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Thread: A Retirement Home for Geriatrics

  1. #1

    A Retirement Home for Geriatrics

    How about an "Old Peoples Home" for all those generals, explorers and geologists who have past their prime? If you change your mind and want to re-use one or more, then the medic general could pop in with a potion and rejuvenate the required retiree.

    This would remove some of the clutter from the star menu, and save all the frustration of trying to sort through so many every day.

    I know theres a couple of other similar suggestions, the prison and the recycler, but I think a retirement home would be kinder... they wouldnt feel so unloved as if you threw them in the recycler

  2. #2
    Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    Have been suggested before, and we have the tavern that would serve the purpose just fine. Much more fun to get a brew at the tavern than being in a retirement home anyway.
    If for some reason support feels the need to edit what I wrote, please delete entire post instead, dont put words into my mouth that I never said.

  3. #3
    Architect of the Empire vigabrand's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    or even the barracks. that place where rl armies are based!
    ofc i talk to myself. Sometimes I need expert advice

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    Generals Base

    Hi All

    Generals are making my Island untidy and as i get more they are landing all over the place. I would like to suggest a Gem purchase of a Ship called "the Captains Quarters" where we can click on and find all our gens neatly contained and ready to be deployed from there. Let me know your thoughts


  5. #5
    Skilled Student xxGurentai's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Would be great, they have to sail to adv so make it a coastal building with some ships at the doorsteps

  6. #6
    Ruler of the Land
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Has been asked for very many times, doubtless this thread will be merged with the older ones. Has always been a good idea, but lack of response from BB would imply it's unlikely to happen.

    Last edited by MOD_Daz; 29.04.19 at 08:53.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    You Merged this with a title that does not explain the wishes or needs of server! please re think

    Daz there isn't even a link to the other chat that is note related geriatric /retired not in use generals is not the issue
    Last edited by JellyTott; 25.05.19 at 23:59. Reason: GM misunderstood problem

  8. #8
      Jolly Advisor
    Join Date
    Jan 2017
    maybe a new island the gens can go to when not on addy as they take up a lot of valuable building spots. Fine keeping them in the star menu till u want to use them. But then u have to wait for them to come out before loading them up. But that doesnt solve the prob of all the gens/geo's/explorers cluttering up the star menu.
    Could do with more tabs in the star menu so they can have their own tabs. IE 1 for gens 1 for explorers ect. will make it easier to find them and less clutter.

    With all the new gens and specialised we keep getting it getting harder and harder to find them.
    Ive got 30 gens, 19 explorers and 10 geos and more new ones getting added every event. plus lots of new events being added to the ones we normaly get with even more gens and geos in.

    Used to be 3 events a year 4 in footie years. now it seems were getting events every month or 2.
    Maybe instead of keep adding new events which always mess up the game with lots of bugs maybe start doing crisis events instead. After all they r already in the game but rarely done. only had 1 in the 2 years ive been playing.

    Please watch the language
    Last edited by MOD_Daz; 02.05.19 at 09:23.

  9. #9
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Feb 2018

    General scatter all over place after finish adventure.

    Every time finish my adventure, generals would scatter all over map upon return, It was frustrating to clean this mess just to group them together and also these general tents took my space for meaningful production buildings, if i retrench my troops, it would require time to rebuild tent when sending them for adventure.

    Why not re-utilize tavern into gathering all those general & marshal. When we need them, we just go to tavern and select them send to adventure.

    Also, the current tavern's feature was dull & no-function other than recruitment. Why not introduce several option into recruitment menu like major or veteran and change their price recruit-able with guild coins & gold coins. Not every player can afford to pay with gems.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2017
    they normally land on the edge of sector one if those places are taken up by buildings they will land anywhere they find space
    also been loads suggestions a generals house a geriatrics home over the years etc etc all to be places for generals to save them in and load them from there etc
    just click on them in the star menu and it takes you straight to them to find them easier if you dont keep sector 1 clear for them to land in

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