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Thread: [Feedback] Dev Notes: Improvements for Weekly Challenges

  1. #11
    Skilled Student
    Join Date
    Oct 2015
    Nice changes, better sell my besieged city addies fast

  2. #12
    Jolly Advisor Kriegor's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    The changes that give some reward for what can be done is a good idea.
    Picking unpopular, resource heavy or difficult to get adventures does not make it challenging or demanding. It makes it frustrating and annoying.
    Complete losing less than x troops, or in a certain time. Produce x in x hours , some examples of challenging / demanding.
    Please pick adventures that are actually available. Any of the ones currently returned by explorers would be suitable.

    I look forward to completing some weekly's

    have a great day
    Last edited by Kriegor; 05.04.19 at 15:38.

  3. #13
    nice changes

  4. #14
    Erudite Pioneer
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Personally, instead of naming a particular adventure, would be great if we could have just a category of adventure to do, like 3 missions of specific type (like arabian nights) and of specific difficulty (from 10 or 12 ...) if that was possible

  5. #15
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    I welcome this. So for I've only completed the challenge when it's Whirlwind (Level 58). I don't have enough grout for storm recovery. And haven't risked the Thief addies, yet
    But I agree the weekly challenges shouldn't be too easy

  6. #16
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    i like it, that you are willing to look at it, i like to do the weekly challenge but, i get stuck near the end, and then when i only have one task to go, all my work is for nothing, and all the recources are gone, that i had to pay. so rewarding each questline works for me! also doing three the same scenario's : boring!! storm recovery is not nice to do because grout is very hard to get.

  7. #17
    The weeklies are great stuff, but it was really a mess to do the whole week chain, specially with the same adventures/scenarios, which I found boring and unneeded. Not that important, that you INCREASE the amount of tokens, but rather would like to see to BALANCE the rewards and needs for the whole chain and in all levels (as someone already mentioned). To be short, my wishes/improvements are: BALANCE a bit, MIX the adventures and consider the levels (also shorten the level range of the same chains), REWARDING with a building or special, rare buff, and most important... make it INTERESTING! How to do, not my bussiness, but just do it. Take in consider the working shifts of many people and prolong (just a bit) the weekly delay if someone forgets to claim in time.
    M (FRE)

  8. #18
    Erudite Pioneer
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    my biggest gripe with the weekly challenges is the build x amount of elite troops (AM, MM etc), i refuse to do these with the donate x amount. I could understand if it was build x amount of soldiers, knights or even MS as these get used in adventures.

  9. #19
    Original Serf
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    New Zealand
    When the Weekly Quests were introduced, the concept, the challenge, the rewards were set just about right.
    These are Weekly Quests and are not meant to be completed in 3 days - where would the challenge be.
    Having to complete 3x of an Adventure doesn't mean you need to then do them one after the other but, and here is the BIG BUT, I totally agree with comments regarding "Storm Recovery".
    "Storm Recovery" requires far too much grout for most players to complete it hence why it is the least achieved/started by members in my Guild. Most members will do it once to tick off their Scenario Achievement Box then never do it again. Grout in large amounts is hard to buildup as well as always needed for Building upgrades.

    To complete 3x adventures in a week is ok but to have a small list to choose from would be the greatest improvement to the concept.

    Yes, some Resource Quests are high; if your Island is economy balanced to some degree for the level you are at, these can be achieved in 2-3 days.

    It is great that Tokens will be added to sub-quests so that all your work completing 3+ sub-quests is acknowledged if you stumble to finish the Adventure Main Quest.

  10. #20
    Skilled Student
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    You are so WRONG hipster.
    In most cases you have to spend 3-4 days in section 1 before you can even start the adventure stage.
    Would be better to be able to start / complete all sections together. instead of having to finish section 1 before starting section 2 etc, etc

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