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Thread: [Feedback] Dev Notes: Improvements for Weekly Challenges

  1. #21
    Ruler of the Land Thejollyone's Avatar
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    in absentia
    Quote Originally Posted by hiswitzend View Post
    my biggest gripe with the weekly challenges is the build x amount of elite troops (AM, MM etc), i refuse to do these with the donate x amount. I could understand if it was build x amount of soldiers, knights or even MS as these get used in adventures.
    building any amount of troops is a non-starter for me.

    My armies are mainly ready to go for any adventure, but I see no purpose in building a hundred extra besigers then "donating" double the amount for xp when I can get said xp on a few MCC advs without losing any beseigers (normally) and having to waste time rebuild them.

    By all means make us produce the weapons, but I refuse to kill armies without letting them lose fairly in a fight - am I not merciful?
    Last edited by Thejollyone; 05.04.19 at 16:42.

  2. #22
    Dedicated Scribe
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    Changes to weekly challenges are welcome but it depends what changes! By the sounds of it all you are doing is making hard to get adventures available in shop. That's terrible! Adding tokens to smaller sub quests is actually a good idea as long as its for every sub quest (i.e, producing troops for the 3 ships)

    The point of ppl's anger was that there is only 1 adv available from your so called LIST, having to dump extremely expensive troops like armoured, mounted marksmen & besiegers & having to pay double resources to what you are asked to produce! Balance all this & we getting somewhere but if all you gonna do is add adv to the merch for frags & give tokens for sub quests then I'd say don't bother!

  3. #23
    Original Serf
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    I love the ideas some of the other commenters have put forward about changing the types of adventures (especially to require a set amount of adventures of a certain type or a certain difficulty, rather than 3 x the same named adventure.

    Also agree with making them less linear - it would be good to be able to start the adventure task first if desired.

  4. #24
    Original Serf
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    Jan 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by thunderpants101 View Post
    On the Archaeological Excavation weekly challenge, the "Complete 3 scenarios “Storm Recovery”" is just silly as you need 3300 grout for this so compared to the cost of other adv's it's just not worth doing. I'd either reduce the grout cost in Storm or reduce the number of scenarios to do
    Totally agree. Wasting 3300 grout isn't a "challenge", it's just a waste. Storm Recovery is easy and absolutely no effort compared to the adventures needed for other weekly challenges it's just a waste (did I say that already . The idea behind all of these adventures/scenarios/challenges for me is to spend time/energy to improve my resources. Grout is way to valuable to throw away for the few tokens you get in return - maybe the increase will shift the balance - alternatively reduce the amount of grout - around 330 grout for a storm recovery and I might think about it.

  5. #25
      Jolly Advisor
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    it can take most of the time just to make the res needed as it is now. then u have to pay double what u make only to find what u make then pay is also neded for the addy so have to make even more.
    IE train elite troops pay them then have to do addy needing those elite troops. Usualy u have to pay the res needed to make the elite weapons as well leaving very little left to do the addy.

    It can take several weeks to make enough weapons to do 1 arabian nights addy let alone do 3 in 7 days which gets cut down to a day or 2 after the tike it takes to make the res needed before u even get the addy part of it.

    Higher lvls who have got the buildings upgraded enough to make weapons and train elites not to much of a prob but not all players have enough grout and granite to upgrade the buildings to make the weapons and troops fast enough. Ive got a lvl 6 elite barracks and a lvl 6 plat weaponsmith and it still takes me nearly a week to make enough to do the thiefs once let alone 3 times.

    Making some addy available for map frags wont solve the prob if u cant make the troops and res fast enough.

  6. #26
    Keen Commentor
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    Firstly thanks for taking the numerous comments posted on other threads into account when thinking about improvements to the Weekly challenges.

    On the changes to rewards - sounds great.

    On the changes to adventures - while making them available for map frags is definitely an improvement I still feel that having a choice of adventures would still be preferable (For example complete 3 adventures from the list - Wisdom, Knowledge)

    The building of troops just to give them away is somewhat frustrating, I'm not sure whats a better way of achieving this, maybe force an adventure that causes you to lose a lot of the troops you have built, at least you would get something for it rather than just giving them away.

    As to the resource requirements, using the various area buff buildings and other specialized buffs can make these relatively easy, assuming of course you haven't cut corners in building the various resource chains (but I would like something that chucks out shedloads of marble).

  7. #27
    I still would very much welcome a tick box to switch the weekly quests off.
    It would save me the irritation over the "you have failed..." messages every week. (I haven't failed the quest, I've not done it intentionally, which is something completely different)

    I won't play them as long I have to build and then ditch troops without having them used in adventures, and only for a few tokens I can't trade or can't pass on to guild members who do value them more than I do.

  8. #28
    Wordsmith Larili's Avatar
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    Really, you listened? I see nothing here but tinkering around the edges to do what should have been done before it was thrown upon us. Oh your going to make more of the adventures available in the merchant for map frags, this is addressing the real issue is it, the issues that you listened so carefully too?
    First you said they were voluntary, and the option to complete the challenge was up to the player, and they were not meant to be done every week..... yet who was it that put a big red quest failed persistent arrow constantly in the face of the player who chose not to do one? If it was so voluntary why , like the daily quest did it not sit quietly in the quest book till deleted or replaced with a new one? Do you think it is a good gaming policy to tell a player they have failed just because the content YOU thought was a good idea wasn't in keeping with their game? Do you think it encourages them to invest in a game that wants to put them down? Even when it was by choice they did not participate, being voluntary after all, why is that a fail?
    You were repeatedly told in the feedback thread of what players actually thought met with the description of `challenge', Doing multiple same adventures, building expensive troops to donate them does not come close to being in the description of challenge, except as a resource sink, and for what, more population? This is an economic balanced game, but it seems you have forgotten that. Any challenge will involve production and balancing of resources....which, with a little bit of thought by the devs, should then be useful to the the player within their game, not thrown away or wasted, what is the point of that, other than to get a few tokens to gain more population. ( personally I have over 500,000 bread settlers sitting in star, do you think what you are producing as a `challenge' is going to interest me at all for that reward? )
    Reward players for doing more of what they want to do rather than turn the game into a chore of doing things you want them to do and they don't because you are incapable of making genuine new content true to the Settlers genre!
    Are we to be told of adventure changes or not? 1 Month on and still SNEAKY RB changes have not been mentioned

  9. #29
    Skilled Student
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    what about a button "I don't want weekly challanges"

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Your concern related to the availability of adventures required for certain Weekly Challenges is definitely valid. To improve this aspect, we will add more adventures available for map fragments to the merchant.
    As pointed out repeated elsewhere on this thread, you are missing the main points of the feedback. It's not the availability of the adventures that's the problem, it's the complete lack of choice on which adventures to run.

    Several of the adventures in the weekly challenges are unpopular because the resources required are far greater than the rewards. Trying to add incentive to run these adventures by including them in weekly challenges misses the fundamental point that they are unbalanced. By adding them to weekly challenges, you've just dragged down the challenges to same level of unbalance..

    PLEASE - give us choices for challenge adventures!

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