Commentor needtoplay's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Went onto Test Server this morning using Firefox Browser and the game was quick to load, not tried Chrome yet.
    Everything comes to those who wait.

  6. #216
    Keen Commentor
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Above the arctic circle
    Quote Originally Posted by topgearfan View Post
    They are trying to fix it its just veeeerryyy sloooww from our point of view.
    "From our point of view"???

    I haven't been able to get in since April 15th. Not being able to fix their own mess for over 2.5 months, that's not just slow in "our point of view". Something happened when they implemented the Easter event, which boke the game for a lot of players. Why are they not able to figure out what that was? I seriously think it's fair to question the abilities of their programmers.

    Btw, I see NOTHING suggesting they're even trying to fix this. They're posting "solutions" that doesn't work. I'm surprised they've stopped nagging about clearing cache, deleting folders, etc., because for years that's been their standards response to every single problem, while players are the ones suggesting actual solutions to problems, not BB.

  7. #217
    Glorious Graduate
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    1. Date and time - when exactly did the problem occur and how long did it take to load the game? TODAY
    2. Browser + Browser version number (Please always post the complete version number, not just "current")CHROME LATEST PLUS OPERA, FF,
    3. Flash version number (Please always post the complete version number, not just "current")LATEST
    4. Operating System WIN7
    5. Which internet provider (Telekom, Vodafone, 1 & 1, etc.) do you use? AUSTRALIA 2 DIFERENT PROVIDERS
    6. What type of Internet connection (cable, DSL, VDSL, leased line, fiber, UMTS, LTE, etc.) do you use? ADSL AND WI-FI
    7. What's the download/upload speed of that connection? 3mBPS
    8. Is clearing the Flash Player Cache of any help? NOT REALLY
    9. Does the problem also occur with other browsers? YES
    10. Was the game's tab the only tab that was opened in the browser?YES

    11. Was our guide of any help?NO


  8. #218
    Community Manager
    Forum Explorer BB_Torkav's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2019
    A new game version was implemented yesterday (02.07.2019) on the Test Server. Game files were optimized and reduced in size in order to improve loading. Another update with another filesize reduction will be implemented today (03.07.2019) at around 11:00 - 12:00 CEST.

    When today's update is over, please visit the Test Server and let us know if you see an improvement in regards to loading!

  9. #219
    Ruler of the Land topgearfan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Rafnir View Post
    "From our point of view"???

    I haven't been able to get in since April 15th. Not being able to fix their own mess for over 2.5 months, that's not just slow in "our point of view". Something happened when they implemented the Easter event, which boke the game for a lot of players. Why are they not able to figure out what that was? I seriously think it's fair to question the abilities of their programmers.

    Btw, I see NOTHING suggesting they're even trying to fix this. They're posting "solutions" that doesn't work. I'm surprised they've stopped nagging about clearing cache, deleting folders, etc., because for years that's been their standards response to every single problem, while players are the ones suggesting actual solutions to problems, not BB.
    Well since from their point of view its acceptable to not fix some bugs for over 6 years a few months is nothing.
    Was fighting windmills from Aug 2012 to Oct 2019.

  10. #220
    Dedicated Scribe
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    new sizes for me on tsotesting:
    with nothing cached ~50MB with biggest file being 5.7MB
    with cached files its less than 1MB, biggest file being 634KB

    so huge difference for file sizes, but the cached version still got to ~40% loaded and paused for a while (about 15 seconds) with no network activity.

    Looking good so far, just need the people with 1hour+ loading times to go and try tsotesting and then report back if there is an improvement.

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