1. Date and time - when exactly did the problem occur? since 9.00am today
2. Browser + Browser version number (Please always post the complete version number, not just "current") Edge ( developers version ) Version (Official build) dev (64-bit)
3. Flash version number (Please always post the complete version number, not just "current") 64 bit
4. Operating System windows 10 pro x64 --- Brand new clean install today
5. Which internet provider (Telekom, Vodafone, 1 & 1, etc.) do you use? BT
6. What type of Internet connection (cable, DSL, VDSL, leased line, fiber, UMTS, LTE, etc.) do you use? ADSL
7. What's the download/upload speed of that connection? 3meg down 1/2 meg up
8. Is clearing the Flash Player Cache of any help? no flash cache to clear , completely new install
9. Does the problem also occur with other browsers? Firefox
10. Was the game's tab the only tab that was opened in the browser? except for this to report the problem
15 minutes to finish downloading all files required , then every ten minutes after that the only network traffic is to Facebook ( all errors and warnings are facebook related , many stating incorrect function or calls being made )
request url : https://graph.facebook.com/v2.3/me/p...ss_http_code=1
response : {"data":[{"permission":"email","status":"granted"},{"permis sion":"public_profile","status":"granted"},{"permi ssion":"user_birthday","status":"declined"}]}
Finally connected to game @ 12.02